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Created November 3, 2011 09:37
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Billing Plans
I'm building a billing plan into my rails app. I have 3 different plans (free, pro, enterprise) and want to be able to assign users to a plan and enable them to switch between plans. I'm trying to figure out what would be the best way of doing this.
1. Create a BillingPlan model with the 3 plans and the fields such as whether a feature is available in that plan or not. example {:free => {:analytics => false, :pdf_reports => false, :users => 1}, :pro => {:analytics => true, :pdf_reports => true, :users => 3}} So if say I want to see if the current user is able to download pdf reports, i just pull his plan_id and check if pdf_reports field is true or false. If I want to edit the plans I would update the plans in the database.
2. Another way I thought possible is to have a billing_plan field which holds the users plan. Then the plan variables store them on a YAML file and then load the yaml file in the config folder and load it up inside an initializer thereby making the data in the YAML file available as a hash of constants. This would enable me to just pull the info by writing BILLING_PLANS[current_user.billing_plan]. Editing plans I would just go ahead and edit the YAML file and change the values.
What are your thoughts on this. Which is the best solution for this?
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