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Last active September 22, 2020 00:01
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FS2 1.0.0 groupBy
import fs2.concurrent.Queue
import cats.implicits._
import cats.effect.Concurrent
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
def groupBy[F[_], A, K](selector: A => F[K])(implicit F: Concurrent[F]): Pipe[F, A, (K, Stream[F, A])] = {
in =>
Stream.eval(Ref.of[F, Map[K, Queue[F, Option[A]]]](Map.empty)).flatMap { st =>
val cleanup = {
import alleycats.std.all._
(in ++ Stream.eval_(cleanup))
.evalMap { el =>
(selector(el), st.get).mapN { (key, queues) =>
queues.get(key).fold {
for {
newQ <- Queue.unbounded[F, Option[A]] // Create a new queue
_ <- st.modify(x => (x + (key -> newQ), x)) // Update the ref of queues
_ <- newQ.enqueue1(el.some)
} yield (key -> newQ.dequeue.unNoneTerminate).some
}(_.enqueue1(el.some) as None)
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kell18 commented Dec 24, 2018

The problem was in flatten. Without it works, but I still cannot understand why. Explanations are pretty much appreciated. :)

Thank you for this code, kiambogo!

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kell18 commented Dec 25, 2018

Okay, you need to join the internal streams with parJoin or parJoinUnbounded to make it work as a single stream again

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mjreiss commented Feb 15, 2019

In our use case, we have an unbounded number of keys and the streams never terminate. Here's a method we used in conjunction with groupBy to handle the problem:

def clientMessages[F[_], A, K](
    batchSize: Int,
    batchTime: FiniteDuration,
    maxPending: Long
    selector: A => F[K]
): Pipe[F, A, (K, Chunk[A])] = { in =>
  val batches: Pipe[F, A, (K, Chunk[A])] = _.through(groupBy(selector)).map {
    case (k, kas) =>
      kas.groupWithin(batchSize, batchTime).map(c => k -> c)
  Stream.eval(Semaphore[F](maxPending)).flatMap { pending =>
    in.evalTap(_ => pending.acquire)
      .evalTap(kc => pending.releaseN(kc._2.size.toLong))

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