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Last active February 21, 2024 21:03
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Arbitrary Code Execution in TD Advanced Dashboard

CVE-2023-50975 - Arbitrary Code Execution in TD Advanced Dashboard

On December 12th, 2023, TD Bank was notified through their responsible disclosure system that TD Advanced Dashboard version 3.0.3 was vulnerable to arbitrary code execution.

Affected Products

  • TD Advanced Dashboard
    • Affected: 3.0.3 and older
    • Fixed: 3.0.4

Vulnerability Details

Due to TD Advanced Dashboard being built with Electron v9.3.1, the Electron framework implements the ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE environment variable without the ability to disable the feature. Therefore a local attacker can set this environment variable and execute arbitrary code under the context of TD Advanced Dashboard.

With TD Advanced Dashboard v3.0.4, TD Bank opted to upgrade the Electron backend to v12.2.3 and set the RunAsNode fuse to false.

Disclosure Timeline

Sender Topic Date
RIPEDA Vulnerability discovered December 12th, 2023
RIPEDA Vulnerability reported to TD Bank December 12th, 2023
TD Bank Confirmation of report December 14th, 2023
RIPEDA Associated vulnerability with CVE-2023-50975 December 18th, 2023
TD Bank Vulnerability patched in 3.0.4 and released to customers January 16th, 2024
RIPEDA Begun 30 day countdown for official disclosure January 16th, 2024
RIPEDA Request for link to public advisory/release notes February 6th, 2024
TD Bank Response, forwarded to app team February 8th, 2024
RIPEDA Request for update regarding public advisory/release notes February 14th, 2024
TD Bank Response, no update February 15th, 2024
RIPEDA Requested CVE publication from MITRE February 15th, 2024
MITRE Request for public reference (ex. GitHub gist) February 16th, 2024
RIPEDA Create GitHub gist, reply to MITRE February 18th, 2024
MITRE Published CVE February 21st, 2024
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