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Created April 14, 2017 18:52
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Extract MODIS phenology dates (as DOY) from the MCD12Q2 HDF files and export as tiff.
# calculate adjusted phenology dates
# for greenness onset and maximum
extract_MODIS_phenology_layer <- function(value="increase",tiles_file="mytiles.txt"){
# load required libraries
require(MODIS) # to import the SDS layers
# list all hdf files, and extract unique years
all_hdf_files = list.files(".",pattern=paste("^.*\\.hdf$",sep=""),recursive=TRUE)
years = unique(substr(sapply(strsplit(all_hdf_files,split="MCD12Q2.A"),"[[",2),1,4))
# correction factor needed to convert to DOY
correction_factor = (as.numeric(years) - 2000)*365
# list files and tiles
#all_files = strsplit(list.files(".",pattern="*.hdf",recursive=TRUE),split='\\.')
tiles = unlist(read.table(tiles_file))
# for a given tile, for every year extract the layer of interest
# convert to DOY, remove 32767 values, write to disk
# for all tiles calculate
for (j in tiles){
# print some feedback
# list all files for a given tile
hdf_files = list.files(".",pattern=paste("^.*\\.",j,"\\..*\\.hdf$",sep=""),recursive=TRUE)
# extract the SDS layer from the file headers
if(value == "increase"){
SDSlayers = unlist(lapply(hdf_files,function(x)getSds(x)$SDS4gdal[1]))
if (value == "maximum"){
SDSlayers = unlist(lapply(hdf_files,function(x)getSds(x)$SDS4gdal[2]))
if (value == "decrease"){
SDSlayers = unlist(lapply(hdf_files,function(x)getSds(x)$SDS4gdal[3]))
if (value == "minimum"){
SDSlayers = unlist(lapply(hdf_files,function(x)getSds(x)$SDS4gdal[4]))
if (value == "amplitude"){
SDSlayers_min = unlist(lapply(hdf_files,function(x)getSds(x)$SDS4gdal[5]))
SDSlayers_max = unlist(lapply(hdf_files,function(x)getSds(x)$SDS4gdal[6]))
if (value == "area"){
SDSlayers = unlist(lapply(hdf_files,function(x)getSds(x)$SDS4gdal[7]))
# check if the number of years equals the number of SDSlayers
# if not skip to the next tile (need to download missing data)
if (length(years) != length(SDSlayers)){
print("skipping, missing years")
# one by one open the SDSlayer - apply the correction factor
# needed by the MODIS phenology product and save as a new file
# [compressed geotiff]
# process amplitude values
if (value == "amplitude"){
for (i in 1:length(SDSlayers)){
r_min = raster(SDSlayers_min[i],b=1)
r_max = raster(SDSlayers_max[i],b=1)
r = (r_max - r_min) * 0.0001 # this is the multiplier for EVI
if (i == 1){
assign("c",r,envir=.GlobalEnv) # create composite
} else {
c = addLayer(c,r) # add to composite
# write to file
filename = paste("./",value,".",j,".tif",sep="")
# clean up
rm(c) # remove stacked file
# process area under the curve values
if (value == "area"){
for (i in 1:length(SDSlayers)){
r = raster(SDSlayers[i],b=1)
r = r * 0.01 # this is the multiplier for EVI
if (i == 1){
assign("c",r,envir=.GlobalEnv) # create composite
} else {
c = addLayer(c,r) # add to composite
# write to file
filename = paste("./",value,".",j,".tif",sep="")
# clean up
rm(c) # remove stacked file
# process phenology values
if (value == "increase" || value == "maximum" || value == "decrease" || value == "minimum"){
for (i in 1:length(SDSlayers)){
r = raster(SDSlayers[i],b=1)
r = r - correction_factor[i]
if (i == 1){
} else {
c = addLayer(c,r)
# write to file
filename = paste("./",value,".",j,".tif",sep="")
# clean up temporary scratch files
# remove c raster stack (composite of all years of a given tile)
rm(c) # remove stacked file
} # end looping over tiles
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