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Last active January 20, 2020 23:00
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Comunity Impact

Comunity Impact

Hi, My Name is Cristian Moreno and I am Javascript developer at @Mattersupply, I organize the MedellinJS meetup the biggest JavaScript user group in Colombia and Avanet the oldest community in the city of Medellin, with more than 10 years. Here is my community impact in Web Technologies.

Community Organizer 👨🏼‍💻❤️👩🏻‍💻

1. MedellinJS (Organizer - Community Meetup)

Date: 11-2012 Since November of 2012, Julian Duque and many others started the Javascript Meetup and from the beginning, I was totally convinced about giving all to try to give a piece of my knowledge to the community! Javascript community held in Medellín with +5300 members and +100 Impact per meetup. So far we carried out +170 meetups: since 2012

Impact: +5300

2. Avanet (Organizer - Community Meetup)

Date: 06-2009 Description: It is a community of technology enthusiasts and knowledge sharing, doing this work for the last 10 years. Avanet, support other technical communities whenever possible, with resources for their activities or making available the foundation for the collection and management of monies, with benefits to their sponsors.

Also, we carry out free events and payments that promote the exchange of knowledge between participants and experts. We motivate the community to grow and be speakers who share their knowledge.

In partnership with companies and universities, we conduct different workshops with our volunteers in different technical and inspirational topics.

So far we carried out +430 event: since 2009

Impact: +10000

Event & Conference Organizer 💻🎟

1. Global Azure Bootcamp - Medellín, Colombia (Organizer, Speaker)


Description: Global Azure Bootcamp is a global event where Azure is talked about all over the world for a whole day. It is the largest community event about Microsoft Azure.

In April 2013, the first Global Azure Bootcamp was organized in more than 134 locations around the globe being in that same year when we organized in Medellin the first Azure Bootcamp in C Colombia where we gathered about 200 IT professionals together with the top experts of the Microsoft cloud country

Impact: +800

2. NET Conf CO - Medellín, Colombia (Organizer)


  • 11-2017
  • 11-2018

Description: NetConf is an event with the latest in Microsoft technologies and much more with the best experts. Experts from different parts approach the city of Medellín to give their talks and share knowledge with the community. With an average attendance of +300 people and more than 30 speakers per event, NET Conf CO is the most important event of Microsoft technologies in all of Colombia.

Impact: +600

3. PataCONF - Medellín, Colombia (Organizer)


  • 10-2016
  • 11-2017
  • 10-2018
  • 10-2019

Description: The largest and most important programming festival in Colombia, where all the technical communities of the country are welcome to give a talk. This event is held year after year within the framework of the JSConf Colombia having an attendance close to 150 people, being a free event and where the speakers are people from the same communities of the country, it has a high impact when it comes to disseminating a message.

Impact: +600

4. INSIDER DEV TOUR - Medellín, Colombia (Organizer, Speaker)

Description: The Insider Dev Tour is for developers interested in building Microsoft 365 experiences (Windows, Graph, Office, Teams), using the latest development technologies, as well as for those who want to take a look at the future. If you can read code, this event is for you, regardless of whether you are a beginner, an expert, a student, or an amateur developer.

Impact: +250

Speaker 👨🏼‍🏫🗣👨🏼‍💻

1. The JAMstack in 2019: Why (and How) to Get Started (Speaker - Javascript Week)

Date: 09-2019

Description: New to JAMstack? Everything You Need to Know to Get Started

Impact: +50

2. Workshop Gatsby.js (Speaker - MedellinJS Meetup)

Date: 10-2019

Description: Gatsby is a free and open source framework based on React that helps developers build blazing fast websites and apps.

Impact: +70

3. SSG: Desarrollo Moderno de Sitios Web 💚 💻 💜 (Speaker - MedellinJS Meetup)

Date: 08-2019

Description: Gatsby is a free and open-source framework based on React 💜 helps developers create incredibly fast websites and applications with an ecosystem of add-ons that makes it very easy to use.

Impact: +130

4. GraphQL Query Language (Speaker - Facebook Developer Circle)

Date: 08-2019

Description: GraphQL is gaining traction as one of the most popular ways to create an API. Regardless of which GraphQL implementation you pick, you’ll use the QL in GraphQL — the query language — to query data, change data with mutations, and listen for data changes with subscriptions. You need to know the Query Language regardless of the server-side implementation.

Impact: +100

5. Web: Developing with the new Edge Browser (Speaker - INSIDER DEV TOUR Conference)

Date: 05-2019

Description: Big changes are coming for Edge with its move to a Chromium-based browser engine. The New Edge will not only be available for all desktop users (including Windows 7 and macOS), but will also bring changes in the way we write apps for Windows. From Web Views, to Electron, to PWAs, the new Edge browser is something all devs should care about.

Impact: +200

6. React Native 101 (Speaker - MAKE IT REAL)

Date: 05-2019

Description: React Native's architecture has opened up many possibilities for re-inventing the clunkier aspects of UX construction on traditional platforms, making it easier and faster to build world-class experiences. This talk will explain its main features and how to start building a mobile application with React.

Impact: +40

7. Design Systems con ReactJS y Storybook (Speaker - Mattersupply)

Date: 05-2019

Description: A talk that teaches professional developers how to transform component libraries into design systems and set up the production infrastructure used by leading frontend teams.

Impact: +50

8. Introducing JAMstack (Speaker - Frontend United Colombia)

Date: 05-2019

Description: Look at today's static sites. Thanks to modern browsers, JavaScript, third-party APIs, and Markup, they're anything but static. It's time for a new and better way to talk to developers, clients and each other about the work that we do. That way is the JAM stack. The JAM stack is more than just a name change. It's an acknowledgment that the way we develop for the web is changing. Developers are moving away from legacy development workflows and databases to new ones built around Git and the API economy. Why? Because JAM stack development delivers better performance, higher security, lower cost of scaling and better developer experience.

Impact: +200

9. GraphQL Apollo-Client Workshop (Speaker - React Week)

Date: 03-2019

Description: GraphQL is a fan favorite for good reason. It lets a client make specific, complex, and/or aggregate queries for data, and it’s user-friendly to boot. If you’ve been meaning to learn GraphQL and start harnessing its powers, this is a great place to start. This course is for GraphQL newbies with a basic understanding of React. It focuses on the client-side implementation of GraphQL usage using the Apollo client. We’ll start with a guide on how to add the Apollo client to an existing project, then move on using the Query and Mutation components to fetch and manipulate data using a GraphQL API.

Impact: +90

10. Reduce Redux Boilerplate with Redux-Actions (Speaker - React Medellin Meetup)

Date: 02-2019

Description: Redux is a powerful way to manage application state, but that power can come with a lot of code. A single update can sometimes require changes across many files and the code required to define action creators and to handle those actions in your reducer can start to get pretty repetitive. The redux-actions library offers a small but powerful API to help cut down on some of the boilerplate that is typical of an application that uses Redux to handle state management.

Impact: +130

11. Flux & Redux (Speaker - MAKE IT REAL Bootcamp)

Date: 10-2018

Description: A short presentation about the history of Flux and Redux.

Impact: +30

12. Build a Server-rendered ReactJS Application with Next.js (Speaker - React Medellin Meetup)

Date: 09-2018

Description: In this talk we we’ll see just how quickly next.js makes the process of building server-rendered ReactJS applications. Along the way we’ll learn about many of the amazing features Next.js provides for us out of the box, such as route prefetching and code-splitting, thus allowing us to spend more time developing and virtually no time setting up our environment.

Impact: +90

13. Sequelize 101 (Speaker - Nodejs CO Meetup)

Date: 05-2018

Description: Node.js support for NoSQL databases is very complete, but it is necessary to support SQL databases. That is why in this talk we will know about Sequelize, an ORM framework of Node.js for databases such as MySQL, Postgre SQL, MariaDB, SQlite, being very easy and flexible to use when mapping your tables in Relational Object Models.

Impact: +60

14. Aplicaciones con NuxtJS (Speaker - Vue JS Medellin Meetup)

Date: 03-2018

Description: The Progressive Vue.js Framework. Build your next Vue.js application with confidence using NuxtJS. An open source framework making web development simple and powerful.

Impact: +50

15. Frontend Developer (Speaker - MAKE IT REAL)

Date: 02-2018

Description: The Web FrontEnd Developer discipline by introducing the various technologies that computer programmers use when creating web sites.

Impact: +20

16. Workshop NuxtJS (Speaker - JSConf Colombia Conference)

Date: 11-2017

Description: In this workshop you will learn the simplicity and power of Nuxt.JS by building an application that allows us to discover several of the concepts used in the Vue.js ecosystem

Impact: +70

17. NodeJS Scalfollding (Speaker - NodeJS CO Meetup)

Date: 09-2017

Description: Each application needs configuration settings and most programming languages / ecosystems have some support and default convention for it. Node.js does not have a standard way to manage these settings, but there are many options available. What I am going to show in this talk is how I do it in my projects. I wanted something that could be easy to use, easily readable, flexible, environment specific and with minimal package dependency.

Impact: +40

18. Arquitecturas de Microservicios (Speaker)

Date: 04-2017

Description: There is a growing interest in the industry for the development of microservice architectures, thanks to the many advantages they offer. However, this new paradigm implies a change of mentality when it comes to organizing our applications and entails more operations work, thus creating a greater barrier to entry against monolithic systems.

Impact: +50

19. Isomorphic Javascript: El Futuro de las aplicaciones web (Speaker - Global Azure Bootcamp)

Date: 06-2016

Description: Isomorphic JavaScript is a concept where backend and frontend share the same code, we will understand why these new libraries and frameworks are the solution to the problems associated with traditional javascript frameworks.

Impact: +120

20. noBackend con Node.JS en Azure App Services (Speaker - Global Azure Bootcamp)

Date: 04-2016

Description: Azure App Services is a cloud platform that serves to create strong web and mobile applications from which you can access data from anywhere, either in the cloud or from the local infrastructure.

Impact: +90

21. Depuración remota con VorlonJS (Speaker - MedellinJS Meetup)

Date: 10-2015

Description: VorlonJS is an agnostic tool to the execution platform that allows us to debug and test JavaScript remotely, which means that thanks to VorlonJS now we developers will be able to remotely load, inspect, test and debug JavaScript code that runs in Any device with a browser.

Impact: +90

Youtube Channel 📹👨🏼‍💻

  1. Reduciendo el boilerplate de Redux
  2. VSCode Tips: Identificar nuestro workspace por color
  3. CSS background-clip
  4. Create React App 2.0: Sass support
  5. Design Systems with React in Storybook
  6. React Native - Routing & navigation
  7. React Native - AsyncStorage
  8. React sin Create React App
  9. Sequelize 101
  10. Clone de Slack con ReactJS - P1
  11. Nuevas características de React 16

Podcaster - Commit.FM 🎙👨🏼‍💻🎚

  1. EP 00: Hello World - Reasons why anyone can benefit from learning to program.
  2. EP 01: Tu marca personal como desarrollador de software - Know and learn a little about how to build your Personal Brand as a software developer.
  3. EP 02: Recorriendo Angular - The main features that made Angular so popular.
  4. Coming soon 🚀

Blogger 📝💻👨🏼‍🏫

  1. Aplicación noBackend: Firebase
  2. Apache Cordova: ambiente de desarrollo para aplicaciones iOS
  3. VorlonJS: Depurador Remoto de JavaScript
  4. ¿Como es el ambiente de desarrollo de un FrontEnd Developer?
  5. JavaScript Use Strict
  6. ¿Conoces BEM? Mejora la estructura de tu CSS
  7. NodeSchool: Aprende por tu cuenta
  8. Uso de Go Version Manager (GVM)
  9. Estructurando la base de nuestro proyecto NodeJS
  10. Introducción a Apollo Client con React para GraphQL
  11. Sequelize 101
  12. vue-cli la forma más rápida de comenzar con Vue.JS
  13. Configuración de un entorno de desarrollo web | Mac OS X
  14. Vue-router
  15. Vuex: Administrador de estados para Vue
  16. Introducción a Redux. Parte 1
  17. Introducción a Redux. Parte 2
  18. Funciones sobre arreglos que debes conocer en Javascript
  19. Flux Standard Action (FSA)
  20. React Developer Roadmap
  21. Aprovecha las nuevas características de React 16 — Parte 1
  22. Aprovecha las nuevas características de React 16 — Parte 2
  23. ¿Qué es la inmutabilidad?
  24. ¿Qué es un “side effect”?
  25. Design Systems con ReactJS y Storybook
  26. Prevenir React setState en un Componente desmontado
  27. JAMstack. Y cómo los sitios web son cada vez más rápidos
  28. HEADLESS CMS — La mejor solución para el desarrollo con contenidos
  29. Configuración de ESLint usando la guía de estilo React/JSX de Airbnb

Gracias totales a:

Sorey Garcia @soreycargia Lead of Avanet Cristian Gomez @iyubinest Co-organizer of Medellin Android

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