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Created October 18, 2017 12:42
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Scrape Tropicos for species distribution information
#' @param species: genus species or genus
#' @param quiet: TRUE / FALSE provides verbose output
#' @keywords Tropicos, species distribution
#' @examples
#' # with defaults, outputting a data frame with species distribution
#' # for Clematis
#' df <- tropicos.species.distribution()
#' # returns NA if no data are present
#' [requires the rvest package for post-processing]
tropicos_species_distribution <- function(species='Clematis',quiet=TRUE){
# read the required libraries
stop("rvest package is not available, please install 'rvest'!")
species = gsub(" ", "+", species)
base_url = ""
url = sprintf("%s%s",base_url,species)
# load the page into memory
html_page = read_html(url)
# first check if the page lists a table of species
# or was redirected to the only search result presented
check = html_page %>%
html_nodes("#ctl00_footerControl_citationDiv") %>%
sel = regexpr("(http://).*[0-9]",check)
final_url = regmatches(check,sel)
# if the length of the final_url is 1 then use the final_url
# to move on, otherwise select the first listed species
# and move to this page to list the distribution
url = sprintf("%s%s",final_url,"?tab=distribution")
html_page = read_html(url)
distribution = html_page %>%
html_nodes("#ctl00_MainContentPlaceHolder_nameDistributionsControl_gvwResults") %>%
html_table() %>%
# if multiple search results are present, pick the top of the list
# and follow this link to the distribution data if available
# load the first species in the table generated by the species search
first_link_listed = html_page %>%
html_nodes("#ctl00_MainContentPlaceHolder_nameSearchControl_gridView tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(3)") %>%
html_nodes("a") %>%
# if empty return NULL
if (length(first_link_listed)==0){
distribution = NULL
# clean up the string, grab the species indentifier number
first_link_listed = gsub("[/Name/]", "", first_link_listed)
# format the new string, linking to the species distribution
url = sprintf("",first_link_listed,"?tab=distribution")
html_page = read_html(url)
# extract the species distribution in full from the page
distribution = html_page %>%
html_nodes("#ctl00_MainContentPlaceHolder_nameDistributionsControl_gvwResults") %>%
html_table() %>%
# if empty return NULL
distribution = NULL
# return the data frame, verbose or not
if (quiet == FALSE){
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