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Last active October 1, 2019 08:58
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Convert MySQL connection string to wp-config.php parameters
// This will usually be received from an env variable, for example $connectionString = getenv('DB_URL');
$connectionString = 'mysql://';
// The values below will be your default values if $connectionString is empty.
$dbConfig = array_merge(
'host' => 'localhost',
'port' => 3306,
'user' => 'root',
'pass' => '',
'path' => 'wp', // DB_NAME
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define('DB_NAME', ltrim($dbConfig['path'], '/'));
/** MySQL database username */
define('DB_USER', $dbConfig['user']);
/** MySQL database username */
define('DB_PASSWORD', $dbConfig['pass']);
/** MySQL hostname */
define('DB_HOST', "{$dbConfig['host']}:{$dbConfig['port']}");
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