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Created June 22, 2015 23:52
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Scala Assignments - Note not all are fully functional
// Homework 2, Part B
// Name: Kristofer Hult
// Vec
class Vec private (private val elems:Array[Double]) {
val length = elems.length
def this(x:Double) = this(Array(x))
def apply(i:Int) = elems(i)
def ++(other:Vec) = {
val r_length = length + other.length
val r_elems = new Array[Double](r_length)
for (i <- 0 to length - 1) r_elems(i) = elems(i)
for (i <- 0 to other.length - 1) r_elems(length + i) = other.elems(i)
new Vec(r_elems)
def +(other:Vec) = {
val r_elems = new Array[Double](length)
for (i <- 0 to length - 1) r_elems(i) = elems(i) + other.elems(i)
new Vec(r_elems)
def *(other:Vec) = {
var p = 0.0
for (i <- 0 to length - 1)
p = p + (elems(i) * other.elems(i))
override def toString = {
var s = "<" + this.apply(0)
for (j <- 1 to length - 1)
s = s + ", " + this.apply(j)
s + ">"
// overrides the default definition of == (an alias of equals)
override def equals(other:Any):Boolean = other match {
// if other is an instance of Vec then ...
case o:Vec =>
for (j <- 0 to length - 1)
if (this.apply(j) != o.apply(j)) return false
// otherwise return false
case _ => false
// Matrix
// Suggestion: for testing purposes it is convenient
// to implement toString first
// (The main constructor of) Matrix takes as input
// an array of n > 0 vectors all of the same length
class Matrix private (a:Array[Vec]) {
// Public constructor
def this(v:Vec) = this(Array(v))
def this(x:Double) = this(new Vec(x))
// the array is stored as is in the private field rows
// the element at position (i,j) in the matrix is stored
// as the j-th element of the i-th vector in rows
private val rows = a
// integer field h stores the height of the matrix
val h = {rows.length}
// integer field w stores the width of the matrix
val w = {rows(0).length }
/* given i in [0 .. h-1] and j in [1 .. w-1],
apply(i,j) returns the matrix element at position (i,j)
def apply(i:Int, j:Int) = {
/* given a matrix other with other.w == w,
/(other) returns a new matrix m such that
- m.h == h + other.h
- m.w == w
- for all i in [0 .. h-1] and j in [0 .. w-1], m(i,j) == this(i,j)
- for all i in [h .. r.h-1] and j in [0 .. w-1], m(i,j) == other(i,j)
def /(other:Matrix) = {
val mLength = h + other.h
val vectors = new Array[Vec](mLength)
for (i <- 0 to h - 1) {
vectors(i) = new Vec(apply(i, 0))
for (j <- 1 to w - 1) vectors(i) ++= new Vec(apply(i, j))
for (i <- 0 to other.h - 1) {
vectors(i + h) = new Vec(other.apply(i, 0))
for (j <- 1 to w - 1) vectors(i + h) ++= new Vec(other.apply(i, j))
new Matrix(vectors)
/* given a matrix other with other.h == h,
++(other) returns a new matrix m such that
- m.h == h
- m.w == w + other.w
- for all i in [0 .. h-1] and j in [0 .. w-1], m(i,j) == this(i,j)
- for all i in [0 .. h-1] and j in [w .. r.w-1], m(i,j) == other(i,j)
def ++(other:Matrix) = {
val mLength = w + other.w
val vectors = new Array[Vec](h)
for (i <- 0 to h - 1) {
vectors(i) = new Vec(apply(i, 0))
for (j <- 1 to w - 1) vectors(i) ++= new Vec(apply(i, j))
for (j <- 0 to other.w - 1) vectors(i) ++= new Vec(other.apply(i, j))
new Matrix(vectors)
/* given a matrix other with other.h == h and other.w == w,
+(other) returns a new matrix m such that
- m.h == h
- m.w == w
- for all i in [0 .. h-1] and j in [0 .. w-1],
m(i,j) == this(i,j) + other(i,j)
def +(other:Matrix) ={
val vectors = new Array[Vec](h)
for (i <- 0 to h - 1) {
vectors(i) = new Vec(apply(i, 0))
for (j <- 1 to w - 1) vectors(i) ++= new Vec(apply(i, j) + other.apply(i, j))
new Matrix(r_vecs)
/* given a j in [0 .. w-1],
col(j) returns a vector v whose elements come
from the j-th column of the matrix, i.e.,
- v.length == h
- for all i in [0 .. h-1] , v(i) == this(i,j)
private def col (j:Int) = {
var c = new Vec(rows(0)(j))
for (i <- 1 to h - 1)
c = c ++ new Vec(rows(i)(j))
/* transpose returns a new matrix m such that
- m.h == w
- m.w == h
- for all i in [0 .. m.h-1] and j in [0 .. m.w-1], m(i,j) == this(j,i)
Suggestion: use method col
def transpose = {
val vectors = new Array[Vec](h)
for (i <- 0 to h - 1) r_vecs(i) = col(i)
new Matrix(vectors)
/* given an i in [0 .. h-1], rowToString(i)
returns a string of the form | d1 d2 ... dw |
where d1, ..., dw are the (the string representation of)
the elements in row i
private def rowToString(i:Int) = {
var s = "| "
for (j <- 0 to w - 1)
s = s + this.apply(i,j) + " "
s ++ "|"
/* toString returns a string of the form
| d_00 d_01 ... d_0q |
| d_10 d_11 ... d_1q |
| . . . |
| . . . |
| . . . |
| d_p0 d_p1 ... d_pq |
where d_ij is the (the string representation of) this(i,j)
override def toString = {
var out:String = "";
for (i <- 0 to h - 1) out ++= rowToString(i) + "\n"
// overrides the default definition of == (an alias of equals)
override def equals(other:Any):Boolean = other match {
// if o is an instance of Matrix then ...
case o:Matrix =>
for (i <- 0 to h - 1; j <- 0 to w - 1)
if (this(i,j) != o(i,j)) return false
// otherwise return false
case _ => false
// A few test cases you could try
val m1 = new Matrix(1) ++ new Matrix(2) ++ new Matrix(3)
val m2 = new Matrix(4) ++ new Matrix(5) ++ new Matrix(6)
val m3 = m1 / m2 / m1
val m4 = m1 ++ m2
val m = new Matrix
// Homework 3
// Name: Kristofer Hult
/* Generic abstract class for finite sets */
abstract class FinSet[T] protected () {
/* returns a list consisting of the set's elements */
def toList:List[T]
/* given a value x, it retuns a new set consisting of x
and all the elemens of this (set)
def +(x:T):FinSet[T]
/* given a set other, it returns the union of this and other,
i.e., a new set consisting of all the elements of this and
all the elements of other
def U(other:FinSet[T]):FinSet[T]
/* given a set other, it returns the intersection of this and other,
i.e., a new set consisting of all the elements that occur both
in this and in other
def ^(other:FinSet[T]):FinSet[T]
/* given a set other, it returns the difference of this and other,
i.e., a new set consisting of all the elements of this that
do not occur in other
def \(other:FinSet[T]):FinSet[T]
/* given a value x, it retuns true if and only if x is an element of this
def contains(x: T):Boolean
/* given a set other, it returns true if and only if this is included
in other, i.e., iff every element of this is an element of other
def <=(other:FinSet[T]):Boolean = {
case o:FinSet[T] => (this <= o)
case _ => false
override def toString = "{" ++ (toList mkString ", ") ++ "}"
// overrides the default definition of == (an alias of equals)
override def equals(other:Any):Boolean = other match {
// if other is an instance of FinSet[T] then ...
case o:FinSet[T] =>
// it is equal to this iff it includes and is included in this
(this <= o) && (o <= this)
case _ => false
// Note: compiling the method equals above may produce this warning:
// "there were 1 unchecked warnings; re-run with -unchecked for details"
// You can ignore it
/* Generic concrete class implementing finite sets internally
as lists with no repetitions
// Precoditions: the input list l has no repeated elements
class ListSet[T] private (l: List[T]) extends FinSet[T] {
def this() = this(Nil)
// invariant: elems is a list with no repetitions
// storing all of the set's elements
private val elems = l
/* this method can be useful in implementing some of the methods
from FinSet. Given a value x and a list l with no repetitions,
it returns a list with no repetitions consisting
of x and all the elements of l
private def add(x:T, l:List[T]):List[T] = l match {
case Nil => x :: Nil
case y :: t => if (x == y) l else y :: add(x, t)
val toList = elems /* returns a list consisting of the set's elements */
def +(x: T) = {
new ListSet[T](this.add(x, elems))/* given a value x, it retuns a new list consisting of x
and all the elemens of this (set)
def U(other:FinSet[T]) = {
/* given a list other, it returns the union of this and other,
i.e., a new list consisting of all the elements of this and
all the elements of other
var UList=List[T]()
new ListSet[T](UList)
def ^(other:FinSet[T]) = {
/* given a list other, it returns the intersection of this and other,
i.e., a new list consisting of all the elements that occur both
in this and in other
var IList=List[T]()
new ListSet[T](IList)
def \(other:FinSet[T]) = {
/* given a list other, it returns the difference of this and other,
i.e., a new list consisting of all the elements of this that
do not occur in other
var DiffList=List[T]()
def contains(x:T) = {
/* given a value x, it retuns true if and only if x is an element of this
/* Generic concrete class implementing finite sets internally
as immutable Maps from T to Unit
class MapSet[T] private (m: Map[T, Unit]) extends FinSet[T] {
def this() = this(Map())
// invariant: the pair (x, ()) is in the map elems if and
// only if x is an element of the set
private val elems = m
/* This method can be useful in implementing toList. Given
- a list List( (x1,()), ..., (xm,()) ) and
- a list List( y1, ..., yn ), it returns the list
List( yn, ..., y1, xm, ..., m1 )
private def project(l1:List[(T, Unit)], l2:List[T]):List[T] =
l1 match {
case Nil => l2
case (x, _) :: t => project(t, x :: l2)
val toList = elems.keys
def +(x:T) = new.MapSet[T](elems +(x->()))
def U(other:FinSet[T]) = {
var UMap=elems
UMap=UMap+(i ->())
new MapSet[T](UMap)
def ^(other:FinSet[T]) = {
var IMap=Map[T,Unit]()
for(i <-other.toList){
IMap=IMap+(i -> ())
new MapSet[T](IMap)
def \(other:FinSet[T]) = {
var DiffMap=Map[T,Unit]()
DiffMap=DiffMap+(i -> ())
new MapSet[T](DiffMap)
def contains(x:T) = elems.contains(x)
/* some test cases for ListSet
val empty = new ListSet[Int]
val s1 = empty + 1
val s2 = empty + 2
val s12 = s1 U s2
val s21 = s2 U s1
s1 == s12 // should return false
s21 == s12 // should return true
s12 U s1 // should return a set equal to s12
val s123 = s12 + 3
val s23 = empty + 2 + 3
val s234 = s23 + 4
s123 ^ s234 // should evaluate to a set equal to s23
s123 \ s234 // should evaluate to a set equal to s1
s12 \ s21 // should evaluate to an empty set
s23 contains 2 // should evaluate to true
s23 contains 4 // should evaluate to false
s23 <= s123 // should evaluate to true
s23 <= s234 // should evaluate to true
s23 <= s23 // should evaluate to true
s1 <= s23 // should evaluate to false
/* same test cases but for MapSet
val empty = new MapSet[Int]
val s1 = empty + 1
val s2 = empty + 2
val s12 = s1 U s2
val s21 = s2 U s1
s1 == s12 // should return false
s21 == s12 // should return true
s12 U s1 // should return a set equal to s12
val s123 = s12 + 3
val s23 = empty + 2 + 3
val s234 = s23 + 4
s123 ^ s234 // should evaluate to a set equal to s23
s123 \ s234 // should evaluate to a set equal to s1
s12 \ s21 // should evaluate to an empty set
s23 contains 2 // should evaluate to true
s23 contains 4 // should evaluate to false
s23 <= s123 // should evaluate to true
s23 <= s234 // should evaluate to true
s23 <= s23 // should evaluate to true
s1 <= s23 // should evaluate to false
/* Same test cases but mixing ListSet and MapSet instances
In a correct implementation ListSet and MapSet should be
val empty = new ListSet[Int]
val s1 = empty + 1
val s2 = (new MapSet[Int]) + 2
val s12 = s1 U s2
val s21 = s2 U s1
s1 == s12 // should return false
s21 == s12 // should return true
s12 U s1 // should return a set equal to s12
val s123 = s12 + 3
val s23 = empty + 2 + 3
val s234 = s23 + 4
s123 ^ s234 // should evaluate to a set equal to s23
s123 \ s234 // should evaluate to a set equal to s1
s12 \ s21 // should evaluate to an empty set
s23 contains 2 // should evaluate to true
s23 contains 4 // should evaluate to false
s23 <= s123 // should evaluate to true
s23 <= s234 // should evaluate to true
s23 <= s23 // should evaluate to true
s1 <= s23 // should evaluate to false
// Homework 2, Part A
// Name: Kristofer Hult
abstract class Dictionary {
/* put(k,v) adds value v to the dictionary under key k.
put may be called with the same key multiple times,
all key->values pairs get stored in the dictionary
def put(key:String, value: Any):Unit
/* get(k) returns Some(v) where v is one of the values
associated with key k in the dictionary, if any.
It returns None if k is associated to no value.
def get(key:String):Option[Any]
/* remove(k) removes one value v associated with key k
from the dictionary, if any, and returns it as Some(v).
It returns None if k is associated to no value.
def remove(key:String):Option[Any]
/* toList() returns a list containing all the key/value pairs
in the dictionary.
If multiple values have the same key k, each is listed
in a separate pair with k.
def toList():List[(String,Any)]
/* toString() returns a string containing all the key/value pairs
in the dictionary. The string has the form
Dictionary(key_1 -> value_1, ..., key_n -> value_n)
where each key_i is a key and each value_i is (the string
representation of) the corresponding value.
If multiple values have the same key k, each is present
in a separate pair with k.
override def toString():String
/* getAll(k) returns the list of all the values associated
with key k in the dictionary.
def getAll(key:String):List[Any] ={
var l = List[Any]()
for ((k,v) <- toList)
if (k == key) l = Any::l
/* removeAll(k) removes from the dictionary all the values
associated with key k in the dictionary, if any.
def removeAll(key:String) = {
while (get(key) != None)
class ListDictionary extends Dictionary {
/* the dictionary is implemented using a list of key/value pairs */
private var d = List[(String,Any)]()
/* put(k,v) adds value v to the dictionary under key k.
put may be called with the same key multiple times,
all key->values pairs get stored in the dictionary
def put(key:String, value: Any):Unit={
d=(key, value)::d
/* get(k) returns Some(v) where v is one of the values
associated with key k in the dictionary, if any.
It returns None if k is associated to no value.
def get(key:String):Option[Any]= {
for ((a,x) <- d)
if (a == key) return Some(x)
def remove(key:String):Option[Any]
/* toList() returns a list containing all the key/value pairs
in the dictionary.
If multiple values have the same key k, each is listed
in a separate pair with k.
def toList():List[(String,Any)]={
var l = List[(key,value)]()
for (a <- d; element <- a)
l = element::l
/* toString() returns a string containing all the key/value pairs
in the dictionary. The string has the form
Dictionary(key_1 -> value_1, ..., key_n -> value_n)
where each key_i is a key and each value_i is (the string
representation of) the corresponding value.
If multiple values have the same key k, each is present
in a separate pair with k.
override def toString():String={
var d=toList();
def toStringSecondary(l:List[(key,value)]):String =
l match {
case Nil => ""
case (k,v)::Nil => k + " -> " + v
case (k,v)::t => k + " -> " + v + ", " + toStringSecondary(t)
"Dictionary(" + toStringSecondary(d) + ")"
Homework 1
Name: Kristofer Hult
// Part 1
//In the following problems do not de ne methods recursively. Instead, use mutable variables and
//while or for loops as needed in method de nitions. You may use auxiliary methods if needed.
/* Problem 1.1 */
def mul (m: Int, n: Int):Int =
for(i <- 1 to m){ //for loop that starts at 1 and goes until the value given for m
if(m==0 || n==0){ //if m or n is zero the result will be zero
var x:Int+=x+n// adds value of n until it reaches the value of m, gives result of n * m
/* Problem 1.2 */
def concatAll (l: List[String]) :String=
for(i <- 0 to l.length){ //for loop that starts at zero and goes to the length of list l
var combination: string +=l[i] //combines the list together to form a word
/* Problem 1.3 */
def isIn (x: Int, l: List[Int]) :Boolean
for(i <- 0 to l.length){//for loop that starts at zero and goes to the length of list l
if (x=l[i]) { //checks to see if x is equal to the ith place in list l. returns true if it is in and goes to i+1 if not.
/* Problem 1.4 */
def squareAll (l: List[Int]) :List[Int]=
for(i <- 0 to l.length){ // starting with 0 this loop takes each element
h::(l[i]*l[i]) //in the list and multiplies it by itself
// Part 2
//In the following problems do not use any mutable variables (i.e., variables declared with var) or
//any mutable prede ned types such as arrays, mutable sets, and so on. You may de ne methods
//recursively this time. Do not use the if operator in Problems 1-4 below.
/* Problem 2.1 */
def mul (m: Int, n: Int) :Int=
n match{
case 0 => 0// if n is zero the answer is zero
case _=> m match{
case 0 => 0 //if m is zero answer is zero
case _ => n+mul(m-1,n) // adds n to n until m is zero
/* Problem 2.2 */
def concatAll (l: List[String]) :String=
for(i <- 0 to l.length){ //for loop that starts at zero and goes to the length of list l
var combination: string +=l[i] //combines the list together to form a word
/* Problem 2.3 */
def isIn (x: Int, l: List[Int]) :Boolean
for(i <- 0 to l.length){//for loop that starts at zero and goes to the length of list l
x match{
case l[i] => true //returns true if x = l[i]
case _ => Nil
/* Problem 2.4 */
def squareAll (l: List[Int]) :List[Int]=
for(i <- 0 to l.length){ // starting with 0 this loop takes each element
h::(l[i]*l[i]) //in the list and multiplies it by itself
/* Problem 2.5 */
def remove (x: Int, l: List[Int]) :List[Int]=
l.remove(x) // takes list l and removes x from list
/* Problem 2.6 */
//For each method write in a Scala comment a concise description in English of its functionality,
//along the lines of the descriptions provided for the methods in the previous problems (given
//this and that, it returns so and so). Just describe the input-output behavior of the method,
//not the internal algorithm.
def m(l1:List[Int], l2:List[Int]):List[Int] = // takes two lists of integers
(l1, l2) match {
case (Nil, _) => l2 // if list 11 is empty return list l2
case (_, Nil) => l1 // if list 12 is empty return list l1
case (h1 :: t1, h2 :: t2) => {
if (h1 < h2)
h1 :: m(t1, l2) // if head of list l1, h1, is greater than the head of list l2, h2, return h1 and recursive call m(t1, l2) and repeat the process
h2 :: m(l1, t2) // if head of list l2, h2, is greater than the head of list l2, h1, return h1 and recursive call m(l1, t2) and repeat the process
} // END RESULT is one list of the lowest values to highest values from lists l1 and l2
def s(l:List[Int]) = {
def s_aux(l0:List[Int], l1:List[Int], l2:List[Int]):(List[Int], List[Int]) =
l0 match {
case Nil => (l1, l2) //If list l0 is empty return (l1, l2)
case x :: Nil => (x :: l1, l2) // if there is nothing after x it adds l1 and l2 to a list with x at the front
case x1 :: x2 :: t => s_aux(t, x1 :: l1, x2 :: l2) // if no match it returns to the start.
s_aux(l, Nil, Nil)
/* Problem 2.7 */
def pair (list1: List[Int], list2: List[Int]) :List[(Int,Int)]=
/* Problem 2.8 */
def mergeSort (l: List[Int]) :List[Int]=
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