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Forked from dockimbel/AVR-8.r
Created April 6, 2016 04:45
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Title: "Red/System AVR8 code emitter"
Author: "Nenad Rakocevic"
File: %AVR8.r
Rights: "Copyright (C) 2011 Nenad Rakocevic. All rights reserved."
License: "BSD-3 -"
make target-class [
target: 'AVR-8
little-endian?: yes
struct-align-size: 2
ptr-size: 2
default-align: 2
stack-width: 1
branch-offset-size: 4 ;-- size of JMP offset
types: emitter/datatypes
types/logic!: 1
types/function!: 2
append types [int16! 2 signed]
c-reg: 25 ;-- top reg for C functions calling convention
void-ptr: #{0000}
C-call?: no
base: [
;code #{03EB} ;-- code base address (Flash memory)
data #{0127} ;-- data base address (SRAM) + offset over runtime data
;-- avrdude -Cavrdude/avrdude.conf -v -v -pm328p -cstk500v1 -P\\.\COM4 -b115200 -D -Uflash:w:avr-8-test.hex:i -F
;-- avr-objdump -D --architecture=avr:5 build.hex
;-- TBD: SP (stack) must be initialize in the Reset routine (see p.9)
;-- data and stack are in SRAM
;-- SRAM:
;-- 00h - 19h : registers
;-- 1Ah - 1Bh : X register
;-- 1Ch - 1Dh : Y register
;-- 1Eh - 1Fh : Z register
;-- 20h - 5Fh : I/O space
;-- 60h - FFh : extended I/O space (ST/STS/STD and LD/LDS/LDD only)
;-- Flash: (program): 0000h - 3FFFh (boot flash section at end)
;-- Z register can be used to read constants stored in Program Memory
;-- accumulator: r16
intermix: func [opcode [binary!] value [char! integer!]][
if char? value [value: to integer! value]
opcode: copy opcode
opcode/1: to char! opcode/1 or (value and 15) ;-- inject low nibble
opcode/2: to char! opcode/2 or shift value 4 ;-- inject high nibble
emit-address: func [addr [integer!]][
emit to-bin16 shift addr 1
emit-variable-address: func [name [word!]][
emit-address emitter/symbols/:name/2
emit-load-reg: func [reg [integer!] value size [integer!] /local byte][
repeat c size [
byte: (shift value (size - c) * 8) // 256
emit to char! (shift/left reg - 16 4) or (byte and 15)
emit #"^(E0)" or shift byte 4
reg: reg - 1
emit-load-reg-Z+: func [reg [integer!] size [integer!]][
repeat c width [
emit #"^(01)" or shift/left (reg and 15) 4
emit #"^(90)" or shift reg 4
reg: reg - 1
emit-mixed: func [value [char! integer!]][
either C-call? [
if any [even? c-reg width = 1][
;emit to char! shift/left c-reg - 16 4 ; load c-reg with 0
;emit #"^(E0)"
c-reg: c-reg - 1
c-reg: emit-load-reg c-reg value width
emit-load-reg 25 value width
emit-mixed-Z+: does [
either C-call? [
if any [even? c-reg width = 1][c-reg: c-reg - 1]
c-reg: emit-load-reg-Z+ c-reg width
emit-load-reg-Z+ 25 width
emit-mixed-address: func [name [word!] low [binary!] high [binary!] /local addr][
addr: emitter/symbols/:name/2 + to integer! base/data
emit intermix low addr and 255
emit intermix high shift addr 8
emit-variable: func [
name [word! object!] gcode [binary!] lcode [binary! block!]
/local offset value
if object? name [name: compiler/unbox name]
either offset: select emitter/stack name [
if any [ ;-- local variable case
offset < -128
offset > 127
compiler/throw-error "#code generation error: overflow in emit-variable"
offset: skip debase/base to-hex offset 16 3 ; @@ just to-char ??
either block? lcode [
emit reduce bind lcode 'offset
emit #{FE01} ;-- MOVW Z,Y
value: shift offset and 32 5
value: value or shift offset and 24 2
emit lcode/1 or value
emit lcode/2 or (offset and 6)
][ ;-- global variable case
emit-mixed-address name
#{E0E0} ;-- LDI r30, [LOW(value)]
#{F0E0} ;-- LDI r31, [HIGH(value)]
emit gcode
;--- Public API ---
emit-save-last: does [
emit #{89C2} ;-- MOV edx, eax
emit-casting: func [value [object!] alt? [logic!] /local old][
type: compiler/get-type value/data
case [
value/type/1 = 'logic! [
if verbose >= 3 [print [">>>converting from" mold/flat type/1 "to logic!"]]
old: width
set-width/type type/1
emit #{31DB} ;-- XOR ebx, ebx
either alt? [
emit-poly [#{80FA00} #{83FA00}] ;-- CMP rD, 0
emit #{7401} ;-- JZ _exit
emit #{43} ;-- INC ebx
emit #{89DA} ;-- _exit: MOV edx, ebx
emit-poly [#{3C00} #{83F800}] ;-- CMP rA, 0
emit #{7401} ;-- JZ _exit
emit #{43} ;-- INC ebx
emit #{89D8} ;-- _exit: MOV eax, ebx
width: old
all [value/type/1 = 'integer! type/1 = 'byte!][
if verbose >= 3 [print ">>>converting from byte! to integer! "]
emit pick [#{81E2} #{25}] alt? ;-- AND edx|eax, 000000FFh
emit to-bin32 255
emit-load-literal: func [type [block! none!] value /local spec][
unless type [type: compiler/get-type value]
spec: emitter/store-value none value type
emit #{B8} ;-- MOV eax, value
emit-reloc-addr spec/2 ;-- one-based index
emit-set-stack: func [value /frame][
if verbose >= 3 [print [">>>emitting SET-STACK" mold value]]
emit-load value
either frame [
emit #{89C5} ;-- MOV ebp, eax
emit #{89C4} ;-- MOV esp, eax
emit-get-stack: func [/frame][
if verbose >= 3 [print ">>>emitting GET-STACK"]
either frame [
emit #{89E8} ;-- MOV eax, ebp
emit #{89E0} ;-- MOV eax, esp
emit-pop: does [
if verbose >= 3 [print ">>>emitting POP"]
emit #{58} ;-- POP eax
emit-not: func [value [word! char! tag! integer! logic! path! string! object!] /local opcodes type boxed][
if verbose >= 3 [print [">>>emitting NOT" mold value]]
if object? value [boxed: value]
value: compiler/unbox value
if block? value [value: <last>]
opcodes: [
logic! [emit #{3401}] ;-- XOR al, 1 ; invert 0<=>1
byte! [emit #{F6D0}] ;-- NOT al ; @@ missing 16-bit support
integer! [emit #{F7D0}] ;-- NOT eax
switch type?/word value [
logic! [
emit-load not value
char! [
emit-load value
do opcodes/byte!
integer! [
emit-load value
do opcodes/integer!
word! [
emit-load value
if boxed [emit-casting boxed no]
type: first compiler/get-variable-spec value
if find [pointer! c-string! struct!] type [ ;-- type casting trap
type: 'logic!
switch type opcodes
tag! [
if boxed [emit-casting boxed no]
switch compiler/last-type/1 opcodes
string! [ ;-- type casting trap
emit-load value
if boxed [emit-casting boxed no]
do opcodes/logic!
path! [
emitter/access-path value none
either boxed [
emit-casting boxed no
switch boxed/type/1 opcodes
do opcodes/integer!
emit-boolean-switch: does [
emit #{31C0} ;-- XOR eax, eax ; eax = 0 (FALSE)
emit #{EB03} ;-- JMP _exit
emit #{31C0} ;-- XOR eax, eax
emit #{40} ;-- INC eax ; eax = 1 (TRUE)
;-- _exit:
reduce [3 7] ;-- [offset-TRUE offset-FALSE]
emit-load-word: func [name [word!]][
type: compiler/resolve-type name
switch emitter/size-of? type [
1 [
emit either C-call? [
#{1891} ;-- LDS r24, [value] ; global
#{1991} ;-- LDS r25, [value] ; global
emit-variable-address name
2 [
4 [
emit-mixed-address name
#{E0E0} ;-- LDI r30, [LOW(value)]
#{F0E0} ;-- LDI r31, [HIGH(value)]
;emit #{6191} ;-- LD r25, Z+
;emit #{7191} ;-- LD r24, Z+
;emit #{8191} ;-- LD r23, Z+
;emit #{9191} ;-- LD r22, Z+
emit-load: func [
value [char! logic! integer! word! string! struct! path! paren! get-word! object!]
if verbose >= 3 [print [">>>loading" mold value]]
switch type?/word value [
char! [
emit-mixed value ;-- LDI r25, value
logic! [
emit #{9924} ;-- CLR r25 ; r25 = 0 (FALSE)
if value [emit #{9394}] ;-- INC r25 ; r25 = 1 (TRUE)
integer! [
emit-mixed value ;-- LDI r25:r22, value
word! [
with-width-of value [
emit-load-word value
get-word! [
;emit #{B8} ;-- MOV eax, &name
;emit-reloc-addr emitter/get-func-ref to word! value ;-- symbol address
string! [
emit-load-literal [c-string!] value
path! [
emitter/access-path value none
paren! [
emit-load-literal none value
object! [
unless any [block? value/data value/data = <last>][
either alt [emit-load/alt value/data][emit-load value/data]
emit-store: func [
name [word!] value [char! logic! integer! word! string! paren! tag! get-word!] spec [block! none!]
/local store-dword
if verbose >= 3 [print [">>>storing" mold name mold value]]
if value = <last> [value: 'last]
if logic? value [value: to char! value] ;-- TRUE -> 1, FALSE -> 0
switch type?/word value [
char! [
emit-load value ;-- LDI r25, value
emit-variable name ; STS [name], r25
#{F083} ;-- STS Z, r25 ; global
#{9883} ;-- STD Y+n, r25 ; local
integer! [
width: 4
emit-variable-wide name ; STS [name], r25
#{F083} ;-- STS Z, r25:r22 ; global
#{9883} ;-- STD Y+n, r25:r22 ; local
word! [
set-width name
if value <> 'last [
emit-load value
do store-byte
get-word! [
do store-byte
emit-reloc-addr emitter/get-func-ref to word! value ;-- symbol address
string! [
do store-byte
emit-reloc-addr spec/2
paren! [
do store-byte
emit-reloc-addr spec/2
emit-init-path: func [name [word!]][
emit-variable name
#{A1} ;-- MOV eax, [name] ; global
#{8B45} ;-- MOV eax, [ebp+n] ; local
emit-access-path: func [
path [path! set-path!] spec [block! none!] /short /local offset type saved
if verbose >= 3 [print [">>>accessing path:" mold path]]
unless spec [
spec: second compiler/resolve-type path/1
emit-init-path path/1
if short [return spec]
saved: width
type: first compiler/resolve-type/with path/2 spec
set-width/type type ;-- adjust operations width to member value size
either zero? offset: emitter/member-offset? spec path/2 [
emit-poly [#{8A00} #{8B00}] ;-- MOV rA, [eax]
emit-poly [#{8A80} #{8B80}] ;-- MOV rA, [eax+offset]
emit to-bin32 offset
width: saved
emit-load-index: func [idx [word!]][
emit-variable idx
#{8B1D} ;-- MOV ebx, [idx] ; global
#{8B5D} ;-- MOV ebx, [ebp+n] ; local
emit #{4B} ;-- DEC ebx ; one-based index
emit-c-string-path: func [path [path! set-path!] parent [block! none!] /local opcodes idx][
either parent [
emit #{89C6} ;-- MOV esi, eax ; nested access
emit-variable path/1
#{8B35} ;-- MOV esi, [value1] ; global
#{8D45} ;-- LEA eax, [ebp+n] ; local
offset ;-- n
#{8B30} ;-- MOV esi, [eax]
opcodes: pick [[ ;-- store path opcodes --
#{8816} ;-- MOV [esi], dl ; first
#{8896} ;-- MOV [esi + idx], dl ; n-th
#{88141E} ;-- MOV [esi + ebx], dl ; variable index
][ ;-- load path opcodes --
#{8A06} ;-- MOV al, [esi] ; first
#{8A86} ;-- MOV al, [esi + idx] ; n-th
#{8A041E} ;-- MOV al, [esi + ebx] ; variable index
]] set-path? path
either integer? idx: path/2 [
either zero? idx: idx - 1 [ ;-- indexes are one-based
emit opcodes/1
emit opcodes/2
emit to-bin32 idx
emit-load-index idx
emit opcodes/3
emit-pointer-path: func [
path [path! set-path!] parent [block! none!] /local opcodes idx type
opcodes: pick [[ ;-- store path opcodes --
[#{8810} #{8910}] ;-- MOV [eax], rD
[#{8890} #{8990}] ;-- MOV [eax + idx * sizeof(p/value)], rD
[#{881418} #{891498}] ;-- MOV [eax + ebx * sizeof(p/value)], rD
][ ;-- load path opcodes --
[#{8A00} #{8B00}] ;-- MOV rA, [eax]
[#{8A80} #{8B80}] ;-- MOV rA, [eax + idx * sizeof(p/value)]
[#{8A0418} #{8B0498}] ;-- MOV rA, [eax + ebx * sizeof(p/value)]
]] set-path? path
type: either parent [
compiler/resolve-type/with path/1 parent
emit-init-path path/1
type: compiler/resolve-type path/1
set-width/type type/2/1 ;-- adjust operations width to pointed value size
idx: either path/2 = 'value [1][path/2]
either integer? idx [
either zero? idx: idx - 1 [ ;-- indexes are one-based
emit-poly opcodes/1
emit-poly opcodes/2
emit to-bin32 idx * emitter/size-of? type/2/1
emit-load-index idx
emit-poly opcodes/3
emit-load-path: func [path [path!] type [word!] parent [block! none!] /local idx][
if verbose >= 3 [print [">>>loading path:" mold path]]
switch type [
c-string! [emit-c-string-path path parent]
pointer! [emit-pointer-path path parent]
struct! [emit-access-path path parent]
emit-store-path: func [path [set-path!] type [word!] value parent [block! none!] /local idx offset][
if verbose >= 3 [print [">>>storing path:" mold path mold value]]
if parent [emit #{89C2}] ;-- MOV edx, eax ; save value/address
unless value = <last> [emit-load value]
emit #{92} ;-- XCHG eax, edx ; save value/restore address
switch type [
c-string! [emit-c-string-path path parent]
pointer! [emit-pointer-path path parent]
struct! [
unless parent [parent: emit-access-path/short path parent]
type: first compiler/resolve-type/with path/2 parent
set-width/type type ;-- adjust operations width to member value size
either zero? offset: emitter/member-offset? parent path/2 [
emit-poly [#{8810} #{8910}] ;-- MOV [eax], rD
emit-poly [#{8890} #{8990}] ;-- MOV [eax+offset], rD
emit to-bin32 offset
emit-exit: does [
emit #{E9} ;-- JMP imm32
emit-reloc-addr compose/only [- - (emitter/exits)]
emit-branch: func [
code [binary!]
op [word! block! logic! none!]
offset [integer! none!]
/local size imm8? opcode jmp
if verbose >= 3 [print [">>>inserting branch" either op [join "cc: " mold op][""]]]
size: (length? code) - any [offset 0] ;-- offset from the code's head
imm8?: size <= either back [126][127] ;-- account 2 bytes for JMP imm8
opcode: either not none? op [ ;-- explicitly test for none
op: case [
block? op [ ;-- [cc] => keep
op: op/1
either logic? op [pick [= <>] op][op] ;-- [logic!] or [cc]
logic? op [pick [= <>] op] ;-- test for TRUE/FALSE
'else [opposite? op] ;-- 'cc => invert condition
add-condition op copy pick [#{70} #{0F80}] imm8? ;-- Jcc offset ; 8/32-bit displacement
pick [#{EB} #{E9}] imm8? ;-- JMP offset ; 8/32-bit displacement
if back [size: negate (size + (length? opcode) + pick [1 4] imm8?)]
jmp: rejoin [opcode either imm8? [to-bin8 size][to-bin32 size]]
insert any [all [back tail code] code] jmp
length? jmp
emit-push: func [
value [char! logic! integer! word! block! string! tag! path! get-word! object!]
/with cast [object!]
/local spec type
if verbose >= 3 [print [">>>pushing" mold value]]
if block? value [value: <last>]
switch type?/word value [
tag! [ ;-- == <last>
emit #{50} ;-- PUSH eax
logic! [
emit #{31C0} ;-- XOR eax, eax ; eax = 0 (FALSE)
if value [
emit #{40} ;-- INC eax ; eax = 1 (TRUE)
emit #{50} ;-- PUSH eax
char! [
emit #{6A} ;-- PUSH value
emit value
integer! [
either all [-128 <= value value <= 127][
emit #{6A} ;-- PUSH imm8
emit to-bin8 value
emit #{68} ;-- PUSH imm32
emit to-bin32 value
word! [
type: first compiler/get-variable-spec value
either find [c-string! struct! pointer!] type [
emit-variable value
#{FF35} ;-- PUSH [value] ; global
#{FF75} ;-- PUSH [ebp+n] ; local
emit-variable value
#{FF35} ;-- PUSH dword [value] ; global
#{8D45} ;-- LEA eax, [ebp+n] ; local
offset ;-- n
#{FF30} ;-- PUSH dword [eax]
get-word! [
emit #{68} ;-- PUSH &value
emit-reloc-addr emitter/get-func-ref to word! value ;-- value memory address
string! [
spec: emitter/store-value none value [c-string!]
emit #{68} ;-- PUSH value
emit-reloc-addr spec/2 ;-- one-based index
path! [
emitter/access-path value none
if cast [emit-casting cast no]
emit-push <last>
object! [
either path? value/data [
emit-push/with value/data value
emit-push value/data
emit-push <last>
emit-sign-extension: does [
emit switch width [
1 [#{6698}] ;-- CBW ; extend AL to AX
2 [#{6699}] ;-- CWD ; extend AX to DX:AX
4 [#{99}] ;-- CDQ ; extend EAX to EDX:EAX
emit-bitshift-op: func [name [word!] a [word!] b [word!] args [block!] /local c value][
switch b [
ref [
emit-variable args/2
#{8A0D} ;-- MOV cl, byte [value] ; global
#{8A4D} ;-- MOV cl, byte [ebp+n] ; local
reg [emit #{88D1}] ;-- MOV cl, dl
switch name [
<< [
emit-poly pick [
[#{C0E0} #{C1E0}] ;-- SAL|SHL rA, value
[#{D2E0} #{D3E0}] ;-- SAL|SHL rA, cl
] b = 'imm
>> [
emit-poly pick [
[#{C0F8} #{C1F8}] ;-- SAR rA, value
[#{D2F8} #{D3F8}] ;-- SAR rA, cl
] b = 'imm
-** [
emit-poly pick [
[#{C0E8} #{C1E8}] ;-- SHR rA, value
[#{D2E8} #{D3E8}] ;-- SHR rA, cl
] b = 'imm
if b = 'imm [
c: select [1 7 2 15 4 31] width
value: compiler/unbox args/2
unless all [0 <= value value <= c][
compiler/backtrack name
compiler/throw-error rejoin [
"a value in 0-" c " range is required for this shift operation"
emit to-bin8 value
emit-bitwise-op: func [name [word!] a [word!] b [word!] args [block!] /local code][
code: select [
and [
#{25} ;-- AND eax, value
#{21D0} ;-- AND eax, edx ; commutable op
or [
#{0D} ;-- OR eax, value
#{09D0} ;-- OR eax, edx ; commutable op
xor [
#{35} ;-- XOR eax, value
#{31D0} ;-- XOR eax, edx ; commutable op
] name
switch b [
imm [
emit code/1 ;-- <OP> eax, value
emit to-bin32 compiler/unbox args/2
ref [
emit-load/alt args/2
if object? args/2 [emit-casting args/2 yes]
emit code/2
reg [emit code/2] ;-- <OP> eax, edx ; commutable op
emit-comparison-op: func [name [word!] a [word!] b [word!] args [block!] /local op-poly][
op-poly: [emit-poly [#{38D0} #{39D0}]] ;-- CMP rA, rD ; not commutable op
switch b [
imm [
emit-poly [#{3C} #{3D} args/2] ;-- CMP rA, value
ref [
emit-load/alt args/2
if object? args/2 [emit-casting args/2 yes]
do op-poly
reg [
do op-poly
emit-math-op: func [
name [word!] a [word!] b [word!] args [block!]
/local mod? scale c type arg2 op-poly
;-- eax = a, edx = b
if find [// ///] name [ ;-- work around unaccepted '// and '///
mod?: select [// mod /// rem] name ;-- convert operators to words (easier to handle)
name: first [/] ;-- work around unaccepted '/
arg2: compiler/unbox args/2
if all [
find [+ -] name ;-- pointer arithmetic only allowed for + & -
type: compiler/resolve-expr-type args/1
not compiler/any-pointer? compiler/resolve-expr-type args/2 ;-- no scaling if both operands are pointers
scale: switch type/1 [
pointer! [emitter/size-of? type/2/1] ;-- scale factor: size of pointed value
struct! [emitter/member-offset? type/2 none] ;-- scale factor: total size of the struct
scale > 1
either compiler/literal? arg2 [
arg2: arg2 * scale ;-- 'b is a literal, so scale it directly
either b = 'reg [
emit #{92} ;-- XCHG eax, edx ; put operands in right order
][ ;-- 'b will now be stored in reg, so save 'a
emit-poly [#{88C2} #{89C2}] ;-- MOV rD, rA
emit-load args/2
emit-math-op '* 'reg 'imm reduce [arg2 scale]
if name = '- [emit #{92}] ;-- XCHG eax, edx ; put operands in right order
b: 'reg
;-- eax = a, edx = b
switch name [
+ [
op-poly: [
emit-poly [#{00D0} #{01D0}] ;-- ADD rA, rD ; commutable op
switch b [
imm [
emit-poly either arg2 = 1 [ ;-- trivial optimization
[#{FEC0} #{40}] ;-- INC rA
[#{04} #{05} arg2] ;-- ADD rA, value
ref [
emit-load/alt args/2
do op-poly
reg [do op-poly]
- [
op-poly: [
emit-poly [#{28D0} #{29D0}] ;-- SUB rA, rD ; not commutable op
switch b [
imm [
emit-poly either arg2 = 1 [ ;-- trivial optimization
[#{FEC8} #{48}] ;-- DEC rA
[#{2C} #{2D} arg2] ;-- SUB rA, value
ref [
emit-load/alt args/2
do op-poly
reg [do op-poly]
* [
op-poly: [
emit-poly [#{F6EA} #{F7EA}] ;-- IMUL rD ; commutable op
switch b [
imm [
either all [
not zero? arg2
c: power-of-2? arg2 ;-- trivial optimization for b=2^n
either width = 1 [
emit #{C0E0} ;-- SHL al, log2(b) ; 8-bit unsigned
emit-poly [#{C0ED} #{C1E0}] ;-- SAL rA, log2(b) ; signed
emit to-bin8 c
unless width = 1 [emit #{52}] ;-- PUSH edx ; save edx from corruption for 16/32-bit ops
with-width-of/alt args/2 [
emit-poly [#{B2} #{BA} args/2] ;-- MOV rD, value
emit #{89D3} ;-- MOV ebx, edx
emit-poly [#{F6EB} #{F7EB}] ;-- IMUL rB ; result in ax|eax|edx:eax
unless width = 1 [emit #{5A}] ;-- POP edx
ref [
emit #{52} ;-- PUSH edx ; save edx from corruption
emit-load/alt args/2
do op-poly
emit #{5A} ;-- POP edx
reg [do op-poly]
/ [
op-poly: [
either width = 1 [ ;-- 8-bit unsigned
emit #{B400} ;-- MOV ah, 0 ; clean-up garbage in ah
emit #{F6F3} ;-- DIV bl
emit-sign-extension ;-- 16/32-bit signed
emit-poly [#{F6FB} #{F7FB}] ;-- IDIV rB ; rA / rB
switch b [
imm [ ;-- SAR usage
emit #{52} ;-- PUSH edx ; save edx from corruption
with-width-of/alt args/2 [
emit-poly [#{B2} #{BA} args/2] ;-- MOV rD, value
emit #{89D3} ;-- MOV ebx, edx
do op-poly
ref [
emit #{52} ;-- PUSH edx ; save edx from corruption
emit-load/alt args/2
emit #{89D3} ;-- MOV ebx, edx
do op-poly
reg [
emit #{89D3} ;-- MOV ebx, edx ; ebx = b
do op-poly
if mod? [
emit-poly [#{88E0} #{89D0}] ;-- MOV rA, remainder ; remainder from ah|dx|edx
if all [mod? <> 'rem width > 1][;-- modulo, not remainder
;-- Adjust modulo result to be mathematically correct:
;-- if modulo < 0 [
;-- if divider < 0 [divider: negate divider]
;-- modulo: modulo + divider
;-- ]
c: to-bin8 select [1 7 2 15 4 31] width ;-- support for possible int8 type
emit #{0FBAE0} ;-- BT rA, 7|15|31 ; @@ better way ?
emit c
emit #{730A} ;-- JNC exit ; (won't work with ax)
emit #{0FBAE3} ;-- BT rB, 7|15|31 ; @@ better way ?
emit c
emit #{7302} ;-- JNC add ; (won't work with ax)
emit-poly [#{F6DB} #{F7DB}] ;-- NEG rB
emit-poly [#{00D8} #{01D8}] ;-- add: ADD rA, rB
] ;-- exit:
if any [ ;-- in case edx was saved on stack
all [b = 'imm any [mod? not c]]
b = 'ref
emit #{5A} ;-- POP edx
;TBD: test overflow and raise exception ? (or store overflow flag in a variable??)
; JNO? (Jump if No Overflow)
emit-operation: func [name [word!] args [block!] /local a b c sorted? arg left right][
if verbose >= 3 [print [">>>inlining op:" mold name mold args]]
set-width args/1 ;-- set reg/mem access width
c: 1
foreach op [a b][
arg: either object? args/:c [compiler/cast args/:c][args/:c]
set op either arg = <last> [
'reg ;-- value in eax
switch type?/word arg [
char! ['imm] ;-- add or mov to al
integer! ['imm] ;-- add or mov to eax
word! ['ref] ;-- fetch value
block! ['reg] ;-- value in eax (or in edx)
path! ['reg] ;-- value in eax (or in edx)
c: c + 1
if verbose >= 3 [?? a ?? b] ;-- a and b hold addressing modes for operands
;-- First operand processing
left: compiler/unbox args/1
right: compiler/unbox args/2
switch to path! reduce [a b] [
imm/imm [emit-poly [#{B0} #{B8} args/1]];-- MOV rA, a
imm/ref [emit-load args/1] ;-- eax = a
imm/reg [ ;-- eax = b
if path? right [
emit-load args/2 ;-- late path loading
emit-poly [#{88C2} #{89C2}] ;-- MOV rD, rA
emit-poly [#{B0} #{B8} args/1] ;-- MOV rA, a ; eax = a, edx = b
ref/imm [emit-load args/1]
ref/ref [emit-load args/1]
ref/reg [ ;-- eax = b
if path? right [
emit-load args/2 ;-- late path loading
emit-poly [#{88C2} #{89C2}] ;-- MOV rD, rA
emit-load args/1 ;-- eax = a, edx = b
reg/imm [ ;-- eax = a (or edx = a if last-saved)
if path? left [
emit-load args/1 ;-- late path loading
if last-saved? [emit #{92}] ;-- XCHG eax, edx ; eax = a
reg/ref [ ;-- eax = a (or edx = a if last-saved)
if path? left [
emit-load args/1 ;-- late path loading
if last-saved? [emit #{92}] ;-- XCHG eax, edx ; eax = a
reg/reg [ ;-- eax = b, edx = a
if path? left [
if block? args/2 [ ;-- edx = b
emit #{92} ;-- XCHG eax, edx
sorted?: yes ;-- eax = a, edx = b
emit-load args/1 ;-- late path loading
if path? right [
emit #{92} ;-- XCHG eax, edx ; eax = b, edx = a
emit-load args/2
unless sorted? [emit #{92}] ;-- XCHG eax, edx ; eax = a, edx = b
last-saved?: no ;-- reset flag
if object? args/1 [emit-casting args/1 no] ;-- do runtime conversion on eax if required
;-- Operator and second operand processing
either all [object? args/2 find [imm reg] b][
emit-casting args/2 yes ;-- do runtime conversion on edx if required
implicit-cast right
case [
find comparison-op name [emit-comparison-op name a b args]
find math-op name [emit-math-op name a b args]
find bitwise-op name [emit-bitwise-op name a b args]
find bitshift-op name [emit-bitshift-op name a b args]
emit-cdecl-pop: func [spec [block!] args [block!] /local size][
size: emitter/arguments-size? spec/4
if all [
spec/2 = 'syscall
compiler/job/syscall = 'BSD
size: size + stack-width ;-- account for extra space
if issue? args/1 [ ;-- test for variadic call
size: length? args/2
if spec/2 = 'native [
size: size + pick [3 2] args/1 = #typed ;-- account for extra arguments
size: size * stack-width
emit #{83C4} ;-- ADD esp, n
emit to-bin8 size
emit-argument: func [arg func-type [word!]][
either all [
object? arg
any [arg/type = 'logic! 'byte! = first compiler/get-type arg/data]
not path? arg/data
unless block? arg [emit-load arg] ;-- block! means last value is already in eax (func call)
emit-casting arg no
emit-push <last>
compiler/last-type: arg/type ;-- for inline unary functions
set-width arg
switch func-type [
syscall [
C-call?: yes
emit-load arg
emit-call: func [name [word!] args [block!] sub? [logic!] /local spec fspec type res total][
if verbose >= 3 [print [">>>calling:" mold name mold args]]
fspec: select compiler/functions name
type: first spec: any [
select emitter/symbols name ;@@
next fspec
switch type [ ;-- call or inline the function
syscall [
emit #{0E94} ;-- CALL address
emit-address last fspec ;-- syscall address
;emit-cdecl-pop fspec ;-- AVR-libc uses cdecl
c-reg: 25 ;-- reset register counter (C cconv)
C-call?: no ;-- clear C cconv flag
import [
compiler/throw-error "not supported for AVR-8"
native [
emit #{E8} ;-- CALL NEAR disp
emit-reloc-addr spec ;-- 32-bit relative displacement place-holder
if find [cdecl gcc45] fspec/3 [ ;-- in case of not default calling convention
emit-cdecl-pop fspec
inline [
if block? args/1 [args/1: <last>] ;-- works only for unary functions
do select [
not [emit-not args/1]
push [emit-push args/1]
pop [emit-pop]
] name
if name = 'not [res: compiler/get-type args/1]
op [
emit-operation name args
if sub? [emitter/logic-to-integer name]
unless find comparison-op name [ ;-- comparison always return a logic!
res: any [
;all [object? args/1 args/1/type]
all [not sub? block? args/1 compiler/last-type]
compiler/get-type args/1 ;-- other ops return type of the first argument
emit-stack-align-prolog: func [args [block!] /local offset][
if compiler/job/stack-align-16? [
emit #{89E7} ;-- MOV edi, esp
emit #{83E4F0} ;-- AND esp, -16
offset: 1 + length? args ;-- account for saved edi
unless zero? offset: offset // 4 [
emit #{83EC} ;-- SUB esp, offset ; ensure call will be 16-bytes aligned
emit to-bin8 (4 - offset) * 4
emit #{57} ;-- PUSH edi
emit-stack-align-epilog: func [args [block!]][
if compiler/job/stack-align-16? [
emit #{5C} ;-- POP esp
emit-prolog: func [name [word!] locals [block!] locals-size [integer!] /local fspec][
if verbose >= 3 [print [">>>building:" uppercase mold to-word name "prolog"]]
emit #{55} ;-- PUSH ebp
emit #{89E5} ;-- MOV ebp, esp
unless zero? locals-size [
emit #{83EC} ;-- SUB esp, locals-size
emit to-char round/to/ceiling locals-size 4 ;-- limits total local variables size to 255 bytes
fspec: select compiler/functions name
if all [block? fspec/4/1 find fspec/4/1 'callback] [
emit #{53} ;-- PUSH ebx
emit #{56} ;-- PUSH esi
emit #{57} ;-- PUSH edi
emit-epilog: func [name [word!] locals [block!] args-size [integer!] /local fspec][
if verbose >= 3 [print [">>>building:" uppercase mold to-word name "epilog"]]
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