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[Drag Gesture Implementations] #SwiftUI

Drag Gesture Implementations

Simple Example 1

Here I used @State CGSize values to represent both the viewState and the dragState

struct Example1: View {
    @State var viewState: CGSize = .zero
    @State var dragState: CGSize = .zero
    var body: some View {
        let dragGesture = DragGesture()
            .onChanged { (value) in
                self.dragState = value.translation
        }.onEnded { (value) in
            self.viewState.width += value.translation.width
            self.viewState.height += value.translation.height
            self.dragState = .zero
        return Circle().foregroundColor(.blue).frame(width: 20, height: 20)
            .offset(x: dragState.width + viewState.width,
                    y: dragState.height + viewState.height)

Simple Example 2

This time I made the structure similar to the Composing SwiftUI Gestures article but without the long press gesture.

struct Example2: View {
    @State var viewState: CGSize = .zero
    @GestureState var dragState: DragState = .inactive
    enum DragState {
        case inactive
        case active(translation: CGSize)
        var translation: CGSize {
            switch self {
            case .active(translation: let translation):
                return translation
                return .zero
    var body: some View {
        let dragGesture = DragGesture()
            .updating($dragState) { (value, state, _) in
                state = .active(translation: value.translation)
        }.onEnded { (value) in
            self.viewState.width += value.translation.width
            self.viewState.height += value.translation.height
        return Circle().foregroundColor(.red).frame(width: 20, height: 20)
            .offset(x: dragState.translation.width + viewState.width,
                    y: dragState.translation.height + viewState.height)

Accessing Drag Values

The DragGesture.Value struct provides access to a bunch of data about the current drag.

  • time - The time associated with the current event.
  • location - The location of the current event.
  • startLocation - The location of the first event.
  • translation - The total translation fram the first event to the current event
  • predictedEndLocation - A prediction of where the final location would be if dragging stopped now, based on the current drag velocity.
  • predictedEndTranslation - A prediction of what the final translation would be if dragging stopped now, based on the current drag velocity.


Full Drag State

enum FullDragState {
    case inactive
    case active(
        time: Date,
        location: CGPoint,
        startLocation: CGPoint,
        translation: CGSize,
        predictedEndLocation: CGPoint,
        predictedEndTranslation: CGSize)
    var time: Date? {
        switch self {
        case .active(let time, _, _, _, _, _):
            return time
            return nil
    var location: CGPoint {
        switch self {
        case .active(_, let location, _, _, _, _):
            return location
            return .zero
    var startLocation: CGPoint {
        switch self {
        case .active(_, _, let startLocation, _, _, _):
            return startLocation
            return .zero
    var translation: CGSize {
        switch self {
        case .active(_, _, _, let translation, _, _):
            return translation
            return .zero
    var predictedEndLocation: CGPoint {
        switch self {
        case .active(_, _, _, _, let predictedEndLocation, _):
            return predictedEndLocation
            return .zero
    var predictedEndTranslation: CGSize {
        switch self {
        case .active(_, _, _, _, _, let predictedEndTranslation):
            return predictedEndTranslation
            return .zero
    var isActive: Bool {
        switch self {
        case .active(_, _, _, _, _, _):
            return true
            return false

Drag Values

struct DragValues: Equatable {
        var time: Date?
        var location: CGPoint
        var startLocation: CGPoint
        var translation: CGSize
        var predictedEndLocation: CGPoint
        var predictedEndTranslation: CGSize
        static func zero() -> DragValues{
            return DragValues(time: nil,
                              location: .zero,
                              startLocation: .zero,
                              translation: .zero,
                              predictedEndLocation: .zero,
                              predictedEndTranslation: .zero)

Drag Velocity Example

enum DragVelocity {
    case inactive
    case active(time: Date,
        location: CGPoint,
        startingLocation: CGPoint,
        translation: CGSize,
        velocity: CGSize)
    var time: Date? {
        switch self {
        case .active(let time, _, _, _, _):
            return time
            return nil
    var location: CGPoint {
        switch self {
        case .active(_, let location, _, _, _):
            return location
            return .zero
    var startLocation: CGPoint {
        switch self {
        case .active(_, _, let startLocation, _, _):
            return startLocation
            return .zero
    var translation: CGSize {
        switch self {
        case .active(_, _, _, let translation, _):
            return translation
            return .zero
    var velocity: CGSize {
        switch self {
        case .active(_, _, _, _,  let velocity):
            return velocity
            return .zero
    var isActive: Bool {
        switch self {
        case .active(_, _, _, _, _):
            return true
            return false

struct DragVelocityExample: View {
    @GestureState var dragState: DragVelocity = .inactive
    @State var viewState: DragValues = .zero()
    struct DragValues: Equatable {
        var time: Date?
        var location: CGPoint
        var startLocation: CGPoint
        var translation: CGSize
        var velocity: CGSize
        static func zero() -> DragValues{
            return DragValues(time: nil,
                              location: .zero,
                              startLocation: .zero,
                              translation: .zero,
                              velocity: .zero)
    var body: some View {
        let dragGesture = DragGesture()
            .updating($dragState, body: { (value, state, transaction) in
                if state.time == nil {
                    state = .active(time: value.time,
                    location: value.location,
                    startingLocation: value.startLocation,
                    translation: value.translation,
                    velocity: .zero)
                } else {
                    let vX = (value.location.x-state.location.x)/CGFloat((state.time?.timeIntervalSince(value.time) ?? 1))
                    let vY = (value.location.y-state.location.y)/CGFloat((state.time?.timeIntervalSince(value.time) ?? 1))
                    state = .active(time: value.time,
                                       location: value.location,
                                       startingLocation: value.startLocation,
                                       translation: value.translation,
                                       velocity: CGSize(width: vX, height: vY))
            .onEnded { (value) in
                self.viewState = DragValues(time: value.time,
                                            location: value.location,
                                            startLocation: value.startLocation,
                                            translation: CGSize(width: value.translation.width + self.viewState.translation.width,
                                                                height: value.translation.height + self.viewState.translation.height),
                                            velocity: .zero)
        return ZStack {
            Circle().foregroundColor( dragState.velocity.width > 40 ? .red: .blue)
                .frame(width: 50 , height: 50 )
                .offset(x: dragState.translation.width + viewState.translation.width,
                        y: dragState.translation.height + viewState.translation.height)
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