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Created March 28, 2023 07:47
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Test scopes using jest tests
"$schema": "",
"title": "Testing scopes using jest",
"steps": [
"file": "src/components/MaterialStandard/materialStandard.scope.js",
"description": "We first build an array of objects, where each object contains information about setting up the test, and an assertion. \n\nAssertions included in this structure are - `inDocument`, `notInDocument`, and `calls` ( that tracks no of calls to an api)\n\nA standard structure for a \"test object\" is as follows:\n```js\n{\nname: \"<denotes name of the test that shows up when we run it>\"\ncomponent:<component under test>\nscope:<scope array takes in all the applicable scopes for testing>\nroute:<which route we should render the component with>\nassertion: <one of three assertions writtern as screen => screen ...>\nmockedRoute: <if we are asserting no of calls made to particular endpoint>\ncalls: <asserting no of calls>\n}\n```",
"line": 22,
"contents": "import React from 'react'\nimport * as materialStandardApi from 'src/api/materialStandardApi'\nimport * as periodicElementsApi from 'src/api/periodicApi'\nimport View from 'src/components/MaterialStandard/View'\nimport { UserScope } from 'src/typings/generated/types'\n\njest.spyOn(materialStandardApi, 'fetchMaterialStandard').mockReturnValue({\n id: '39a6c908-2aa9-40ce-9a8a-a59c7fbe9da0',\n versionId: 'c22f00fb-2289-448c-9588-ae3a4016291b',\n companyId: '1',\n company: { id: '1', name: 'Company #1' },\n name: 'New Material Standard',\n description: 'New Material standard description',\n global: false,\n createdAt: '2021-10-25T09:26:25.454Z',\n createdBy: { id: '11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555', name: 'Test First' },\n substances: [{ id: '94553ce0-ce04-4d7f-98f5-62c9ff31e9dd', element: 'H', min: '800', max: '1000', optional: false }],\n})\n\njest.spyOn(periodicElementsApi, 'fetchElements').mockReturnValue({})\n\nconst test = [\n {\n name: 'Material Standard Assert delete button not in document',\n component: <View />,\n scope: [{ companyId: '1', scope: UserScope.ScopeMaterialStandardsRead }],\n route: ['/material-standard/39a6c908-2aa9-40ce-9a8a-a59c7fbe9da0'],\n notInDocument: screen => screen.queryByTestId('delete-material-standard-button'),\n },\n {\n name: 'Material Standard Assert delete button in document',\n component: <View />,\n scope: [\n { companyId: '1', scope: UserScope.ScopeMaterialStandardsRead },\n { companyId: '1', scope: UserScope.ScopeMaterialStandardsDelete },\n ],\n route: ['/material-standard/39a6c908-2aa9-40ce-9a8a-a59c7fbe9da0'],\n inDocument: screen => screen.queryByTestId('delete-material-standard-button'),\n },\n]\n\nexport default [{ title: 'Material Standard', list: test }]\n"
"file": "src/components/MaterialStandard/materialStandard.scope.js",
"description": "We then export the array of test objects with a title, this title will reflect on `describe` part of the test.",
"line": 42,
"contents": "import React from 'react'\nimport * as materialStandardApi from 'src/api/materialStandardApi'\nimport * as periodicElementsApi from 'src/api/periodicApi'\nimport View from 'src/components/MaterialStandard/View'\nimport { UserScope } from 'src/typings/generated/types'\n\njest.spyOn(materialStandardApi, 'fetchMaterialStandard').mockReturnValue({\n id: '39a6c908-2aa9-40ce-9a8a-a59c7fbe9da0',\n versionId: 'c22f00fb-2289-448c-9588-ae3a4016291b',\n companyId: '1',\n company: { id: '1', name: 'Company #1' },\n name: 'New Material Standard',\n description: 'New Material standard description',\n global: false,\n createdAt: '2021-10-25T09:26:25.454Z',\n createdBy: { id: '11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555', name: 'Test First' },\n substances: [{ id: '94553ce0-ce04-4d7f-98f5-62c9ff31e9dd', element: 'H', min: '800', max: '1000', optional: false }],\n})\n\njest.spyOn(periodicElementsApi, 'fetchElements').mockReturnValue({})\n\nconst test = [\n {\n name: 'Material Standard Assert delete button not in document',\n component: <View />,\n scope: [{ companyId: '1', scope: UserScope.ScopeMaterialStandardsRead }],\n route: ['/material-standard/39a6c908-2aa9-40ce-9a8a-a59c7fbe9da0'],\n notInDocument: screen => screen.queryByTestId('delete-material-standard-button'),\n },\n {\n name: 'Material Standard Assert delete button in document',\n component: <View />,\n scope: [\n { companyId: '1', scope: UserScope.ScopeMaterialStandardsRead },\n { companyId: '1', scope: UserScope.ScopeMaterialStandardsDelete },\n ],\n route: ['/material-standard/39a6c908-2aa9-40ce-9a8a-a59c7fbe9da0'],\n inDocument: screen => screen.queryByTestId('delete-material-standard-button'),\n },\n]\n\nexport default [{ title: 'Material Standard', list: test }]\n"
"file": "src/__TESTS__/Lists/Scopes.test.js",
"description": "This `scopes.test.js` file is where we loop through all the arrays of test objects we have created and assert the required conditions.",
"line": 9,
"contents": "import { waitFor } from '@testing-library/react'\nimport { screen, render } from 'test-utils'\nimport inviteUsersTestList from 'src/components/Admin/admin.scopes'\nimport classStandardList from 'src/components/ClassStandard/classStandard.scope'\nimport counterpartyTestList from 'src/components/Counterparty/counterparty.scopes'\nimport sideMenuTestList from 'src/components/Interface/SideBar/sideMenu.scopes'\nimport materialStandardList from 'src/components/MaterialStandard/materialStandard.scope'\n\n// In this file we are testing the scopes of the different components in the app to make sure that the correct buttons/components are displayed for the correct scopes and that the correct api calls are made for the correct scopes.\n// The test is done by passing in a list of tests for each component. Each test has a name, a component, a scope, a route, and a function that checks if the correct button/component/text is in the document or not.\n// The test is then run for each test in the list and the correct button/component is checked for each scope.\nconst actor = {\n token: '1111',\n companyId: '1',\n scopes: [],\n settings: {\n displayIncomingInspection: true,\n displayAnalytics: true,\n displayTraceback: true,\n displaySerialNumber: true,\n displayPartApproval: true,\n displayEarlyWarning: true,\n displayEnvironmentalData: true,\n displayDefaultLinkSubstancesResults: true,\n displayDefaultLinkCharacteristicsResults: true,\n },\n company: {\n id: '1',\n subscriptions: [\n {\n startDate: '2020-07-02T09:03:31Z',\n endDate: '2032-07-02T09:03:31Z',\n settings: {\n incomingInspection: true,\n traceback: true,\n serialNumber: true,\n partApproval: true,\n earlyWarning: true,\n environmentalData: true,\n defaultLinkSubstancesResults: true,\n defaultLinkCharacteristicsResults: true,\n },\n },\n ],\n },\n}\n\n// This is the combined list of all the tests for all the components.\nconst testList = [...counterpartyTestList, ...inviteUsersTestList, ...sideMenuTestList, ...materialStandardList, ...classStandardList]\n\n// This function takes a list of tests and a key and returns a list of tests that have the key 'calls'. Then the test is run for each test in the list and the correct button is checked for each scope.\nconst assertCallsList = filterForKey(testList, 'calls')\n\ndescribe.each(assertCallsList)('$title scope test calls', ({ list }) => {\n test.each(list)('$name', async ({ component, scope, route, mockedRoute, calls }) => {\n const initState = {, scopes: scope }\n render(component, { route: [...route], store: { me: initState } })\n await waitFor(() => {\n expect(mockedRoute).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(calls)\n })\n })\n})\n\n// This function takes a list of tests and a key and returns a list of tests that have the key 'inDocument'. Then the test is run for each test in the list and the correct button is checked for each scope.\nconst assertInDoc = filterForKey(testList, 'inDocument')\ndescribe.each(assertInDoc)('$title scope test assert', ({ list }) => {\n afterEach(() => {\n jest.clearAllMocks()\n })\n test.each(list)('$name', async ({ component, scope, route, inDocument }) => {\n const initState = {, scopes: scope }\n render(component, { route: [...route], store: { me: initState } })\n await waitFor(() => {\n expect(inDocument(screen)).toBeInTheDocument()\n })\n })\n})\n\n// This function takes a list of tests and a key and returns a list of tests that have the key 'notInDocument'. Then the test is run for each test in the list and the correct button is checked for each scope.\nconst assertNotInDoc = filterForKey(testList, 'notInDocument')\ndescribe.each(assertNotInDoc)('$title scope test assert', ({ list }) => {\n afterEach(() => {\n jest.clearAllMocks()\n })\n test.each(list)('$name', async ({ component, scope, route, notInDocument }) => {\n const initState = {, scopes: scope }\n render(component, { route: [...route], store: { me: initState } })\n await waitFor(() => {\n expect(notInDocument(screen)).not.toBeInTheDocument()\n })\n })\n})\n\n// This function takes a list of tests and a key and returns a list of tests that have the key.\nfunction filterForKey(obj, key) {\n const filteredList ={ title, list }) => ({ title, list: [...list.filter(obj => obj.hasOwnProperty(key))] }))\n return filteredList.filter(({ list }) => list.length > 0)\n}\n"
"file": "src/__TESTS__/Lists/Scopes.test.js",
"description": "We import and combine all test lists previously declared in other parts of our code.",
"line": 49,
"contents": "import { waitFor } from '@testing-library/react'\nimport { screen, render } from 'test-utils'\nimport inviteUsersTestList from 'src/components/Admin/admin.scopes'\nimport classStandardList from 'src/components/ClassStandard/classStandard.scope'\nimport counterpartyTestList from 'src/components/Counterparty/counterparty.scopes'\nimport sideMenuTestList from 'src/components/Interface/SideBar/sideMenu.scopes'\nimport materialStandardList from 'src/components/MaterialStandard/materialStandard.scope'\n\n// In this file we are testing the scopes of the different components in the app to make sure that the correct buttons/components are displayed for the correct scopes and that the correct api calls are made for the correct scopes.\n// The test is done by passing in a list of tests for each component. Each test has a name, a component, a scope, a route, and a function that checks if the correct button/component/text is in the document or not.\n// The test is then run for each test in the list and the correct button/component is checked for each scope.\nconst actor = {\n token: '1111',\n companyId: '1',\n scopes: [],\n settings: {\n displayIncomingInspection: true,\n displayAnalytics: true,\n displayTraceback: true,\n displaySerialNumber: true,\n displayPartApproval: true,\n displayEarlyWarning: true,\n displayEnvironmentalData: true,\n displayDefaultLinkSubstancesResults: true,\n displayDefaultLinkCharacteristicsResults: true,\n },\n company: {\n id: '1',\n subscriptions: [\n {\n startDate: '2020-07-02T09:03:31Z',\n endDate: '2032-07-02T09:03:31Z',\n settings: {\n incomingInspection: true,\n traceback: true,\n serialNumber: true,\n partApproval: true,\n earlyWarning: true,\n environmentalData: true,\n defaultLinkSubstancesResults: true,\n defaultLinkCharacteristicsResults: true,\n },\n },\n ],\n },\n}\n\n// This is the combined list of all the tests for all the components.\nconst testList = [...counterpartyTestList, ...inviteUsersTestList, ...sideMenuTestList, ...materialStandardList, ...classStandardList]\n\n// This function takes a list of tests and a key and returns a list of tests that have the key 'calls'. Then the test is run for each test in the list and the correct button is checked for each scope.\nconst assertCallsList = filterForKey(testList, 'calls')\n\ndescribe.each(assertCallsList)('$title scope test calls', ({ list }) => {\n test.each(list)('$name', async ({ component, scope, route, mockedRoute, calls }) => {\n const initState = {, scopes: scope }\n render(component, { route: [...route], store: { me: initState } })\n await waitFor(() => {\n expect(mockedRoute).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(calls)\n })\n })\n})\n\n// This function takes a list of tests and a key and returns a list of tests that have the key 'inDocument'. Then the test is run for each test in the list and the correct button is checked for each scope.\nconst assertInDoc = filterForKey(testList, 'inDocument')\ndescribe.each(assertInDoc)('$title scope test assert', ({ list }) => {\n afterEach(() => {\n jest.clearAllMocks()\n })\n test.each(list)('$name', async ({ component, scope, route, inDocument }) => {\n const initState = {, scopes: scope }\n render(component, { route: [...route], store: { me: initState } })\n await waitFor(() => {\n expect(inDocument(screen)).toBeInTheDocument()\n })\n })\n})\n\n// This function takes a list of tests and a key and returns a list of tests that have the key 'notInDocument'. Then the test is run for each test in the list and the correct button is checked for each scope.\nconst assertNotInDoc = filterForKey(testList, 'notInDocument')\ndescribe.each(assertNotInDoc)('$title scope test assert', ({ list }) => {\n afterEach(() => {\n jest.clearAllMocks()\n })\n test.each(list)('$name', async ({ component, scope, route, notInDocument }) => {\n const initState = {, scopes: scope }\n render(component, { route: [...route], store: { me: initState } })\n await waitFor(() => {\n expect(notInDocument(screen)).not.toBeInTheDocument()\n })\n })\n})\n\n// This function takes a list of tests and a key and returns a list of tests that have the key.\nfunction filterForKey(obj, key) {\n const filteredList ={ title, list }) => ({ title, list: [...list.filter(obj => obj.hasOwnProperty(key))] }))\n return filteredList.filter(({ list }) => list.length > 0)\n}\n"
"file": "src/__TESTS__/Lists/Scopes.test.js",
"description": "We then build a filtered list using specific keys for specific assertions, since each assertion might need different test structure as we can notice in the code.",
"line": 52,
"contents": "import { waitFor } from '@testing-library/react'\nimport { screen, render } from 'test-utils'\nimport inviteUsersTestList from 'src/components/Admin/admin.scopes'\nimport classStandardList from 'src/components/ClassStandard/classStandard.scope'\nimport counterpartyTestList from 'src/components/Counterparty/counterparty.scopes'\nimport sideMenuTestList from 'src/components/Interface/SideBar/sideMenu.scopes'\nimport materialStandardList from 'src/components/MaterialStandard/materialStandard.scope'\n\n// In this file we are testing the scopes of the different components in the app to make sure that the correct buttons/components are displayed for the correct scopes and that the correct api calls are made for the correct scopes.\n// The test is done by passing in a list of tests for each component. Each test has a name, a component, a scope, a route, and a function that checks if the correct button/component/text is in the document or not.\n// The test is then run for each test in the list and the correct button/component is checked for each scope.\nconst actor = {\n token: '1111',\n companyId: '1',\n scopes: [],\n settings: {\n displayIncomingInspection: true,\n displayAnalytics: true,\n displayTraceback: true,\n displaySerialNumber: true,\n displayPartApproval: true,\n displayEarlyWarning: true,\n displayEnvironmentalData: true,\n displayDefaultLinkSubstancesResults: true,\n displayDefaultLinkCharacteristicsResults: true,\n },\n company: {\n id: '1',\n subscriptions: [\n {\n startDate: '2020-07-02T09:03:31Z',\n endDate: '2032-07-02T09:03:31Z',\n settings: {\n incomingInspection: true,\n traceback: true,\n serialNumber: true,\n partApproval: true,\n earlyWarning: true,\n environmentalData: true,\n defaultLinkSubstancesResults: true,\n defaultLinkCharacteristicsResults: true,\n },\n },\n ],\n },\n}\n\n// This is the combined list of all the tests for all the components.\nconst testList = [...counterpartyTestList, ...inviteUsersTestList, ...sideMenuTestList, ...materialStandardList, ...classStandardList]\n\n// This function takes a list of tests and a key and returns a list of tests that have the key 'calls'. Then the test is run for each test in the list and the correct button is checked for each scope.\nconst assertCallsList = filterForKey(testList, 'calls')\n\ndescribe.each(assertCallsList)('$title scope test calls', ({ list }) => {\n test.each(list)('$name', async ({ component, scope, route, mockedRoute, calls }) => {\n const initState = {, scopes: scope }\n render(component, { route: [...route], store: { me: initState } })\n await waitFor(() => {\n expect(mockedRoute).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(calls)\n })\n })\n})\n\n// This function takes a list of tests and a key and returns a list of tests that have the key 'inDocument'. Then the test is run for each test in the list and the correct button is checked for each scope.\nconst assertInDoc = filterForKey(testList, 'inDocument')\ndescribe.each(assertInDoc)('$title scope test assert', ({ list }) => {\n afterEach(() => {\n jest.clearAllMocks()\n })\n test.each(list)('$name', async ({ component, scope, route, inDocument }) => {\n const initState = {, scopes: scope }\n render(component, { route: [...route], store: { me: initState } })\n await waitFor(() => {\n expect(inDocument(screen)).toBeInTheDocument()\n })\n })\n})\n\n// This function takes a list of tests and a key and returns a list of tests that have the key 'notInDocument'. Then the test is run for each test in the list and the correct button is checked for each scope.\nconst assertNotInDoc = filterForKey(testList, 'notInDocument')\ndescribe.each(assertNotInDoc)('$title scope test assert', ({ list }) => {\n afterEach(() => {\n jest.clearAllMocks()\n })\n test.each(list)('$name', async ({ component, scope, route, notInDocument }) => {\n const initState = {, scopes: scope }\n render(component, { route: [...route], store: { me: initState } })\n await waitFor(() => {\n expect(notInDocument(screen)).not.toBeInTheDocument()\n })\n })\n})\n\n// This function takes a list of tests and a key and returns a list of tests that have the key.\nfunction filterForKey(obj, key) {\n const filteredList ={ title, list }) => ({ title, list: [...list.filter(obj => obj.hasOwnProperty(key))] }))\n return filteredList.filter(({ list }) => list.length > 0)\n}\n"
"file": "src/__TESTS__/Lists/Scopes.test.js",
"description": "Here, for example, we are asserting number of calls made to mockedRoute.",
"line": 59,
"contents": "import { waitFor } from '@testing-library/react'\nimport { screen, render } from 'test-utils'\nimport inviteUsersTestList from 'src/components/Admin/admin.scopes'\nimport classStandardList from 'src/components/ClassStandard/classStandard.scope'\nimport counterpartyTestList from 'src/components/Counterparty/counterparty.scopes'\nimport sideMenuTestList from 'src/components/Interface/SideBar/sideMenu.scopes'\nimport materialStandardList from 'src/components/MaterialStandard/materialStandard.scope'\n\n// In this file we are testing the scopes of the different components in the app to make sure that the correct buttons/components are displayed for the correct scopes and that the correct api calls are made for the correct scopes.\n// The test is done by passing in a list of tests for each component. Each test has a name, a component, a scope, a route, and a function that checks if the correct button/component/text is in the document or not.\n// The test is then run for each test in the list and the correct button/component is checked for each scope.\nconst actor = {\n token: '1111',\n companyId: '1',\n scopes: [],\n settings: {\n displayIncomingInspection: true,\n displayAnalytics: true,\n displayTraceback: true,\n displaySerialNumber: true,\n displayPartApproval: true,\n displayEarlyWarning: true,\n displayEnvironmentalData: true,\n displayDefaultLinkSubstancesResults: true,\n displayDefaultLinkCharacteristicsResults: true,\n },\n company: {\n id: '1',\n subscriptions: [\n {\n startDate: '2020-07-02T09:03:31Z',\n endDate: '2032-07-02T09:03:31Z',\n settings: {\n incomingInspection: true,\n traceback: true,\n serialNumber: true,\n partApproval: true,\n earlyWarning: true,\n environmentalData: true,\n defaultLinkSubstancesResults: true,\n defaultLinkCharacteristicsResults: true,\n },\n },\n ],\n },\n}\n\n// This is the combined list of all the tests for all the components.\nconst testList = [...counterpartyTestList, ...inviteUsersTestList, ...sideMenuTestList, ...materialStandardList, ...classStandardList]\n\n// This function takes a list of tests and a key and returns a list of tests that have the key 'calls'. Then the test is run for each test in the list and the correct button is checked for each scope.\nconst assertCallsList = filterForKey(testList, 'calls')\n\ndescribe.each(assertCallsList)('$title scope test calls', ({ list }) => {\n test.each(list)('$name', async ({ component, scope, route, mockedRoute, calls }) => {\n const initState = {, scopes: scope }\n render(component, { route: [...route], store: { me: initState } })\n await waitFor(() => {\n expect(mockedRoute).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(calls)\n })\n })\n})\n\n// This function takes a list of tests and a key and returns a list of tests that have the key 'inDocument'. Then the test is run for each test in the list and the correct button is checked for each scope.\nconst assertInDoc = filterForKey(testList, 'inDocument')\ndescribe.each(assertInDoc)('$title scope test assert', ({ list }) => {\n afterEach(() => {\n jest.clearAllMocks()\n })\n test.each(list)('$name', async ({ component, scope, route, inDocument }) => {\n const initState = {, scopes: scope }\n render(component, { route: [...route], store: { me: initState } })\n await waitFor(() => {\n expect(inDocument(screen)).toBeInTheDocument()\n })\n })\n})\n\n// This function takes a list of tests and a key and returns a list of tests that have the key 'notInDocument'. Then the test is run for each test in the list and the correct button is checked for each scope.\nconst assertNotInDoc = filterForKey(testList, 'notInDocument')\ndescribe.each(assertNotInDoc)('$title scope test assert', ({ list }) => {\n afterEach(() => {\n jest.clearAllMocks()\n })\n test.each(list)('$name', async ({ component, scope, route, notInDocument }) => {\n const initState = {, scopes: scope }\n render(component, { route: [...route], store: { me: initState } })\n await waitFor(() => {\n expect(notInDocument(screen)).not.toBeInTheDocument()\n })\n })\n})\n\n// This function takes a list of tests and a key and returns a list of tests that have the key.\nfunction filterForKey(obj, key) {\n const filteredList ={ title, list }) => ({ title, list: [...list.filter(obj => obj.hasOwnProperty(key))] }))\n return filteredList.filter(({ list }) => list.length > 0)\n}\n"
"file": "src/__TESTS__/Lists/Scopes.test.js",
"description": "We also assert `inDocument` and `notInDocument` assertions.",
"line": 65,
"contents": "import { waitFor } from '@testing-library/react'\nimport { screen, render } from 'test-utils'\nimport inviteUsersTestList from 'src/components/Admin/admin.scopes'\nimport classStandardList from 'src/components/ClassStandard/classStandard.scope'\nimport counterpartyTestList from 'src/components/Counterparty/counterparty.scopes'\nimport sideMenuTestList from 'src/components/Interface/SideBar/sideMenu.scopes'\nimport materialStandardList from 'src/components/MaterialStandard/materialStandard.scope'\n\n// In this file we are testing the scopes of the different components in the app to make sure that the correct buttons/components are displayed for the correct scopes and that the correct api calls are made for the correct scopes.\n// The test is done by passing in a list of tests for each component. Each test has a name, a component, a scope, a route, and a function that checks if the correct button/component/text is in the document or not.\n// The test is then run for each test in the list and the correct button/component is checked for each scope.\nconst actor = {\n token: '1111',\n companyId: '1',\n scopes: [],\n settings: {\n displayIncomingInspection: true,\n displayAnalytics: true,\n displayTraceback: true,\n displaySerialNumber: true,\n displayPartApproval: true,\n displayEarlyWarning: true,\n displayEnvironmentalData: true,\n displayDefaultLinkSubstancesResults: true,\n displayDefaultLinkCharacteristicsResults: true,\n },\n company: {\n id: '1',\n subscriptions: [\n {\n startDate: '2020-07-02T09:03:31Z',\n endDate: '2032-07-02T09:03:31Z',\n settings: {\n incomingInspection: true,\n traceback: true,\n serialNumber: true,\n partApproval: true,\n earlyWarning: true,\n environmentalData: true,\n defaultLinkSubstancesResults: true,\n defaultLinkCharacteristicsResults: true,\n },\n },\n ],\n },\n}\n\n// This is the combined list of all the tests for all the components.\nconst testList = [...counterpartyTestList, ...inviteUsersTestList, ...sideMenuTestList, ...materialStandardList, ...classStandardList]\n\n// This function takes a list of tests and a key and returns a list of tests that have the key 'calls'. Then the test is run for each test in the list and the correct button is checked for each scope.\nconst assertCallsList = filterForKey(testList, 'calls')\n\ndescribe.each(assertCallsList)('$title scope test calls', ({ list }) => {\n test.each(list)('$name', async ({ component, scope, route, mockedRoute, calls }) => {\n const initState = {, scopes: scope }\n render(component, { route: [...route], store: { me: initState } })\n await waitFor(() => {\n expect(mockedRoute).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(calls)\n })\n })\n})\n\n// This function takes a list of tests and a key and returns a list of tests that have the key 'inDocument'. Then the test is run for each test in the list and the correct button is checked for each scope.\nconst assertInDoc = filterForKey(testList, 'inDocument')\ndescribe.each(assertInDoc)('$title scope test assert', ({ list }) => {\n afterEach(() => {\n jest.clearAllMocks()\n })\n test.each(list)('$name', async ({ component, scope, route, inDocument }) => {\n const initState = {, scopes: scope }\n render(component, { route: [...route], store: { me: initState } })\n await waitFor(() => {\n expect(inDocument(screen)).toBeInTheDocument()\n })\n })\n})\n\n// This function takes a list of tests and a key and returns a list of tests that have the key 'notInDocument'. Then the test is run for each test in the list and the correct button is checked for each scope.\nconst assertNotInDoc = filterForKey(testList, 'notInDocument')\ndescribe.each(assertNotInDoc)('$title scope test assert', ({ list }) => {\n afterEach(() => {\n jest.clearAllMocks()\n })\n test.each(list)('$name', async ({ component, scope, route, notInDocument }) => {\n const initState = {, scopes: scope }\n render(component, { route: [...route], store: { me: initState } })\n await waitFor(() => {\n expect(notInDocument(screen)).not.toBeInTheDocument()\n })\n })\n})\n\n// This function takes a list of tests and a key and returns a list of tests that have the key.\nfunction filterForKey(obj, key) {\n const filteredList ={ title, list }) => ({ title, list: [...list.filter(obj => obj.hasOwnProperty(key))] }))\n return filteredList.filter(({ list }) => list.length > 0)\n}\n"
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