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Created June 30, 2022 19:02
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import Foundation
infix operator ->>: DefaultPrecedence
public protocol Castable {
func forceCast<U>(to type: U.Type) -> U
func AS<U>(to type: U.Type) -> U?
func cast<U>(to type: U.Type) -> U?
func unsafeBitCast<U>(to type: U.Type) throws -> U
func unsafeDownCast<U>(to type: U.Type) throws -> U where U: AnyObject
static func ->> <U>(lhs: Self, rhs: U.Type) -> U?
public extension Castable where Self: AnyObject {
func unsafeDownCast<U>(to type: U.Type) throws -> U where U: AnyObject {
Swift.unsafeDowncast(self, to: type.self)
public extension Castable {
func isReferenceType() -> Bool {
return Swift.type(of: self) is AnyClass
static func ->> <U>(lhs: Self, rhs: U.Type) -> U? {
lhs as? U
func forceCast<U>(to type: U.Type) -> U {
self as! U
func AS<U>(to type: U.Type) -> U? {
self as? U
func cast<U>(to type: U.Type) -> U? {
self as? U
func unsafeBitCast<U>(to type: U.Type) throws -> U {
if MemoryLayout<Self>.size != MemoryLayout<U>.size {
throw ProtoError.castingError(reason: .bitcastTwoVariableWithDifferentBitCount)
return Swift.unsafeBitCast(self, to: U.self)
func unsafeDownCast<U>(to type: U.Type) throws -> U where U: AnyObject {
throw ProtoError.castingError(reason: .downCastingNonRefrencableVariable)
extension NSObject: Castable {}
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