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Created July 11, 2016 06:11
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eth 3 write.eth
(package eth/write (write)
(import "./types" (string string? node-name))
(import "./helpers" (escape-symbol map-pairs valid-js-ident?))
; pretty print
(defn pretty-print (node)
(to-json node))
; write
(defn write-error (ast node message)
"Create and throws a new write error that include the pretty printed current ast node"
(let ((text (string message "\nwriting: " (pretty-print node) "\nfilename: " ast.filename))
(error (SyntaxError text ast.filename)))
(set error.filename ast.filename)
(throw error)))
(defn iife-block? (node)
(&& (list? node)
(== (head node) '.call)
(list? (get 1 node))
(== (head (get 1 node)) 'fn)))))
(defn wrap-in-iife (body-code)
(string "(function () {" body-code "}.call(this))"))
(defn write-body (write-node body)
(string (join ";" (concat
(map write-node (init body))
[(string "return " (write-node (last body)))])) ";"))
(defn write-list (ast write-node node)
(let ((calee (if (symbol? (head node)) (symbol-name (head node)) "")))
; empty list
(if (empty? node) "list()"
; binary operators
(if (contains calee (keys BINARY-OPERATORS))
(string "("
(write-node (get 1 node)) " "
(get calee BINARY-OPERATORS) " "
(write-node (get 2 node)) ")")
; unary operators
(if (contains calee (keys UNARY-OPERATORS))
(string "("
(get calee UNARY-OPERATORS) " "
(write-node (get 1 node)) ")")
(if (== calee "get")
(if (&& (string? (get 1 node)) (valid-js-ident? (get 1 node)))
(string (write-node (get 2 node)) "." (get 1 node))
(string (write-node (get 2 node)) "[" (write-node (get 1 node)) "]"))
(if (== calee "set")
(string "(" (join ", "
(fn (key-and-value) (apply
(\ string (node-name #1) " = " (write-node #2)) key-and-value))
(tail node))) ")")
(if (== calee "def")
(string "var " (join ", "
(fn (key-and-value) (apply
(\ string (node-name #1) " = " (write-node #2)) key-and-value))
(tail node))))
(if (== calee "cond")
(wrap-in-iife (join " else " (map-pairs
(fn (cond-and-value)
(let ((c (get 0 cond-and-value))
(v (get 1 cond-and-value)))
(string "if (" (if (== c ':else) "true" (write-node c)) ") {"
(string "return " (write-node v) ";")
(tail node))))
(if (== calee "fn")
(let ((name "")
(params (get 1 node))
(body (.slice node 2)))
(if (symbol? params)
(set name (write-node params))
(set params (get 2 node))
(set body (.slice node 3))))
(if (null? params)
(do (print params)
(set params (list))))
(if (! (symbol-list? params))
(write-error ast node "'fn' needs it's arguments to be a list of symbols"))
; handle ...
(if (&& (> (length params) 1) (== (nth -2 params) '...))
(set body (prepend `(def
~(last params)
( arguments ~(- (length params) 2))) body))
(set params (.slice params 0 -2))))
(string "(function " name "(" (join ", " (map write-node params)) ") {"
(write-body write-node body) "})"))
; dot call notation (.method obj arg1 arg2) -> ((get 'method' obj) arg1 arg2)
(if (== (head calee) ".")
(write-node `((get ~(.slice calee 1) ~(get 1 node)) ~@(.slice node 2)))
(string (write-node (head node)) "(" (join ", " (map write-node (tail node))) ")"))))))))))))
(defn write! (ast)
(fn (node)
(if (number? node) (to-json node)
(if (string? node) (to-json node)
(if (boolean? node) (to-json node)
(if (null? node) "null"
(if (undefined? node) "undefined"
; keyword
(if (keyword? node)
(to-json (escape-symbol (keyword-name node)))
; symbol
(if (symbol? node)
(escape-symbol (symbol-name node))
; quoted keyword or symbol
(if (&&
(list? node)
(== (get 0 node) 'quote)
(|| (symbol? (get 1 node)) (keyword? (get 1 node)))))
(to-json (get 1 node))
; list
(if (list? node)
(write-list ast (write! ast) node)
; array
(if (array? node)
(string "[" (join "," (map (write! ast) node)) "]")
; object
(if (object? node)
(string "{" (join "," (map
(\ join ":" [((write! ast) #) ((write! ast) (get # node))])
(keys node))) "}")
; unknown
(write-error ast node "unhandled ast node given"))))))))))))))
(defn write (ast)
(join ";" (map (write! ast) ast.nodes)))
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