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Last active December 4, 2024 17:45
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* Callable typehints are only supported in php >= 5.4.
* For PHP 5.3, remove callable typehint, use is_callable($callback) instead.
* Returns true if the given predicate is true for all elements.
function array_every(callable $callback, array $arr) {
foreach ($arr as $element) {
if (!$callback($element)) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* Returns true if the given predicate is true for at least one element.
function array_some(callable $callback, array $arr) {
foreach ($arr as $element) {
if ($callback($element)) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Farty face.
* Example usage:
$all_foo = array('foo', 'foo', 'foo');
$some_foo = array('foo', 'foo', 'bar');
function is_foo($stringy) {
return $stringy == 'foo';
function is_bar($stringy) {
return $stringy == 'bar';
echo "Every \$all_foo element is 'foo': ";
var_dump(array_every("is_foo", $all_foo));
echo "Some \$all_foo element is 'foo': ";
var_dump(array_some("is_foo", $all_foo));
echo "\n";
echo "Every \$all_foo element is 'bar': ";
var_dump(array_every("is_bar", $all_foo));
echo "Some \$all_foo element is 'bar': ";
var_dump(array_some("is_bar", $all_foo));
echo "\n";
echo "Every \$some_foo element is 'foo': ";
var_dump(array_every("is_foo", $some_foo));
echo "Some \$some_foo element is 'foo': ";
var_dump(array_some("is_foo", $some_foo));
echo "\n";
echo "Every \$some_foo element is 'bar': ";
var_dump(array_every("is_bar", $some_foo));
echo "Some \$some_foo element is 'bar': ";
var_dump(array_some("is_bar", $some_foo));
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