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Created July 31, 2020 16:31
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  • Save khrm/9534e7685696674093b30deb98994b5b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save khrm/9534e7685696674093b30deb98994b5b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
log create-draft-triggers-release
2020-07-31 21:52:08 ⌚ localhost in ~/go/src/
± |master → origin {1} U:1 ?:1 ✗| → echo ${GIT_RESOURCE_NAME}
2020-07-31 21:52:11 ⌚ localhost in ~/go/src/
± |master → origin {1} U:1 ?:1 ✗| → echo ${VERSION_TAG}
2020-07-31 21:52:25 ⌚ localhost in ~/go/src/
± |master → origin {1} U:1 ?:1 ✗| → echo ${PREVIOUS_VERSION_TAG}
2020-07-31 21:52:57 ⌚ localhost in ~/go/src/
± |master → origin {1} U:1 ?:1 ✗| → tkn task start -i source=${GIT_RESOURCE_NAME} -p package=tektoncd/triggers -p release-tag=${VERSION_TAG} -p previous-release-tag=${PREV_VERSION_TAG} create-draft-triggers-release
Taskrun started: create-draft-triggers-release-run-l88pc
In order to track the taskrun progress run:
tkn taskrun logs create-draft-triggers-release-run-l88pc -f -n default
2020-07-31 21:53:58 ⌚ localhost in ~/go/src/
± |master → origin {1} U:1 ?:1 ✗| → tkn taskrun logs create-draft-triggers-release-run-l88pc -f -n default
[git-source-source-9sgbx] {"level":"info","ts":1596212655.9621572,"caller":"git/git.go:139","msg":"Successfully cloned @ 288a03f34e408d029ee2563f1cd980b2f99959a9 (grafted, HEAD) in path /workspace/source"}
[git-source-source-9sgbx] {"level":"info","ts":1596212656.0451944,"caller":"git/git.go:180","msg":"Successfully initialized and updated submodules in path /workspace/source"}
[header] ++ basename tektoncd/triggers
[header] + p=triggers
[header] + TEKTON_PROJECT=Triggers
[header] + cat
[header] + tee /tekton/home/
[header] Tekton Triggers v0.7.0
[header] -[Docs @ v0.7.0](
[header] -[Examples @ v0.7.0](
[body] + cat
[body] + tee -a /tekton/home/
[body] ## Changes
[body] ### Features
[body] * [Feature Title] :sparkles:
[body] [Detailed feature description] (#Number).
[body] [Fill list here]
[body] ### Deprecation Notices :rotating_light:
[body] * [Deprecation Notice Title]
[body] [Detailed deprecation notice description] (#Number).
[body] [Fill list here]
[body] ### Backwards incompatible changes :rotating_light:
[body] In current release:
[body] * [Change Title]
[body] [Detailed change description] (#Number).
[body] [Fill list here]
[body] ### Fixes :bug:
[body] * [Description (#Number)]
[body] [Fill list here]
[body] ### Misc :hammer:
[body] * [Description (#Number)]
[body] [Fill list here]
[body] ### Docs :book:
[body] * [Description (#Number)]
[body] [Fill list here]
[body] ## How to upgrade from :up_arrow:
[body] 1. [Describe required steps for user to upgrade to the latest version]
[filter-data] From
[filter-data] * [new branch] dibyom-patch-1 -> origin/dibyom-patch-1
[filter-data] * [new branch] dibyom-patch-2 -> origin/dibyom-patch-2
[filter-data] * [new branch] master -> origin/master
[filter-data] * [new branch] release-v0.2.x -> origin/release-v0.2.x
[filter-data] * [new branch] release-v0.6.x -> origin/release-v0.6.x
[filter-data] * [new branch] v0.1.0 -> origin/v0.1.0
[filter-data] * [new tag] v0.2.1 -> v0.2.1
[filter-data] * [new tag] v0.6.1 -> v0.6.1
[filter-data] * [new tag] v0.1.0 -> v0.1.0
[filter-data] * [new tag] v0.2.0 -> v0.2.0
[filter-data] * [new tag] v0.2.1-preview -> v0.2.1-preview
[filter-data] * [new tag] v0.3.0 -> v0.3.0
[filter-data] * [new tag] v0.3.1 -> v0.3.1
[filter-data] * [new tag] v0.4.0 -> v0.4.0
[filter-data] * [new tag] v0.4.0-rc1 -> v0.4.0-rc1
[filter-data] * [new tag] v0.5.0 -> v0.5.0
[filter-data] * [new tag] v0.6.0 -> v0.6.0
[filter-data] usage: git rev-list [OPTION] <commit-id>... [ -- paths... ]
[filter-data] limiting output:
[filter-data] --max-count=<n>
[filter-data] --max-age=<epoch>
[filter-data] --min-age=<epoch>
[filter-data] --sparse
[filter-data] --no-merges
[filter-data] --min-parents=<n>
[filter-data] --no-min-parents
[filter-data] --max-parents=<n>
[filter-data] --no-max-parents
[filter-data] --remove-empty
[filter-data] --all
[filter-data] --branches
[filter-data] --tags
[filter-data] --remotes
[filter-data] --stdin
[filter-data] --quiet
[filter-data] ordering output:
[filter-data] --topo-order
[filter-data] --date-order
[filter-data] --reverse
[filter-data] formatting output:
[filter-data] --parents
[filter-data] --children
[filter-data] --objects | --objects-edge
[filter-data] --unpacked
[filter-data] --header | --pretty
[filter-data] --[no-]object-names
[filter-data] --abbrev=<n> | --no-abbrev
[filter-data] --abbrev-commit
[filter-data] --left-right
[filter-data] --count
[filter-data] special purpose:
[filter-data] --bisect
[filter-data] --bisect-vars
[filter-data] --bisect-all
[filter-data] LOWER_THRESHOLD: 0
[filter-data] UPPER_THRESHOLD: 384
[filter-data] 349 PRs in the new release.
[filter-data] bobcatfish;#1;Add initial list of owners for event triggering ⚡
[filter-data] bobcatfish;#2;Add initial docs 📝
[filter-data] vdemeester;#16;Initial setup for prow CI using tektoncd/plumbing
[filter-data] vtereso;#20;Specify the purpose of the triggers repo in README
[filter-data] bobcatfish;#22;Add some more sections and details to our docs 📝
[filter-data] iancoffey;#17;Create new types and add initial generated code
[filter-data] ncskier;#23;Add config yaml files
[filter-data] ncskier;#27;Add codegen for trigger_template_types
[filter-data] ncskier;#18;Create a skeleton controller
[filter-data] vincent-pli;#21;init-webhook
[filter-data] vtereso;#24;Adding type docs
[filter-data] ncskier;#30;Remove outdated warning notes in the DEVELOPMENT doc
[filter-data] ncskier;#29;Append "triggers" to config-observability name
[filter-data] ncskier;#31;Remove unnecessary linter file exclusion
[filter-data] vtereso;#41;Link README to the documentation
[filter-data] vtereso;#34;Handle arbitrary payloads
[filter-data] ncskier;#43;EventListener creates/deletes dummy Deployment + Service
[filter-data] ncskier;#40;Catch tabs vs spaces with gofmt presubmit linting
[filter-data] vtereso;#51;Implement TriggerResourceTemplate Spec as []byte blob
[filter-data] vincent-pli;#58;Correct the format of variable interpolation from ${} to $()
[filter-data] vincent-pli;#59;The knative/pkg import path changed to ""
[filter-data] ncskier;#53;EventListener e2e test
[filter-data] vtereso;#60;Update EventListener deployment. Set up EventListener pod trigger cli…
[filter-data] vtereso;#61;Use examples as part of documentation. Add utility/test to keep docs …
[filter-data] EliZucker;#66;Revert "Use examples as part of documentation. Add utility/test to keep docs …"
[filter-data] vtereso;#67;Add examples/tests. Use examples as part of documentation. Add utilit…
[filter-data] ncskier;#65;Create tests for EventListener Reconciler
[filter-data] bobcatfish;#72;Remove duplicate example
[filter-data] vtereso;#63;Issue55 reusable bindings
[filter-data] ncskier;#74;Create resource(s) from an event
[filter-data] akihikokuroda;#82;Adding create-webhook tekton task
[filter-data] ncskier;#93;Add deployments/finalizers to ClusterRole
[filter-data] vtereso;#85;Handle Referenced Resource Naming within TriggerTemplates
[filter-data] ncskier;#98;Add eventlisteners/finalizers to ClusterRole
[filter-data] vtereso;#52;Issue38 test builders
[filter-data] akihikokuroda;#94;Tests for create-webhook task
[filter-data] dibyom;#104;Ignore spec.clusterIP when reconciling Service
[filter-data] vincent-pli;#90;Recover deployment and SVC if deleted by accident
[filter-data] vtereso;#102;Default namespace for resource templates if not provided
[filter-data] vdemeester;#106;Add dibyom and EliZucker as owners 👨
[filter-data] dibyom;#105;Restrict TriggerResourceTemplates to only Tekton Types
[filter-data] khrm;#108;Aggregate trigger roles to built-in clusterroles
[filter-data] a-roberts;#113;Add worked example documentation
[filter-data] khrm;#89;Enable TriggerBindings to validate requests
[filter-data] ncskier;#118;Move validate from example to
[filter-data] akihikokuroda;#119;fix validation task error
[filter-data] akihikokuroda;#99;Set github webhook secret
[filter-data] dibyom;#116;Use clusterIP as the default service type
[filter-data] khrm;#121;Add Test to check that payload is sent to the kubernetes api
[filter-data] vincent-pli;#96;Add label for resources create by EventListener
[filter-data] dibyom;#122;Adds release tasks and pipeline for triggers
[filter-data] ncskier;#123;Move params into EventListener
[filter-data] ncskier;#127;Pass params directly from EventListener to TriggerTemplate
[filter-data] dibyom;#130;Update Trigger deployments to use apps/v1 API version
[filter-data] khrm;#128;Add TriggerValidate from Event Listener to test builder
[filter-data] khrm;#131;Add Validation for trigger source to Example
[filter-data] khrm;#134;Add name to EventlistenerSpec Trigger
[filter-data] vtereso;#70;Add EventListenerStatus: conditions for deployment/service readiness …
[filter-data] akihikokuroda;#133;Add triggers-eventid label for all resources created for each event
[filter-data] vtereso;#139;Move Sink Port to 8080 to support Knative
[filter-data] dibyom;#138;Make EventListener an Addressable
[filter-data] bobcatfish;#129;Owners
[filter-data] vtereso;#100;Update WebhookTask
[filter-data] vtereso;#141;Update TriggerTemplate documentation to specify restriction to create…
[filter-data] vtereso;#147;Add unique label for the generated service and deployment
[filter-data] vtereso;#148;Update the create-ingress task
[filter-data] dibyom;#140;Event Interceptors for pre processing Events
[filter-data] vtereso;#151; Update EventListener generated resource names
[filter-data] dibyom;#150;Remove task based validation
[filter-data] dibyom;#154;Fix release task by copying input bucket contents
[filter-data] shuheiktgw;#156;Fix typo in eventlistener.go
[filter-data] ncskier;#157;Access headers within TriggerBinding
[filter-data] iancoffey;#135;Getting started guide
[filter-data] wlynch;#162;Add simple cron trigger example.
[filter-data] vtereso;#163;Add interceptor headers to optionally pass trigger specific information
[filter-data] ncskier;#168;Fix EventListener prefix to be "-" instead of "--"
[filter-data] ncskier;#171;Update README to remove WIP warning
[filter-data] ncskier;#172;Fix interceptor headers to be a deepcopy
[filter-data] wlynch;#166;Make TriggerBinding optional in EventListener.
[filter-data] eonpatapon;#167;Ignore EventListener service NodePort on reconcile
[filter-data] wlynch;#173;Fix linting and formatting errors.
[filter-data] vtereso;#160;Validate EventListener references
[filter-data] dibyom;#152;Document exposing EL with nginx ingress
[filter-data] eonpatapon;#175;Introduce EventListener.Spec.ServiceType
[filter-data] dibyom;#177;Fix release task with pipeline 0.7 syntax
[filter-data] nvoskuilen;#282;Fix serviceAccountName in triggers.yaml
[filter-data] vdemeester;#182;Fixing getting-started (?)
[filter-data] vtereso;#179;Update documentation:
[filter-data] dibyom;#181;Add docs for installing Tekton Triggers
[filter-data] afrittoli;#183;Support more JSON array query syntax for the body
[filter-data] wlynch;#190;Update cron example with new EventListener prefix.
[filter-data] akihikokuroda;#197;add log entry for each generated resource
[filter-data] akihikokuroda;#198;Eventlistener response code change
[filter-data] wlynch;#191;Allow multiple bindings in triggers.
[filter-data] dibyom;#206;Fix code block formatting
[filter-data] akihikokuroda;#204;add logging library to EventListener
[filter-data] Fabian-K;#193;Update EventListener Addressable to include port
[filter-data] dibyom;#208;Set a timeout for requests to interceptor services
[filter-data] ncskier;#210;Fix 'binding' to 'bindings'
[filter-data] bobcatfish;#214;Add impossible to see missing "h"
[filter-data] bobcatfish;#215;Add configmap permissions to getting started RBAC
[filter-data] dibyom;#211;Rename sink.Resource to sink.Sink
[filter-data] dibyom;#212;Remove Params from EventListener
[filter-data] dibyom;#219;Add links to versioned docs in
[filter-data] vtereso;#220;Update GitHub webhook task webhookevents param
[filter-data] dlorenc;#216;Core interceptor refactor.
[filter-data] vdemeester;#223;Bump plumbing to latest changes 🔗
[filter-data] wlynch;#213;Automatically label generated resources with trigger name.
[filter-data] zhangtbj;#224;Add kube client oidc authentication support for testing
[filter-data] dlorenc;#221;Add an initial Github interceptor.
[filter-data] dibyom;#225;Simplify merging params in Bindings
[filter-data] dlorenc;#227;Add a Gitlab interceptor to handle validation of Gitlab webhooks.
[filter-data] wlynch;#226;Refactor template resolution into separate binding and template funcs.
[filter-data] ImJasonH;#232;Avoid using gjson to parse a json.RawMessage
[filter-data] dlorenc;#228;Add support for Github event type filtering to the Github validator.
[filter-data] vdemeester;#236;Add labels to controller and webhook 🏷
[filter-data] dlorenc;#235;Add event type filtering to the gitlab interceptor.
[filter-data] dibyom;#240;Remove bodyPathDigger test
[filter-data] castlemilk;#245;update label on event-display Pod
[filter-data] wlynch;#246;Fix release pipeline.
[filter-data] vdemeester;#251;Add more linters 🤾
[filter-data] dibyom;#242;Migrate EventListeners with binding to bindings
[filter-data] bigkevmcd;#250;Delete config maps
[filter-data] dibyom;#256;Fix e2e ingress test sleep wait behavior
[filter-data] wlynch;#238;Use dynamic client for resource creation.
[filter-data] dibyom;#241;JSONPath Support for TriggerBindings
[filter-data] wlynch;#264;Fix golint error strings.
[filter-data] ncskier;#266;Fix v0.1.0 release link in main README
[filter-data] vdemeester;#259;Bump tektoncd/pipeline dependency & co
[filter-data] dibyom;#268;Fetch resource metadata from unstructured
[filter-data] wlynch;#267;Remove namespace config.
[filter-data] dibyom;#275;Temporarily disable markdown link check
[filter-data] dibyom;#263;Stop validating binding/template in Triggers
[filter-data] bobcatfish;#274;Refactor functions to not be members of Sink 🚰
[filter-data] soulseen;#273;fix typo
[filter-data] dibyom;#277;Fix incorrect URLs
[filter-data] nvoskuilen;#278;Fix serviceAccountName in triggers.yaml
[filter-data] piyush-garg;#284;Add triggerbinding and triggertemplate to test controller
[filter-data] mattmoor;#286;Fix spelling errors
[filter-data] dibyom;#261;Change sink response to return JSON
[filter-data] dibyom;#280;Set labels directly on Unstructured
[filter-data] bobcatfish;#279;Preserve escaped characters when parsing json path 🦟
[filter-data] ImJasonH;#292;Correctly capitalize GitLab (not "Gitlab")
[filter-data] ImJasonH;#291;Correctly capitalize "GitHub" (not "Github")
[filter-data] CarolynMabbott;#297;Fix example README - Change listener to el-listener
[filter-data] CarolynMabbott;#294;Fix ingress-run, change serviceAccount to serviceAccountName
[filter-data] wlynch;#303;Fix codeblock types in examples/
[filter-data] cccfeng;#305;Fix different uid generated in one triggerTemplate
[filter-data] ncskier;#288;Validate ResourceTemplate params are declared
[filter-data] ncskier;#315;Fix AddLabels panic nil map bug
[filter-data] cccfeng;#317;Align spaces in readme
[filter-data] cccfeng;#319;Define ElPort to config port of eventListener, keep default value to 8080
[filter-data] bigkevmcd;#285;Cel interceptor
[filter-data] ncskier;#316;Update documentation to embed PipeineResources
[filter-data] wlynch;#272;Add support for multiple interceptors.
[filter-data] dibyom;#321;Split Test_NewResources into smaller tests
[filter-data] wlynch;#326;Use RoundTripper-like interface for interceptors.
[filter-data] bigkevmcd;#331;Drop unused KubeClientSet from the CEL interceptor.
[filter-data] wlynch;#335;Regression: Add back interceptor errors for non-OK status codes.
[filter-data] wlynch;#337;Remove import of
[filter-data] iamejboy;#327;Update service ports name following istio-naming convention - https:/…
[filter-data] ston1th;#340;Fix eventlistener documentation
[filter-data] wlynch;#334;Daisy-chain interceptor requests.
[filter-data] chmouel;#345;Use serviceAccountName in getting started webhook-run example
[filter-data] dibyom;#343;Return valid arrays for multiple JSONPath results
[filter-data] dibyom;#348;Add @wlynch as an OWNER ⚡
[filter-data] dibyom;#342;Fix incorrect triggerBindinging example
[filter-data] dibyom;#344;Format markdown and update update-docs script
[filter-data] khrm;#352;Document exposing EL with openshift route
[filter-data] mattmoor;#354;Format markdown
[filter-data] mattmoor;#364;Format markdown
[filter-data] dibyom;#357;fix panic in github interceptor
[filter-data] chmouel;#374;Fix cel interceptors documentation example
[filter-data] afrittoli;#377;Add docs and examples links for v0.2.0
[filter-data] dibyom;#376;Allow brackets inside Tekton expressions
[filter-data] dibyom;#369;fix sink crashloop when upgrading from 0.1 to 0.2
[filter-data] ncskier;#383;Validate EventListener trigger name as label value
[filter-data] ncskier;#388;Fix bug running multiple triggers
[filter-data] dibyom;#384;Fix a few docs issues
[filter-data] dibyom;#399;Fix interceptors receiving incorrect headers
[filter-data] dibyom;#400;[cherry-pick #394]: Remove debug print statement in sink_test.go
[filter-data] ncskier;#389;Cleanup comments in sink_test.go
[filter-data] ncskier;#393;Fix interceptors receiving incorrect headers
[filter-data] ncskier;#397;Remove debug print statement in sink_test.go
[filter-data] vdemeester;#381;Add .gitattributes information on generated files 🍥
[filter-data] vdemeester;#360;Use `tekton` instead of all as categories 🎿
[filter-data] piyush-garg;#398;Fix lint issue
[filter-data] mattmoor;#395;Format markdown
[filter-data] piyush-garg;#401;Fix e2e tests
[filter-data] piyush-garg;#396;Bump tektoncd-pipeline to 0.10.1
[filter-data] dibyom;#402;Replace doc links to v0.2.0 with links to v0.2.1
[filter-data] bigkevmcd;#329;Add support for adding additional fields to the body.
[filter-data] ncskier;#407;Update CEL docs
[filter-data] piyush-garg;#358;Add support for ClusterTriggerBinding
[filter-data] mattmoor;#414;Format markdown
[filter-data] bitsofinfo;#416;cel langdef doc links
[filter-data] bigkevmcd;#411;Add support for splitting strings to CEL expressions.
[filter-data] piyush-garg;#420;Delete clusterscoped resource in teardown
[filter-data] dibyom;#417;Fix yaml formatting
[filter-data] bigkevmcd;#410;Add CEL function canonical.
[filter-data] mattmoor;#423;Format markdown
[filter-data] piyush-garg;#424;Remove deprecated binding
[filter-data] piyush-garg;#425;Remove deprecated Interceptor
[filter-data] khrm;#429;Move GH-Validate Interceptor code to example
[filter-data] chmouel;#433;Increase waiting timeout
[filter-data] mattmoor;#430;Format markdown
[filter-data] chmouel;#431;Allow keeping namespaces after running tests for investigation
[filter-data] gabemontero;#422;Use k8s types and validation code with the TriggerResourceTemplate type
[filter-data] khrm;#428;Add Version Label to Triggers Deployment & Service
[filter-data] bigkevmcd;#404;Add decodeb64 function to CEL expressions.
[filter-data] afrittoli;#421;Fixes for the nightly release process
[filter-data] mattmoor;#443;Format markdown
[filter-data] gabemontero;#435;validate ObjectMetadata for TriggerTemplate
[filter-data] ncskier;#445;Add our go report card to the README
[filter-data] khrm;#432;Add Liveness Probe for EventListener Deployment
[filter-data] dibyom;#426;Update EventListener docs format
[filter-data] dibyom;#444;Remove deprecated Params field from EventListener
[filter-data] bigkevmcd;#446;Fix typo cel interceptor example.
[filter-data] mattmoor;#448;Format markdown
[filter-data] ncskier;#449;Add Regression test for large number of Triggers
[filter-data] dibyom;#451;Fix broken symbolic links in cron example
[filter-data] dibyom;#434;Replace gitlab-eventlistener with a working example
[filter-data] dcherman;#452;correct a misspelling
[filter-data] dibyom;#453;Update gcloud command to use dogfooding cluster
[filter-data] wlynch;#438;Ensure Interceptor request uses HTTP POST.
[filter-data] ncskier;#455;Add links to v0.3.0 in README
[filter-data] bobcatfish;#457;Add tekton triggers logo 🐈⚽
[filter-data] akihikokuroda;#460;header key, case-insensitive match
[filter-data] dibyom;#461;Resolve TriggerBindings with no Kind set in sink
[filter-data] ncskier;#464;Add links to v0.3.1 in README
[filter-data] dibyom;#413;Clean up sink_test.go
[filter-data] mattmoor;#465;Format markdown
[filter-data] ncskier;#466;Update release README
[filter-data] mattmoor;#468;Format markdown
[filter-data] loafyloaf;#471;fix instructions in README
[filter-data] bigkevmcd;#470;Support JSON double values being reencoded in the CEL interceptor
[filter-data] mattmoor;#474;Format markdown
[filter-data] dibyom;#469;Update pipeline version to 0.11-rc1
[filter-data] ncskier;#477;Fix inaccurate docs about TriggerTemplate
[filter-data] dibyom;#489;Stop marking dynamic client as generated code
[filter-data] bigkevmcd;#475;Add additional documentation.
[filter-data] mattmoor;#488;[master] Format markdown
[filter-data] mattmoor;#493;[master] Format markdown
[filter-data] dibyom;#490;Allow creating v1beta1 resources
[filter-data] akihikokuroda;#502;Change api version
[filter-data] skaegi;#500;Adds "commented" website front matter to docs
[filter-data] dibyom;#497;Switch API group for triggers to
[filter-data] bobcatfish;#498;Add 2020 roadmap 🛣️
[filter-data] dibyom;#503;Cleanup cluster resources when test fails
[filter-data] bigkevmcd;#492;Implement constant-time secret comparisons in CEL.
[filter-data] gabemontero;#454;introduce authentication/authorization at the EventListenerTrigger le…
[filter-data] mattmoor;#511;[master] Fix spelling errors
[filter-data] dibyom;#513;Use static selector labels for EL svc/deployments
[filter-data] devholic;#512;Bump pipeline version to 0.11.0
[filter-data] chetan-rns;#507;Add omitempty tag to Status field
[filter-data] savitaashture;#515;Remove unused variable
[filter-data] ncskier;#519;Update docs to specify k8s version 1.15 or greater
[filter-data] dibyom;#520;Fix incorrect split example
[filter-data] dibyom;#522;Add a `releaseAsLatest` param to release pipeline
[filter-data] dibyom;#524;Fix param description
[filter-data] gabemontero;#521;add valid sa to trigger level auth test
[filter-data] dibyom;#528;Add links to docs & examples for v0.4.0 in README
[filter-data] bigkevmcd;#530;Fix automatic deletion of Tekton logging ConfigMap.
[filter-data] tragiclifestories;#514;Fix broken anchor link in EventListener docs
[filter-data] khrm;#536;Update API Group in Clusterrole Aggregate
[filter-data] savitaashture;#535;Fix image path in github validate yaml
[filter-data] AlanGreene;#540;Fix markdown formatting for install docs on website
[filter-data] khrm;#542;Fix CEL Example for secret comparison
[filter-data] dibyom;#547;Add a ServiceAccount to EventListenerScaleTest
[filter-data] afrittoli;#467;Add Readiness Probe for EventListener Deployment
[filter-data] dibyom;#531;Adds an example of escaping keys with dots
[filter-data] bigkevmcd;#537;Implement parseJSON for strings.
[filter-data] vdemeester;#550;Add version labels on CRDs 🏷
[filter-data] prachirp;#551;Format logs command
[filter-data] pgrimaud;#552;Fix typos
[filter-data] vdemeester;#553;Use the same generate scripts as pipeline ⚙
[filter-data] vdemeester;#554;Switch to go modules
[filter-data] eddycharly;#555;Make webhook secret name overridable
[filter-data] dibyom;#559;Fix license file locations for ko
[filter-data] dibyom;#532;Add String only Params for Triggers
[filter-data] savitaashture;#560;Add missing license to the code and config
[filter-data] eddycharly;#556;Add recommended k8s labels
[filter-data] vdemeester;#562;Bump plumbing to recent master 👼
[filter-data] bigkevmcd;#558;Upgrade to cel-go 0.4.2 and import the Strings extension library.
[filter-data] afrittoli;#566;Switch to ko-gcloud for release
[filter-data] alexashley;#569;Fix typo in EventListeners doc
[filter-data] khrm;#548;Add Support for Embedding TriggerBindingSpec in EL
[filter-data] AlanGreene;#580;Fix 'Edit this page' and 'Create an issue' links on the website
[filter-data] savitaashture;#576;Refactored examples and added github example with README
[filter-data] AlanGreene;#582;Fix link to getting started guide on website
[filter-data] bobcatfish;#588;Remove linting from release pipeline 🧹
[filter-data] khrm;#587;Fix release version tag for release yaml
[filter-data] bigkevmcd;#591;Add URL parsing to CEL expressions.
[filter-data] avinashsingh6;#593;Update
[filter-data] savitaashture;#578;Add BitBucket Interceptor with examples and README
[filter-data] dibyom;#598;Publish both tagged and untagged images for releases
[filter-data] NavidZ;#600;Fix GCP setup broken link in dev docs
[filter-data] wlynch;#601;Update TriggerTemplate docs with supported types.
[filter-data] tragiclifestories;#595;Cache trigger secrets for the duration of request (with tests)
[filter-data] bigkevmcd;#609;Ensure that decodeB64 returns a String rather than Bytes.
[filter-data] dibyom;#602;Move multi tenant section below syntax
[filter-data] NavidZ;#599;Use portforwarder instead of kubectl command line
[filter-data] tragiclifestories;#603;Do not default EventListener trigger ref to name
[filter-data] dibyom;#614;Add extra columns for EventListeners
[filter-data] dibyom;#620;fix gosec error
[filter-data] GwonsooLee;#597;add tolerations to eventlistener
[filter-data] khrm;#623;Fix formatting of version in config
[filter-data] savitaashture;#596;Modify BitBucketInterceptor to BitbucketInterceptor
[filter-data] khrm;#631;Fix the Data Race in portforward e2e test of EventListener
[filter-data] savitaashture;#589;Modify spec params to avoid confusion between resourcetemplates and triggertemplate params
[filter-data] wlynch;#324;Tool for evaluating trigger bindings.
[filter-data] savitaashture;#634;Add missing license information
[filter-data] dibyom;#633;Fix publish-tekton-triggers task
[filter-data] dibyom;#665;[Cherry-pick] Port CEL fixes for release v0.6.1
[filter-data] ljupchokotev;#637;Add cel filter for pull request actions in github example
[filter-data] chetan-rns;#636;Add CEL function to parse YAML
[filter-data] savitaashture;#645;Update docs and examples to use ref instead of name for bindings
[filter-data] bigkevmcd;#647;Expose the incoming request URL to CEL expressions.
[filter-data] bigkevmcd;#646;Improve the error from the context evaluation.
[filter-data] dibyom;#648;Add links to docs for v0.6.0
[filter-data] dorismeixing;#628;Add a new CRD type called Trigger
[filter-data] dibyom;#642;Fix getting-started triggers
[filter-data] du2016;#659;change token to secret
[filter-data] bigkevmcd;#652;Fix issue with list results.
[filter-data] savitaashture;#655;Fix License copyright year
[filter-data] bigkevmcd;#658;Fix the declarations for compareSecret.
[filter-data] savitaashture;#663;Use sets.NewString instead of map[string]struct{}
[filter-data] khrm;#664;Add EventListener Response in the Doc
[filter-data] bigkevmcd;#666;Ensure that the JSON matches.
[filter-data] bigkevmcd;#657;Pass url through
[filter-data] dibyom;#661;Update to pipeline v0.13.2, knative 0.15
[filter-data] bigkevmcd;#668;Support for marshaling other types.
[filter-data] dorismeixing;#662;Add CLI for manual trigger runs (Parse yaml file and read HTTP)
[filter-data] vdemeester;#674;dep: update to v0.3.3
[filter-data] dibyom;#671;Add links to versioned docs for v0.6.1
[filter-data] dibyom;#670;Replace old Release docs in favor of a cheat sheet
[filter-data] GwonsooLee;#625;add nodeSelector and replicas to eventlistener
[filter-data] dibyom;#672;Switch to nonroot images for Triggers
[filter-data] savitaashture;#677;Remove unused Ref from EventListenerTrigger
[filter-data] bigkevmcd;#669;Provide the incoming EventListener URL to the Webhook Interceptor.
[filter-data] wlynch;#676;Add ToEventListenerTrigger conversion func.
[filter-data] khrm;#683;Fix Spelling Mistake in TestCase
[filter-data] dlorenc;#684;Update tektoncd/pipeline to v0.14.2.
[filter-data] hnts;#688;Fix typo in of getting started
[filter-data] bigkevmcd;#689;Prevent double-logging of interceptor errors.
[filter-data] dibyom;#685;Fix install links for nginx ingress for GKE
[filter-data] dorismeixing;#686;Add processTriggerSpec func to wire it to Trigger, and the corresponding unit test
[filter-data] savitaashture;#691;Fix triggertemplate validation to validate missing spec field
[filter-data] savitaashture;#690;Remove deprecated $(params) to avoid confusion between resourcetemplates and triggertemplate params
[authors] + cat
[authors] + tee -a /tekton/home/
[authors] ## Thanks
[authors] Thanks to these contributors who contributed to v0.7.0!
[authors] + awk '-F;' '{ print "- :heart: @"$1 }' /tekton/home/pr.csv
[authors] + sort -u
[authors] + tee -a /tekton/home/
[authors] - :heart: @AlanGreene
[authors] - :heart: @CarolynMabbott
[authors] - :heart: @EliZucker
[authors] - :heart: @Fabian-K
[authors] - :heart: @GwonsooLee
[authors] - :heart: @ImJasonH
[authors] - :heart: @NavidZ
[authors] - :heart: @a-roberts
[authors] - :heart: @afrittoli
[authors] - :heart: @akihikokuroda
[authors] - :heart: @alexashley
[authors] - :heart: @avinashsingh6
[authors] - :heart: @bigkevmcd
[authors] - :heart: @bitsofinfo
[authors] - :heart: @bobcatfish
[authors] - :heart: @castlemilk
[authors] - :heart: @cccfeng
[authors] - :heart: @chetan-rns
[authors] - :heart: @chmouel
[authors] - :heart: @dcherman
[authors] - :heart: @devholic
[authors] - :heart: @dibyom
[authors] - :heart: @dlorenc
[authors] - :heart: @dorismeixing
[authors] - :heart: @du2016
[authors] - :heart: @eddycharly
[authors] - :heart: @eonpatapon
[authors] - :heart: @gabemontero
[authors] - :heart: @hnts
[authors] - :heart: @iamejboy
[authors] - :heart: @iancoffey
[authors] - :heart: @khrm
[authors] - :heart: @ljupchokotev
[authors] - :heart: @loafyloaf
[authors] - :heart: @mattmoor
[authors] - :heart: @ncskier
[authors] - :heart: @nvoskuilen
[authors] - :heart: @pgrimaud
[authors] - :heart: @piyush-garg
[authors] - :heart: @prachirp
[authors] - :heart: @savitaashture
[authors] - :heart: @shuheiktgw
[authors] - :heart: @skaegi
[authors] - :heart: @soulseen
[authors] - :heart: @ston1th
[authors] - :heart: @tragiclifestories
[authors] - :heart: @vdemeester
[authors] - :heart: @vincent-pli
[authors] - :heart: @vtereso
[authors] - :heart: @wlynch
[authors] - :heart: @zhangtbj
[authors] + tee -a /tekton/home/
[authors] + cat
[authors] Extra shout-out for awesome release notes:
[authors] * :heart_eyes: [@GitHub Nickname] [Fill list here]
[pr-data] + cat
[pr-data] + tee -a /tekton/home/
[pr-data] ## Unsorted PR List
[pr-data] # List of PRs merged between and v0.7.0
[pr-data] To Be Done: Categorize these PRs into Features, Deprecation Notices,
[pr-data] Backward Incompatible Changes, Fixes, Docs, Misc.
[pr-data] + awk '-F;' '{ print "- "$3" ("$2")" }' /tekton/home/pr.csv
[pr-data] + tee -a /tekton/home/
[pr-data] - Add initial list of owners for event triggering ⚡ (#1)
[pr-data] - Add initial docs 📝 (#2)
[pr-data] - Initial setup for prow CI using tektoncd/plumbing (#16)
[pr-data] - Specify the purpose of the triggers repo in README (#20)
[pr-data] - Add some more sections and details to our docs 📝 (#22)
[pr-data] - Create new types and add initial generated code (#17)
[pr-data] - Add config yaml files (#23)
[pr-data] - Add codegen for trigger_template_types (#27)
[pr-data] - Create a skeleton controller (#18)
[pr-data] - init-webhook (#21)
[pr-data] - Adding type docs (#24)
[pr-data] - Remove outdated warning notes in the DEVELOPMENT doc (#30)
[pr-data] - Append "triggers" to config-observability name (#29)
[pr-data] - Remove unnecessary linter file exclusion (#31)
[pr-data] - Link README to the documentation (#41)
[pr-data] - Handle arbitrary payloads (#34)
[pr-data] - EventListener creates/deletes dummy Deployment + Service (#43)
[pr-data] - Catch tabs vs spaces with gofmt presubmit linting (#40)
[pr-data] - Implement TriggerResourceTemplate Spec as []byte blob (#51)
[pr-data] - Correct the format of variable interpolation from ${} to $() (#58)
[pr-data] - The knative/pkg import path changed to "" (#59)
[pr-data] - EventListener e2e test (#53)
[pr-data] - Update EventListener deployment. Set up EventListener pod trigger cli… (#60)
[pr-data] - Use examples as part of documentation. Add utility/test to keep docs … (#61)
[pr-data] - Revert "Use examples as part of documentation. Add utility/test to keep docs …" (#66)
[pr-data] - Add examples/tests. Use examples as part of documentation. Add utilit… (#67)
[pr-data] - Create tests for EventListener Reconciler (#65)
[pr-data] - Remove duplicate example (#72)
[pr-data] - Issue55 reusable bindings (#63)
[pr-data] - Create resource(s) from an event (#74)
[pr-data] - Adding create-webhook tekton task (#82)
[pr-data] - Add deployments/finalizers to ClusterRole (#93)
[pr-data] - Handle Referenced Resource Naming within TriggerTemplates (#85)
[pr-data] - Add eventlisteners/finalizers to ClusterRole (#98)
[pr-data] - Issue38 test builders (#52)
[pr-data] - Tests for create-webhook task (#94)
[pr-data] - Ignore spec.clusterIP when reconciling Service (#104)
[pr-data] - Recover deployment and SVC if deleted by accident (#90)
[pr-data] - Default namespace for resource templates if not provided (#102)
[pr-data] - Add dibyom and EliZucker as owners 👨 (#106)
[pr-data] - Restrict TriggerResourceTemplates to only Tekton Types (#105)
[pr-data] - Aggregate trigger roles to built-in clusterroles (#108)
[pr-data] - Add worked example documentation (#113)
[pr-data] - Enable TriggerBindings to validate requests (#89)
[pr-data] - Move validate from example to (#118)
[pr-data] - fix validation task error (#119)
[pr-data] - Set github webhook secret (#99)
[pr-data] - Use clusterIP as the default service type (#116)
[pr-data] - Add Test to check that payload is sent to the kubernetes api (#121)
[pr-data] - Add label for resources create by EventListener (#96)
[pr-data] - Adds release tasks and pipeline for triggers (#122)
[pr-data] - Move params into EventListener (#123)
[pr-data] - Pass params directly from EventListener to TriggerTemplate (#127)
[pr-data] - Update Trigger deployments to use apps/v1 API version (#130)
[pr-data] - Add TriggerValidate from Event Listener to test builder (#128)
[pr-data] - Add Validation for trigger source to Example (#131)
[pr-data] - Add name to EventlistenerSpec Trigger (#134)
[pr-data] - Add EventListenerStatus: conditions for deployment/service readiness … (#70)
[pr-data] - Add triggers-eventid label for all resources created for each event (#133)
[pr-data] - Move Sink Port to 8080 to support Knative (#139)
[pr-data] - Make EventListener an Addressable (#138)
[pr-data] - Owners (#129)
[pr-data] - Update WebhookTask (#100)
[pr-data] - Update TriggerTemplate documentation to specify restriction to create… (#141)
[pr-data] - Add unique label for the generated service and deployment (#147)
[pr-data] - Update the create-ingress task (#148)
[pr-data] - Event Interceptors for pre processing Events (#140)
[pr-data] - Update EventListener generated resource names (#151)
[pr-data] - Remove task based validation (#150)
[pr-data] - Fix release task by copying input bucket contents (#154)
[pr-data] - Fix typo in eventlistener.go (#156)
[pr-data] - Access headers within TriggerBinding (#157)
[pr-data] - Getting started guide (#135)
[pr-data] - Add simple cron trigger example. (#162)
[pr-data] - Add interceptor headers to optionally pass trigger specific information (#163)
[pr-data] - Fix EventListener prefix to be "-" instead of "--" (#168)
[pr-data] - Update README to remove WIP warning (#171)
[pr-data] - Fix interceptor headers to be a deepcopy (#172)
[pr-data] - Make TriggerBinding optional in EventListener. (#166)
[pr-data] - Ignore EventListener service NodePort on reconcile (#167)
[pr-data] - Fix linting and formatting errors. (#173)
[pr-data] - Validate EventListener references (#160)
[pr-data] - Document exposing EL with nginx ingress (#152)
[pr-data] - Introduce EventListener.Spec.ServiceType (#175)
[pr-data] - Fix release task with pipeline 0.7 syntax (#177)
[pr-data] - Fix serviceAccountName in triggers.yaml (#282)
[pr-data] - Fixing getting-started (?) (#182)
[pr-data] - Update documentation: (#179)
[pr-data] - Add docs for installing Tekton Triggers (#181)
[pr-data] - Support more JSON array query syntax for the body (#183)
[pr-data] - Update cron example with new EventListener prefix. (#190)
[pr-data] - add log entry for each generated resource (#197)
[pr-data] - Eventlistener response code change (#198)
[pr-data] - Allow multiple bindings in triggers. (#191)
[pr-data] - Fix code block formatting (#206)
[pr-data] - add logging library to EventListener (#204)
[pr-data] - Update EventListener Addressable to include port (#193)
[pr-data] - Set a timeout for requests to interceptor services (#208)
[pr-data] - Fix 'binding' to 'bindings' (#210)
[pr-data] - Add impossible to see missing "h" (#214)
[pr-data] - Add configmap permissions to getting started RBAC (#215)
[pr-data] - Rename sink.Resource to sink.Sink (#211)
[pr-data] - Remove Params from EventListener (#212)
[pr-data] - Add links to versioned docs in (#219)
[pr-data] - Update GitHub webhook task webhookevents param (#220)
[pr-data] - Core interceptor refactor. (#216)
[pr-data] - Bump plumbing to latest changes 🔗 (#223)
[pr-data] - Automatically label generated resources with trigger name. (#213)
[pr-data] - Add kube client oidc authentication support for testing (#224)
[pr-data] - Add an initial Github interceptor. (#221)
[pr-data] - Simplify merging params in Bindings (#225)
[pr-data] - Add a Gitlab interceptor to handle validation of Gitlab webhooks. (#227)
[pr-data] - Refactor template resolution into separate binding and template funcs. (#226)
[pr-data] - Avoid using gjson to parse a json.RawMessage (#232)
[pr-data] - Add support for Github event type filtering to the Github validator. (#228)
[pr-data] - Add labels to controller and webhook 🏷 (#236)
[pr-data] - Add event type filtering to the gitlab interceptor. (#235)
[pr-data] - Remove bodyPathDigger test (#240)
[pr-data] - update label on event-display Pod (#245)
[pr-data] - Fix release pipeline. (#246)
[pr-data] - Add more linters 🤾 (#251)
[pr-data] - Migrate EventListeners with binding to bindings (#242)
[pr-data] - Delete config maps (#250)
[pr-data] - Fix e2e ingress test sleep wait behavior (#256)
[pr-data] - Use dynamic client for resource creation. (#238)
[pr-data] - JSONPath Support for TriggerBindings (#241)
[pr-data] - Fix golint error strings. (#264)
[pr-data] - Fix v0.1.0 release link in main README (#266)
[pr-data] - Bump tektoncd/pipeline dependency & co (#259)
[pr-data] - Fetch resource metadata from unstructured (#268)
[pr-data] - Remove namespace config. (#267)
[pr-data] - Temporarily disable markdown link check (#275)
[pr-data] - Stop validating binding/template in Triggers (#263)
[pr-data] - Refactor functions to not be members of Sink 🚰 (#274)
[pr-data] - fix typo (#273)
[pr-data] - Fix incorrect URLs (#277)
[pr-data] - Fix serviceAccountName in triggers.yaml (#278)
[pr-data] - Add triggerbinding and triggertemplate to test controller (#284)
[pr-data] - Fix spelling errors (#286)
[pr-data] - Change sink response to return JSON (#261)
[pr-data] - Set labels directly on Unstructured (#280)
[pr-data] - Preserve escaped characters when parsing json path 🦟 (#279)
[pr-data] - Correctly capitalize GitLab (not "Gitlab") (#292)
[pr-data] - Correctly capitalize "GitHub" (not "Github") (#291)
[pr-data] - Fix example README - Change listener to el-listener (#297)
[pr-data] - Fix ingress-run, change serviceAccount to serviceAccountName (#294)
[pr-data] - Fix codeblock types in examples/ (#303)
[pr-data] - Fix different uid generated in one triggerTemplate (#305)
[pr-data] - Validate ResourceTemplate params are declared (#288)
[pr-data] - Fix AddLabels panic nil map bug (#315)
[pr-data] - Align spaces in readme (#317)
[pr-data] - Define ElPort to config port of eventListener, keep default value to 8080 (#319)
[pr-data] - Cel interceptor (#285)
[pr-data] - Update documentation to embed PipeineResources (#316)
[pr-data] - Add support for multiple interceptors. (#272)
[pr-data] - Split Test_NewResources into smaller tests (#321)
[pr-data] - Use RoundTripper-like interface for interceptors. (#326)
[pr-data] - Drop unused KubeClientSet from the CEL interceptor. (#331)
[pr-data] - Regression: Add back interceptor errors for non-OK status codes. (#335)
[pr-data] - Remove import of (#337)
[pr-data] - Update service ports name following istio-naming convention - https:/… (#327)
[pr-data] - Fix eventlistener documentation (#340)
[pr-data] - Daisy-chain interceptor requests. (#334)
[pr-data] - Use serviceAccountName in getting started webhook-run example (#345)
[pr-data] - Return valid arrays for multiple JSONPath results (#343)
[pr-data] - Add @wlynch as an OWNER ⚡ (#348)
[pr-data] - Fix incorrect triggerBindinging example (#342)
[pr-data] - Format markdown and update update-docs script (#344)
[pr-data] - Document exposing EL with openshift route (#352)
[pr-data] - Format markdown (#354)
[pr-data] - Format markdown (#364)
[pr-data] - fix panic in github interceptor (#357)
[pr-data] - Fix cel interceptors documentation example (#374)
[pr-data] - Add docs and examples links for v0.2.0 (#377)
[pr-data] - Allow brackets inside Tekton expressions (#376)
[pr-data] - fix sink crashloop when upgrading from 0.1 to 0.2 (#369)
[pr-data] - Validate EventListener trigger name as label value (#383)
[pr-data] - Fix bug running multiple triggers (#388)
[pr-data] - Fix a few docs issues (#384)
[pr-data] - Fix interceptors receiving incorrect headers (#399)
[pr-data] - [cherry-pick #394]: Remove debug print statement in sink_test.go (#400)
[pr-data] - Cleanup comments in sink_test.go (#389)
[pr-data] - Fix interceptors receiving incorrect headers (#393)
[pr-data] - Remove debug print statement in sink_test.go (#397)
[pr-data] - Add .gitattributes information on generated files 🍥 (#381)
[pr-data] - Use `tekton` instead of all as categories 🎿 (#360)
[pr-data] - Fix lint issue (#398)
[pr-data] - Format markdown (#395)
[pr-data] - Fix e2e tests (#401)
[pr-data] - Bump tektoncd-pipeline to 0.10.1 (#396)
[pr-data] - Replace doc links to v0.2.0 with links to v0.2.1 (#402)
[pr-data] - Add support for adding additional fields to the body. (#329)
[pr-data] - Update CEL docs (#407)
[pr-data] - Add support for ClusterTriggerBinding (#358)
[pr-data] - Format markdown (#414)
[pr-data] - cel langdef doc links (#416)
[pr-data] - Add support for splitting strings to CEL expressions. (#411)
[pr-data] - Delete clusterscoped resource in teardown (#420)
[pr-data] - Fix yaml formatting (#417)
[pr-data] - Add CEL function canonical. (#410)
[pr-data] - Format markdown (#423)
[pr-data] - Remove deprecated binding (#424)
[pr-data] - Remove deprecated Interceptor (#425)
[pr-data] - Move GH-Validate Interceptor code to example (#429)
[pr-data] - Increase waiting timeout (#433)
[pr-data] - Format markdown (#430)
[pr-data] - Allow keeping namespaces after running tests for investigation (#431)
[pr-data] - Use k8s types and validation code with the TriggerResourceTemplate type (#422)
[pr-data] - Add Version Label to Triggers Deployment & Service (#428)
[pr-data] - Add decodeb64 function to CEL expressions. (#404)
[pr-data] - Fixes for the nightly release process (#421)
[pr-data] - Format markdown (#443)
[pr-data] - validate ObjectMetadata for TriggerTemplate (#435)
[pr-data] - Add our go report card to the README (#445)
[pr-data] - Add Liveness Probe for EventListener Deployment (#432)
[pr-data] - Update EventListener docs format (#426)
[pr-data] - Remove deprecated Params field from EventListener (#444)
[pr-data] - Fix typo cel interceptor example. (#446)
[pr-data] - Format markdown (#448)
[pr-data] - Add Regression test for large number of Triggers (#449)
[pr-data] - Fix broken symbolic links in cron example (#451)
[pr-data] - Replace gitlab-eventlistener with a working example (#434)
[pr-data] - correct a misspelling (#452)
[pr-data] - Update gcloud command to use dogfooding cluster (#453)
[pr-data] - Ensure Interceptor request uses HTTP POST. (#438)
[pr-data] - Add links to v0.3.0 in README (#455)
[pr-data] - Add tekton triggers logo 🐈⚽ (#457)
[pr-data] - header key, case-insensitive match (#460)
[pr-data] - Resolve TriggerBindings with no Kind set in sink (#461)
[pr-data] - Add links to v0.3.1 in README (#464)
[pr-data] - Clean up sink_test.go (#413)
[pr-data] - Format markdown (#465)
[pr-data] - Update release README (#466)
[pr-data] - Format markdown (#468)
[pr-data] - fix instructions in README (#471)
[pr-data] - Support JSON double values being reencoded in the CEL interceptor (#470)
[pr-data] - Format markdown (#474)
[pr-data] - Update pipeline version to 0.11-rc1 (#469)
[pr-data] - Fix inaccurate docs about TriggerTemplate (#477)
[pr-data] - Stop marking dynamic client as generated code (#489)
[pr-data] - Add additional documentation. (#475)
[pr-data] - [master] Format markdown (#488)
[pr-data] - [master] Format markdown (#493)
[pr-data] - Allow creating v1beta1 resources (#490)
[pr-data] - Change api version (#502)
[pr-data] - Adds "commented" website front matter to docs (#500)
[pr-data] - Switch API group for triggers to (#497)
[pr-data] - Add 2020 roadmap 🛣️ (#498)
[pr-data] - Cleanup cluster resources when test fails (#503)
[pr-data] - Implement constant-time secret comparisons in CEL. (#492)
[pr-data] - introduce authentication/authorization at the EventListenerTrigger le… (#454)
[pr-data] - [master] Fix spelling errors (#511)
[pr-data] - Use static selector labels for EL svc/deployments (#513)
[pr-data] - Bump pipeline version to 0.11.0 (#512)
[pr-data] - Add omitempty tag to Status field (#507)
[pr-data] - Remove unused variable (#515)
[pr-data] - Update docs to specify k8s version 1.15 or greater (#519)
[pr-data] - Fix incorrect split example (#520)
[pr-data] - Add a `releaseAsLatest` param to release pipeline (#522)
[pr-data] - Fix param description (#524)
[pr-data] - add valid sa to trigger level auth test (#521)
[pr-data] - Add links to docs & examples for v0.4.0 in README (#528)
[pr-data] - Fix automatic deletion of Tekton logging ConfigMap. (#530)
[pr-data] - Fix broken anchor link in EventListener docs (#514)
[pr-data] - Update API Group in Clusterrole Aggregate (#536)
[pr-data] - Fix image path in github validate yaml (#535)
[pr-data] - Fix markdown formatting for install docs on website (#540)
[pr-data] - Fix CEL Example for secret comparison (#542)
[pr-data] - Add a ServiceAccount to EventListenerScaleTest (#547)
[pr-data] - Add Readiness Probe for EventListener Deployment (#467)
[pr-data] - Adds an example of escaping keys with dots (#531)
[pr-data] - Implement parseJSON for strings. (#537)
[pr-data] - Add version labels on CRDs 🏷 (#550)
[pr-data] - Format logs command (#551)
[pr-data] - Fix typos (#552)
[pr-data] - Use the same generate scripts as pipeline ⚙ (#553)
[pr-data] - Switch to go modules (#554)
[pr-data] - Make webhook secret name overridable (#555)
[pr-data] - Fix license file locations for ko (#559)
[pr-data] - Add String only Params for Triggers (#532)
[pr-data] - Add missing license to the code and config (#560)
[pr-data] - Add recommended k8s labels (#556)
[pr-data] - Bump plumbing to recent master 👼 (#562)
[pr-data] - Upgrade to cel-go 0.4.2 and import the Strings extension library. (#558)
[pr-data] - Switch to ko-gcloud for release (#566)
[pr-data] - Fix typo in EventListeners doc (#569)
[pr-data] - Add Support for Embedding TriggerBindingSpec in EL (#548)
[pr-data] - Fix 'Edit this page' and 'Create an issue' links on the website (#580)
[pr-data] - Refactored examples and added github example with README (#576)
[pr-data] - Fix link to getting started guide on website (#582)
[pr-data] - Remove linting from release pipeline 🧹 (#588)
[pr-data] - Fix release version tag for release yaml (#587)
[pr-data] - Add URL parsing to CEL expressions. (#591)
[pr-data] - Update (#593)
[pr-data] - Add BitBucket Interceptor with examples and README (#578)
[pr-data] - Publish both tagged and untagged images for releases (#598)
[pr-data] - Fix GCP setup broken link in dev docs (#600)
[pr-data] - Update TriggerTemplate docs with supported types. (#601)
[pr-data] - Cache trigger secrets for the duration of request (with tests) (#595)
[pr-data] - Ensure that decodeB64 returns a String rather than Bytes. (#609)
[pr-data] - Move multi tenant section below syntax (#602)
[pr-data] - Use portforwarder instead of kubectl command line (#599)
[pr-data] - Do not default EventListener trigger ref to name (#603)
[pr-data] - Add extra columns for EventListeners (#614)
[pr-data] - fix gosec error (#620)
[pr-data] - add tolerations to eventlistener (#597)
[pr-data] - Fix formatting of version in config (#623)
[pr-data] - Modify BitBucketInterceptor to BitbucketInterceptor (#596)
[pr-data] - Fix the Data Race in portforward e2e test of EventListener (#631)
[pr-data] - Modify spec params to avoid confusion between resourcetemplates and triggertemplate params (#589)
[pr-data] - Tool for evaluating trigger bindings. (#324)
[pr-data] - Add missing license information (#634)
[pr-data] - Fix publish-tekton-triggers task (#633)
[pr-data] - [Cherry-pick] Port CEL fixes for release v0.6.1 (#665)
[pr-data] - Add cel filter for pull request actions in github example (#637)
[pr-data] - Add CEL function to parse YAML (#636)
[pr-data] - Update docs and examples to use ref instead of name for bindings (#645)
[pr-data] - Expose the incoming request URL to CEL expressions. (#647)
[pr-data] - Improve the error from the context evaluation. (#646)
[pr-data] - Add links to docs for v0.6.0 (#648)
[pr-data] - Add a new CRD type called Trigger (#628)
[pr-data] - Fix getting-started triggers (#642)
[pr-data] - change token to secret (#659)
[pr-data] - Fix issue with list results. (#652)
[pr-data] - Fix License copyright year (#655)
[pr-data] - Fix the declarations for compareSecret. (#658)
[pr-data] - Use sets.NewString instead of map[string]struct{} (#663)
[pr-data] - Add EventListener Response in the Doc (#664)
[pr-data] - Ensure that the JSON matches. (#666)
[pr-data] - Pass url through (#657)
[pr-data] - Update to pipeline v0.13.2, knative 0.15 (#661)
[pr-data] - Support for marshaling other types. (#668)
[pr-data] - Add CLI for manual trigger runs (Parse yaml file and read HTTP) (#662)
[pr-data] - dep: update to v0.3.3 (#674)
[pr-data] - Add links to versioned docs for v0.6.1 (#671)
[pr-data] - Replace old Release docs in favor of a cheat sheet (#670)
[pr-data] - add nodeSelector and replicas to eventlistener (#625)
[pr-data] - Switch to nonroot images for Triggers (#672)
[pr-data] - Remove unused Ref from EventListenerTrigger (#677)
[pr-data] - Provide the incoming EventListener URL to the Webhook Interceptor. (#669)
[pr-data] - Add ToEventListenerTrigger conversion func. (#676)
[pr-data] - Fix Spelling Mistake in TestCase (#683)
[pr-data] - Update tektoncd/pipeline to v0.14.2. (#684)
[pr-data] - Fix typo in of getting started (#688)
[pr-data] - Prevent double-logging of interceptor errors. (#689)
[pr-data] - Fix install links for nginx ingress for GKE (#685)
[pr-data] - Add processTriggerSpec func to wire it to Trigger, and the corresponding unit test (#686)
[pr-data] - Fix triggertemplate validation to validate missing spec field (#691)
[pr-data] - Remove deprecated $(params) to avoid confusion between resourcetemplates and triggertemplate params (#690)
[create-draft] + hub release create --draft --prerelease --commitish 288a03f34e408d029ee2563f1cd980b2f99959a9 --file /tekton/home/ v0.7.0
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