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[Reactive Button] An example recreation of SwiftUI's built in Button with custom styling features. Plus an example style. #SwiftUI #View
// ReactiveButton.swift
// Created by Kieran Brown on 4/17/20.
import SwiftUI
// MARK: - Style Setup
public struct ReactiveButtonConfiguration {
public let isPressing: Bool
public let label: AnyView
public protocol ReactiveButtonStyle {
associatedtype Body: View
func makeBody(configuration: ReactiveButtonConfiguration) -> Self.Body
extension ReactiveButtonStyle {
func makeBodyTypeErased(configuration: ReactiveButtonConfiguration) -> AnyView {
AnyView(self.makeBody(configuration: configuration))
public struct AnyReactiveButtonStyle: ReactiveButtonStyle {
private let _makeBody: (ReactiveButtonConfiguration) -> AnyView
public func makeBody(configuration: ReactiveButtonConfiguration) -> some View {
return self._makeBody(configuration)
init<ST: ReactiveButtonStyle>(_ style: ST) {
self._makeBody = style.makeBodyTypeErased
public struct DefaultReactiveButtonStyle: ReactiveButtonStyle {
public init() {}
public func makeBody(configuration: ReactiveButtonConfiguration) -> some View {
.background(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 5)
.fill(configuration.isPressing ? :
public struct ReactiveButtonStyleKey: EnvironmentKey {
public static let defaultValue: AnyReactiveButtonStyle = AnyReactiveButtonStyle(DefaultReactiveButtonStyle())
extension EnvironmentValues {
public var reactiveButtonStyle: AnyReactiveButtonStyle {
get {
return self[ReactiveButtonStyleKey.self]
set {
self[ReactiveButtonStyleKey.self] = newValue
extension View {
public func reactiveButtonStyle<S>(_ style: S) -> some View where S: ReactiveButtonStyle {
self.environment(\.reactiveButtonStyle, AnyReactiveButtonStyle(style))
// MARK: Example Button
/// # Reactive Button
/// An implementation of a button that behaves similarly to the buttons in the iOS calculator app
/// when a user taps the button immediatly responds, if the user presses down and drags the button
/// reacts to display whether the drag is inside of the button or outside, if the drag returns inside and is released
/// the action is performed
/// ## Styling
/// To make a custom style for this button you need to create a `ReactiveButtonStyle` conforming struct.
/// Conformance requires implementation of a single method `makeBody(configuration: ReactiveButtonConfiguration)`.
/// Where ReactiveButtonConfiguration is an object containing various button state values
/// public struct ReactiveButtonConfiguration {
/// public let isPressing: Bool // Whether the users finger is inside of the button
/// public let label: AnyView // The buttons label
/// }
/// After the style has been created call the `reactiveButtonStyle(_ :)` view modifier to apply the style through environment values.
/// To make it easier use the following example style based on the `DefaultReactiveButtonStyle`
/// public struct <#My Button Style#>: ReactiveButtonStyle {
/// public func makeBody(configuration: ReactiveButtonConfiguration) -> some View {
/// configuration.label
/// .padding()
/// .background(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 5)
/// .fill(configuration.isPressing ? :
/// }
/// }
public struct ReactiveButton<Label>: View where Label: View {
@Environment(\.reactiveButtonStyle) private var style: AnyReactiveButtonStyle
struct ReactiveButtonKey: PreferenceKey {
static var defaultValue: Anchor<CGRect>? { nil }
static func reduce(value: inout Anchor<CGRect>?, nextValue: () -> Anchor<CGRect>?) {
value = nextValue()
enum ButtonState {
case inactive
case outside
case inside
var isPressing: Bool {
switch self {
case .inside:
return true
return false
var isActive: Bool {
switch self {
case .inside, .outside:
return true
return false
@State private var state: ButtonState = .inactive
let action: () -> Void
let label: Label
public init(action: @escaping () -> Void, @ViewBuilder label: () -> Label) {
self.action = action
self.label = label()
public var body: some View {
return style.makeBody(configuration: .init(isPressing: state.isPressing, label: AnyView(label)))
.anchorPreference(key: ReactiveButtonKey.self, value: .bounds, transform: { $0 })
.overlayPreferenceValue(ReactiveButtonKey.self) { (bound) in
GeometryReader { proxy in .init(isPressing: self.state.isPressing, label: AnyView(self.label)))
.gesture(DragGesture(minimumDistance: 0)
.onChanged({ (value) in
guard let bounds = bound else { return }
let rect: CGRect = proxy[bounds]
self.state = rect.contains(value.location) ? .inside : .outside
}).onEnded({ (value) in
guard let bounds = bound else { return }
let rect: CGRect = proxy[bounds]
if rect.contains(value.location) {self.action()}
self.state = .inactive
extension ReactiveButton where Label == Text {
public init<S>(_ title: S, action: @escaping () -> Void) where S: StringProtocol {
self.action = action
self.label = Text(title)
public struct FlashlightButtonStyle: ReactiveButtonStyle {
public let isOn: Bool
public func makeBody(configuration: ReactiveButtonConfiguration) -> some View {
.foregroundColor(self.isOn ? configuration.isPressing ? Color.gray : Color.yellow : Color.white)
Group {
if isOn {
.stroke(configuration.isPressing ? Color.gray : Color.yellow)
} else {
.fill(configuration.isPressing ? Color.yellow : Color.gray)
// Important: The Previews seem to have an issue displaying Views with Generics so you may need to make another file
// and test the ReactiveButtonExample inside a container View
struct ReactiveButtonExample: View {
@State var isOn: Bool = false
var body: some View {
ZStack {
Color(red: 23/255, green: 23/255, blue: 23/255).edgesIgnoringSafeArea(.all)
VStack {
ReactiveButton(action: {self.isOn.toggle()},
label: {
Image(systemName: self.isOn ? "flashlight.on.fill" : "")
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
.frame(width: 200, height: 200)
}).reactiveButtonStyle(FlashlightButtonStyle(isOn: self.isOn))
struct ReactiveButton_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
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