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Created June 29, 2022 18:54
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import pandas as pd
import streamlit as st
from Visualize import get_all_topics, load_config, load_data
def get_unique_topic_selection(topics: list):
return list(set(topics))
def filter_based_on_topics(topics: list, data: pd.DataFrame):
"""Only show the specified topics"""
exploded = data.explode("topics")
filtered = exploded[exploded.topics.isin(topics)]
return (
filtered.groupby(["full_name", "html_url", "description"])["topics"]
def make_link_clickable(link: str):
text = link.split("=")[0]
return f'<a target="_blank" href="{link}">{text}</a>'
def format_topics(topics: list):
return ", ".join(topics)
def format_table(df: pd.DataFrame):
df["html_url"] = df["html_url"].apply(make_link_clickable)
df["topics"] = df["topics"].apply(format_topics)
return df
def create_ui(data: pd.DataFrame, topics: list):
st.header("Get repositories based on topics")
chosen_topics = st.multiselect("Topic", options=topics)
filtered_df = filter_based_on_topics(chosen_topics, data)
clickable_df = format_table(filtered_df)
st.write(clickable_df.to_html(escape=False), unsafe_allow_html=True)
def create_app():
page_title="Topics", page_icon=":vertical_traffic_light:"
config = load_config()
data = load_data(config)
topics = get_all_topics(data)
unique_topics = get_unique_topic_selection(topics)
create_ui(data, unique_topics)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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