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Last active December 17, 2024 16:22
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Electron and Chrome patcher to force OpenGL rendering
""" Enforce 'use-angle@1' in Chrome and Electron applications
Version 1.0.0 (2024-08-11)
import enum
import json
from pathlib import Path
class ChromiumSettingsPatcher:
class AngleVariant(enum.Enum):
Default = "0"
OpenGL = "1"
Metal = "2"
def __init__(self, state_file: str) -> None:
self._local_state_file = Path(state_file).expanduser()
def patch(self) -> None:
Ensure 'use-angle@1' is set in Chrome's experimental settings
_desired_key = "use-angle"
_desired_value = self.AngleVariant.OpenGL.value
if not self._local_state_file.exists():
print(" Local State missing, creating...")
self._local_state_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
state_data = {}
print(" Parsing Local State file")
state_data = json.loads(self._local_state_file.read_bytes())
if "browser" not in state_data:
state_data["browser"] = {}
if "enabled_labs_experiments" not in state_data["browser"]:
state_data["browser"]["enabled_labs_experiments"] = []
for key in state_data["browser"]["enabled_labs_experiments"]:
if "@" not in key:
key_pair = key.split("@")
if len(key_pair) < 2:
if key_pair[0] != _desired_key:
if key_pair[1] == _desired_value:
print(f" {_desired_key}@{_desired_value} is already set")
index = state_data["browser"]["enabled_labs_experiments"].index(key)
state_data["browser"]["enabled_labs_experiments"][index] = f"{_desired_key}@{_desired_value}"
print(f" Updated {_desired_key}@{_desired_value}")
if f"{_desired_key}@{_desired_value}" not in state_data["browser"]["enabled_labs_experiments"]:
print(f" Added {_desired_key}@{_desired_value}")
print(" Writing to Local State file")
self._local_state_file.write_text(json.dumps(state_data, indent=4))
def main():
# Patch all Electron applications
for directory in Path("~/Library/Application Support").expanduser().iterdir():
if not directory.is_dir():
state_file = directory / "Local State"
if not state_file.exists():
print(f"Patching {}")
patcher = ChromiumSettingsPatcher(state_file)
# Patch all Chrome variants
if Path("~/Library/Application Support/Google").expanduser().exists():
for directory in Path("~/Library/Application Support/Google").expanduser().iterdir():
if not directory.is_dir():
state_file = directory / "Local State"
if not state_file.exists():
print(f"Patching {}")
patcher = ChromiumSettingsPatcher(state_file)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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adiknoth commented Nov 13, 2024

For the Signals app, the file in line 76 would typically not exist, and the rest of the magic then skipped. Also manually creating the file with the right content wouldn't work.

open /Applications/ --args --use-angle=gl

however works.

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