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Created April 4, 2014 09:17
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
My personal python library.
@author: damo_ma
import numpy as np
def resize_2d_nonan(array,factor):
Resize a 2D array by different factor on two axis sipping NaN values.
If a new pixel contains only NaN, it will be set to NaN
array : 2D np array
factor : int or tuple. If int x and y factor wil be the same
array : 2D np array scaled by factor
Created on Mon Jan 27 15:21:25 2014
@author: damo_ma
xsize, ysize = array.shape
if isinstance(factor,int):
factor_x = factor
factor_y = factor
elif isinstance(factor,tuple):
factor_x , factor_y = factor[0], factor[1]
raise NameError('Factor must be a tuple (x,y) or an integer')
if not (xsize %factor_x == 0 or ysize % factor_y == 0) :
raise NameError('Factors must be intger multiple of array shape')
new_xsize, new_ysize = xsize/factor_x, ysize/factor_y
new_array = np.empty([new_xsize, new_ysize])
new_array[:] = np.nan # this saves us an assignment in the loop below
# submatrix indexes : is the average box on the original matrix
subrow, subcol = np.indices((factor_x, factor_y))
# new matrix indexs
row, col = np.indices((new_xsize, new_ysize))
# # some output for testing
# for i, j, ind in zip(row.reshape(-1), col.reshape(-1),range(row.size)) :
# print '----------------------------------------------'
# print 'i: %i, j: %i, ind: %i ' % (i, j, ind)
# print 'subrow+i*new_ysize, subcol+j*new_xsize :'
# print i,'*',new_xsize,'=',i*factor_x
# print j,'*',new_ysize,'=',j*factor_y
# print subrow+i*factor_x
# print subcol+j*factor_y
# print '---'
# print 'array[subrow+i*factor_x,subcol+j*factor_y] : '
# print array[subrow+i*factor_x,subcol+j*factor_y]
for i, j, ind in zip(row.reshape(-1), col.reshape(-1),range(row.size)) :
# define the small sub_matrix as view of input matrix subset
sub_matrix = array[subrow+i*factor_x,subcol+j*factor_y]
# modified from any(a) and all(a) to a.any() and a.all()
# see
if not (np.isnan(sub_matrix)).all(): # if we haven't all NaN
if (np.isnan(sub_matrix)).any(): # if we haven no NaN at all
msub_matrix =,np.isnan(sub_matrix))
(new_array.reshape(-1))[ind] = np.mean(msub_matrix)
else: # if we haven some NaN
(new_array.reshape(-1))[ind] = np.mean(sub_matrix)
# the case assign NaN if we have all NaN is missing due
# to the standard values of new_array
return new_array
def data_dropbox_path():
import os
base_path = '/Users/damo_ma/Dropbox/' # on laptop
if not os.path.isdir(base_path) :
base_path = '/Users/damo_ma/Documents/Dropbox/' # on desktop
return base_path
def define_plot_matrix(plot_data, rows, cols):
# np.flipud : flip the image on the y (axes=1) to have right orientation
# The logic behind is linked to the regular grid generation in psql (fishnet)
fill_nan = np.zeros(((180-rows)/2 , cols))
fill_nan[:,:] = np.nan
# pad the -90 / -80 and 80 / 90 with fake NaN
tmp = np.vstack( (fill_nan, plot_data.reshape(rows, cols), fill_nan) )
tmp = np.flipud(tmp)
return tmp
def scale_nparr(input_arr,min_new=0,max_new=1):
Rescale input numpy array to given (min_new,max_new).
Deafult for scale_nparr(x) is to scale to (0,1) interval included.
out = (input_arr-min(input_arr))/(max(input_arr)-min(input_arr)) # normalize
if (min_new != 0) and ( max_new !=1):
out = out*(max_new-min_new)+min_new
return out
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