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Created January 7, 2012 04:06
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Repeatable g, z, [ and ] mappings
" Repeatable g, z, [ and ] mappings
nn <silent> g :<c-u>cal keycmd#init('g', v:register)<cr>
nn <silent> z :<c-u>cal keycmd#init('z', v:register)<cr>
nn <silent> [ :<c-u>cal keycmd#init('[', v:register)<cr>
nn <silent> ] :<c-u>cal keycmd#init(']', v:register)<cr>
nn <silent> _g :cal keycmd#repeat('g')<cr>
nn <silent> _z :cal keycmd#repeat('z')<cr>
nn <silent> _[ :cal keycmd#repeat('[')<cr>
nn <silent> _] :cal keycmd#repeat(']')<cr>
" File: autoload/keycmd.vim
" Description: Make g, z, [ and ] mappings repeatable
fu! keycmd#init(...)
if a:1 !~# 'z\|g\|\[\|\]' | retu | en
let vpct = v:count ? v:count : ''
let char = nr2char(getchar())
if ( a:1 == 'z' && char =~# 'f\|\d' )
\ || ( a:1 == 'g' && char =~# "\\v'|`|U|\\?|q|r|u|w|\\@|\\~" )
cal feedkeys(vpct.a:1.char, 'nt')
let vreg = a:1 == 'g' && char =~? 'p' ? '"'.a:2 : ''
if !exists('s:rp')
let s:rp = {}
cal extend(s:rp, { a:1 : vpct.vreg.a:1.char })
cal feedkeys(s:rp[a:1], 'nt')
fu! keycmd#repeat(...)
if exists('s:rp') && has_key(s:rp, a:1)
cal feedkeys(s:rp[a:1], 'nt')
" vim:nofen:noet:ts=2:sw=2:sts=2
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