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Working from home

Marat Khusnetdinov khusnetdinov

Working from home
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khusnetdinov /
Created December 27, 2023 18:41 — forked from rylev/
How to Learn Rust

Learning Rust

The following is a list of resources for learning Rust as well as tips and tricks for learning the language faster.


Rust is not C or C++ so the way your accustomed to do things in those languages might not work in Rust. The best way to learn Rust is to embrace its best practices and see where that takes you.

The generally recommended path is to start by reading the books, and doing small coding exercises until the rules around borrow checking become intuitive. Once this happens, then you can expand to more real world projects. If you find yourself struggling hard with the borrow checker, seek help. It very well could be that you're trying to solve your problem in a way that goes against how Rust wants you to work.

khusnetdinov / secure-ssh.yml
Created July 2, 2019 09:50 — forked from cmavr8/secure-ssh.yml
Secure SSH configuration ansible playbook
# SSH server settings, in line with
# Before using, change myhosts to your hosts' nickname and myuser to your username (two instances! make sure you replace both or you'll be locked out of ssh!)
- hosts: myhosts
become: true
remote_user: myuser
# Key exchange, ciphers and MACs
- lineinfile: dest=/etc/ssh/sshd_config regexp='^KexAlgorithms' line='KexAlgorithms,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256'
khusnetdinov / gist:a39b3d1ca055eabbd50429e203feab7b
Created June 8, 2018 13:38 — forked from eparreno/gist:1845561
Install libmagic on Mac OS X via homebrew
$ brew install libmagic
$ brew link libmagic (if the link is already created is going to fail, don't worry about that)
$ env ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64" gem install ruby-filemagic -- --with-magic-include=/usr/local/include --with-magic-lib=/usr/local/lib/
1. Знание основ Ruby, фреймворка Ruby on Rails
1. Чем отличается статическая и динамическая типизации в языках программирования?
2. Какие виды наследования поддерживаются в Ruby?
3. Что такое модуль? Какая разница между классом и модулем?
4. Какие есть уровни контроля доступа к методам для классов и модулей?
5. Какие есть способы вызова методов в Ruby?
6. Что означает ключевое слово self?
(defun dotspacemacs/layers ()
"Configuration Layers declaration.
You should not put any user code in this function besides modifying the variable
;; Base distribution to use. This is a layer contained in the directory
;; `+distribution'. For now available distributions are `spacemacs-base'
;; or `spacemacs'. (default 'spacemacs)
dotspacemacs-distribution 'spacemacs
;; Lazy installation of layers (i.e. layers are installed only when a file
WITH table_scans as (
SELECT relid,
tables.idx_scan + tables.seq_scan as all_scans,
( tables.n_tup_ins + tables.n_tup_upd + tables.n_tup_del ) as writes,
pg_relation_size(relid) as table_size
FROM pg_stat_user_tables as tables
all_writes as (
SELECT sum(writes) as total_writes
FROM table_scans
  • Dynamic Dispatch
  • Dynamic Method
  • Ghost Methods
  • Dynamic Proxies
  • Blank Slate
  • Kernel Method
  • Flattening the Scope (aka Nested Lexical Scopes)
  • Context Probe
  • Class Eval (not really a 'spell' more just a demonstration of its usage)
  • Class Macros

Lambda: standard

# Creating a lambda
l = lambda { |name| "Hi #{name}!" }

# Executing the lambda"foo") # => Hi foo!
khusnetdinov / my_app.ex
Created May 2, 2017 20:58 — forked from alanpeabody/my_app.ex
Websockets in Elixir with Cowboy and Plug
defmodule MyApp do
use Application
def start(_type, _args) do
import Supervisor.Spec, warn: false
children = [
Plug.Adapters.Cowboy.child_spec(:http, MyApp.Router, [], [
dispatch: dispatch
khusnetdinov / test.rb
Created October 24, 2016 12:20 — forked from servzin/test.rb
class BasketController
def add_to_basket
item = Item.find_by_title(params[:item_title])
basket = $basket
if basket.count_items > 10
basket.error_messages.add("Слишком много товаров в корзине")