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Last active February 24, 2023 02:05
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NBB + Ruuter + Axios Lambda API proxy
(ns foo
{:clj-kondo/config '{:lint-as {promesa.core/let clojure.core/let
applied-science.js-interop/defn clojure.core/defn}}}
(:require [cljs-bean.core :refer [->clj ->js]]
[ruuter.core :as ruuter]
["axios$default" :as axios]
[clojure.string :as string]
[promesa.core :as p]
[applied-science.js-interop :as j]))
(def base-url "https://")
(def key-id "")
(def key-pass "")
(defn handle-token [_request]
(->js {:url "/api/token/"
:baseURL base-url
:headers {"Content-ype" "application/json"}
:method "post"
:data {:id key-id
:password key-pass
:scopes "foo,bar"}})))
(defn handle-other [request]
{:status 200
:body (str "Hello, " (:who (:params request)))})
(def routes [{:path "/proxy/api/token/*"
:method :post
:response handle-token}
{:path "/proxy/api/*"
:method :any
:response handle-other}])
(defn ->method [m]
(-> m string/lower-case keyword))
(j/defn event->req [^js {:keys [body] {{:keys [path method]} :http} :requestContext}]
{:uri path
:request-method (->method method)
:data body})
(j/defn response->lambda-response
[^js {:keys [status data]}]
#js {:statusCode status
:body data})
(defn axios->lambda-response [prom]
(-> prom
(fn [res]
(response->lambda-response res)))
(fn [error]
{:statusCode "500"
:body (.toJSON error)})))))
(defn ruuter-response->lambda-response [maybe-promise]
(if (p/promise? maybe-promise)
(axios->lambda-response maybe-promise)
;; This is a ruuter response which isnt a promise
#js {:statusCode (:status maybe-promise) :body (:body maybe-promise)}))
(defn handler [event _ctx]
(let [request (event->req event)]
(-> routes
(ruuter/route request)
#js {:handler handler}
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