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[Numerical ODE Solvers] Numerical Differential Equation Solvers Made In Swift. Euler, Improved Euler, and Runge Kutta 4th Order. #Math
// Kieran Brown
// Kieran's Components "Numerical ODE Solvers"
import Foundations
/// # Eulers Method
/// Uses simple finite difference with no trial steps
/// Each call to this function performs one step. This implies that the `simpleEuler` function is meant to be used as part of a larger solve.
/// - parameters:
/// - stepSize: The increment to increase the independent variable by each iteration
/// - independentVariable: This is the current value the independent variable
/// - dependentVariables: These are the current values of all dependencies of the derivative functions
/// - functions: An array of references to derivative functions.
/// - returns
/// The new values of the `dependentVariables` computed at the next step.
/// - important: The `dependentVariables` array and `functions` array must have the same number of elements
/// and be in corresponding order.
func simpleEuler(_ stepSize: Double,
_ independentVariable: Double,
_ dependentVariables: [Double],
functions: [(Double, [Double]) -> Double]) -> [Double] {
var newValues = [Double]()
functions.enumerated().forEach { (i, f) in
newValues.append( dependentVariables[i] + f(independentVariable, dependentVariables)*stepSize)
return newValues
/// # Improved Eulers Method
/// Makes use of a trial step and then averages the trial and real step values.
/// - parameters:
/// - stepSize: The increment to increase the independent variable by each iteration
/// - independentVariable: This is the current value the independent variable
/// - dependentVariables: These are the current values of all dependencies of the derivative functions
/// - functions: An array of references to derivative functions.
/// - returns
/// The new values of the `dependentVariables` computed at the next step.
/// - important: The `dependentVariables` array and `functions` array must have the same number of elements
/// and be in corresponding order.
func improvedEuler(_ stepSize: Double,
_ independentVariable: Double,
_ dependentVariables: [Double],
functions: [(Double, [Double]) -> Double]) -> [Double] {
var trialValues = [Double]()
functions.enumerated().forEach { (i, f) in
trialValues.append( dependentVariables[i] + f(independentVariable, dependentVariables)*stepSize)
var newValues = [Double]()
functions.enumerated().forEach { (i, f) in
newValues.append(dependentVariables[i] + (f(independentVariable, trialValues) + f(independentVariable, dependentVariables))*stepSize/2)
return newValues
/// # Runge Kutta 4th Order
/// Approximates the solutions to differential equations using the 4th order Runge-Kutta numerical scheme.
/// let `f(t, x)` be any differential equation depending on `t` and `x`
/// Then:
/// let `k1 = Δt*f(t, x)`
/// let `k2 = Δt*f(t + Δt/2, x + k1/2)`
/// let `k3 = Δt*f(t + Δt/2, x + k2/2)`
/// let `k4 = Δt*f(t + Δt, x + k3)`
/// let `Δf = (k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4)/6`
/// let `fnew = f + Δf`
/// - parameters:
/// - stepSize: The increment to increase the independent variable by each iteration
/// - independentVariable: This is the current value the independent variable
/// - dependentVariables: These are the current values of all dependencies of the derivative functions
/// - functions: An array of references to derivative functions.
/// - returns
/// The new values of the `dependentVariables` computed at the next step.
/// - important: The `dependentVariables` array and `functions` array must have the same number of elements
/// and be in corresponding order.
func rK4(_ stepSize: Double,
_ independentVariable: Double,
_ dependentVariables: [Double],
functions: [(Double, [Double]) -> Double]) -> [Double] {
var k1: [Double] = []
functions.forEach { (f) in
k1.append(stepSize*f(independentVariable, dependentVariables))
var k2: [Double] = []
functions.forEach { (f) in
let newD = dependentVariables.enumerated().map { (index, nd) in
nd + k1[index]/2
k2.append(stepSize*f(independentVariable + stepSize/2, newD))
var k3: [Double] = []
functions.forEach { (f) in
let newD = dependentVariables.enumerated().map { (index, nd) in
nd + k2[index]/2
k3.append(stepSize*f(independentVariable + stepSize/2, newD))
var k4: [Double] = []
functions.forEach { (f) in
let newD = dependentVariables.enumerated().map { (index, nd) in
nd + k3[index]
k4.append(stepSize*f(independentVariable + stepSize, newD))
var kTot: [Double] = []
for index in 0..<dependentVariables.count {
kTot.append((k1[index] + 2*k2[index] + 2*k3[index] + k4[index])/6)
var newValues: [Double] = []
for index in 0..<dependentVariables.count {
newValues.append(dependentVariables[index] + kTot[index])
return newValues
/// An enumeration that serves as an interface for accessing the different ODESchemes from a UIPicker.
enum ODEScheme: Int, CaseIterable, Identifiable, Hashable {
case rungeKutta
case euler
case improvedEuler
var scheme: (Double, Double, [Double], [(Double, [Double]) -> Double]) -> [Double] {
switch self {
case .rungeKutta:
return rK4(_:_:_:functions:)
case .euler:
return simpleEuler(_:_:_:functions:)
case .improvedEuler:
return improvedEuler(_:_:_:functions:)
var name: String {
switch self {
case .rungeKutta:
return "Runge-Kutta"
case .euler:
return "Euler"
case .improvedEuler:
return "Improved Euler"
var id: Int {rawValue}
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