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Created April 5, 2017 13:02
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from edward.models import RandomVariable
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.contrib.distributions import Distribution
class Weibull(RandomVariable, Distribution):
"""Weibull distribution
The Weibull distribution is defined over the non-negative real numbers.
Here we use the medical statistics parameterisation with
shape parameter k and scale parameter p. This is closely related
to the parameterisation used in numpy with lambda = -k log(p).
The probability density function is
pdf(x; k > 0, b > 0) = bkx^{k-1} e^{-bx^k}
def __init__(self, shape, scale, validate_args = False, allow_nan_stats = True,
name = "weibull", *args, **kwargs):
"""Initialise a Weibull random variable
shape: tf.Tensor
scale: tf.Tensor
# self.k = tf.identity(shape, name = "k")
# self.p = tf.identity(scale, name = "p")
# parameters = locals()
# parameters.pop("self")
parameters = {'shape': shape, 'scale': scale}
with tf.name_scope(name, values=[shape, scale]):
with tf.control_dependencies([
] if validate_args else []):
self._shape = tf.identity(
shape, name="shape")
self._scale = tf.identity(scale, name="scale")
# contrib_tensor_util.assert_same_float_dtype(
# [self._shape, self._scale])
super(Weibull, self).__init__(
dtype = self._shape.dtype,
validate_args = validate_args,
allow_nan_stats = allow_nan_stats,
is_continuous = True,
is_reparameterized = False,
graph_parents=[self._shape, self._scale],
name = name,
*args, **kwargs)
self._kwargs = parameters
def _batch_shape(self):
return tf.broadcast_static_shape(
def _get_event_shape(self):
# change to just tensorshape
return tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape = []).get_shape()
def _log_prob(self, value):
lp = tf.log(self._scale) + tf.log(self._shape) + \
(self._shape - 1) * tf.log(value) - self._scale * tf.pow(value, self._shape)
return lp
def _sample_n(self, n, seed=None):
## Need to convert to (k, lambda) rep
batch_shape = tf.convert_to_tensor(self._batch_shape(), dtype = "int32")
n_tens = tf.convert_to_tensor([n], dtype = "int32")
U = tf.random_uniform(tf.concat([n_tens, batch_shape], axis = 0))
X = tf.pow(-tf.log(U) / self._scale, 1 / self._shape)
return X
class TruncatedWeibull(RandomVariable, Distribution):
"""Truncated Weibull distribution
The Weibull distribution is defined over the non-negative real numbers.
Here we use the medical statistics parameterisation with
shape parameter k and scale parameter b. This is closely related
to the parameterisation used in numpy with lambda = -k log(b).
The probability density function is
pdf(x; k > 0, b > 0, o) = bkx**{k-1} e**{-bx^k} / S(o; k, b)
where S is the Survival function which acts as the normalising constant,
defined as
S(x; k, b) = exp(-k x**b)
def __init__(self, shape, scale, cens, validate_args = False, allow_nan_stats = True,
name = "truncated_weibull", *args, **kwargs):
"""Initialise a Truncated Weibull random variable
shape: tf.Tensor
scale: tf.Tensor
parameters = {'shape': shape, 'scale': scale, 'cens': cens}
with tf.name_scope(name, values=[shape, scale]):
with tf.control_dependencies([
] if validate_args else []):
self._shape = tf.identity(
shape, name="shape")
self._scale = tf.identity(scale, name="scale")
self._cens = tf.identity(cens, name = "cens")
super(TruncatedWeibull, self).__init__(
validate_args = validate_args,
allow_nan_stats = allow_nan_stats,
is_continuous = True,
is_reparameterized = False,
graph_parents=[self._shape, self._scale, self._cens],
name = name,
*args, **kwargs)
self._kwargs = parameters
def _log_S(self, x):
return -self._scale * tf.pow(x, self._shape)
def _log_prob(self, value):
lp = tf.log(self._scale) + tf.log(self._shape) + \
(self._shape - 1) * tf.log(value) - self._scale * tf.pow(value, self._shape)
return lp - self._log_S(self._cens)
def _batch_shape(self):
return tf.broadcast_static_shape(
def _get_event_shape(self):
# change to just tensorshape
return tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape = []).get_shape()
def _phi(self, x):
"""Cumulative distribution function """
return 1 - tf.exp(self._log_S(x))
def _sample_n(self, n, seed=None):
batch_shape = tf.convert_to_tensor(self._batch_shape(), dtype = "int32")
n_tens = tf.convert_to_tensor([n], dtype = "int32")
lower_bound = self._phi(self._cens)
U = tf.random_uniform(tf.concat([n_tens, batch_shape], axis = 0))
Ul = lower_bound + U * (1 - lower_bound) # constrain U \in (a, 1)
X = tf.pow(-tf.log(1 - Ul) / self._scale, 1 / self._shape)
return X
class TruncatedWeibull2(RandomVariable, Distribution):
"""Truncated Weibull distribution
The Weibull distribution is defined over the non-negative real numbers.
Here we use the medical statistics parameterisation with
shape parameter k and scale parameter p. This is closely related
to the parameterisation used in numpy with lambda = -k log(p).
The probability density function is
pdf(x; k > 0, b > 0, o) = bkx**{k-1} e**{-bx^k} / S(o; k, b)
where S is the Survival function which acts as the normalising constant,
defined as
S(x; k, b) = exp(-k x**b)
def __init__(self, shape, scale, validate_args = False, allow_nan_stats = True,
name = "truncated_weibull", *args, **kwargs):
"""Initialise a Truncated Weibull random variable
shape: tf.Tensor
scale: tf.Tensor
self._cens = tf.zeros(tf.shape(shape))
parameters = {'shape': shape, 'scale': scale}
with tf.name_scope(name, values=[shape, scale]):
with tf.control_dependencies([
] if validate_args else []):
self._shape = tf.identity(
shape, name="shape")
self._scale = tf.identity(scale, name="scale")
super(TruncatedWeibull2, self).__init__(
validate_args = validate_args,
allow_nan_stats = allow_nan_stats,
is_continuous = True,
is_reparameterized = False,
graph_parents=[self._shape, self._scale],
name = name,
*args, **kwargs)
self._kwargs = parameters
def _log_S(self, x):
return -self._scale * tf.pow(x, self._shape)
def _log_prob(self, value):
lp = tf.log(self._scale) + tf.log(self._shape) + \
(self._shape - 1) * tf.log(value) - self._scale * tf.pow(value, self._shape)
return lp - self._log_S(self._cens)
def _batch_shape(self):
return tf.broadcast_static_shape(
def _get_event_shape(self):
# change to just tensorshape
return tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape = []).get_shape()
def _phi(self, x):
"""Cumulative distribution function """
return 1 - tf.exp(self._log_S(x))
def _sample_n(self, n, seed=None):
batch_shape = tf.convert_to_tensor(self._batch_shape(), dtype = "int32")
n_tens = tf.convert_to_tensor([n], dtype = "int32")
lower_bound = self._phi(self._cens)
U = tf.random_uniform(tf.concat([n_tens, batch_shape], axis = 0))
Ul = lower_bound + U * (1 - lower_bound) # constrain U \in (a, 1)
X = tf.pow(-tf.log(1 - Ul) / self._scale, 1 / self._shape)
return X
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