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Created January 26, 2019 14:56
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from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
class Component(metaclass=ABCMeta):
Represents a single element of the robot hardware that may be operated by the user logic.
Examples include:
- a motor
- a servo
- a power board output
- a GPIO pin
- an ultrasonic proximity sensor
- a competition-mode USB stick carrying start zone information
class Servo(Component):
def set_position(self, position: float) -> None:
raise NotImplementedError
class Board(metaclass=ABCMeta):
Represents a collection of Components accessible through a single hardware driver, or the simulated equivalent thereof.
Implementations of this abstract class should be *specific* boards such as an SR V4 power board
rather than a generic "power board".
Examples include:
- SR V4 power board
- SR V4 motor board
- SR V4 servo board
- Arduino running Student Robotics firmware
- Arduino running Source Bots firmware (this provides a different set of capabilities to an SR Arduino and hence must be a different Board subclass).
class V4ServoBoard(Board):
Represents an SR V4 servo board which may be real or simulated.
def get_servos(self) -> Mapping[int, Servo]:
class SBServoAssembly(Board):
Represents a SourceBots servo assembly (Arduino + servo shield).
def get_servos(self) -> Mapping[int, Servo]:
# Other accessors e.g. get_gpio_pins, get_led, get_ultrasound_sensor would also be defined here.
B = TypeVar("B", Board)
class Environment:
Represents a way of mapping a set of abstract Board APIs to corresponding concrete implementations for a particular environment.
_mapping: Mapping[B, B] = None
def __init__(self):
self._mapping = {}
def register(self, abstract_board: B, concrete_board: B) -> None:
# TODO: not sure how to specify to the type checker in this section that concrete_board must be a subclass of abstract_board.
assert issubclass(concrete_board, abstract_board)
self._mapping[abstract_board] = concrete_board
def get_implementation(self, abstract_board: B) -> B:
return self._mapping[abstract_board]
hardware_environment = Environment()
class HardwareV4ServoBoard(V4ServoBoard):
Represents a real SR V4 servo board, as opposed to a simulated one.
class HardwareServo(Servo):
Represents a servo attached to a real SR V4 servo board.
_board: HardwareV4ServoBoard = None
_index: int = None
def __init__(self, board, index):
self._board = board
self._index = index
def set_position(self, position: float) -> None:
# Psuedocode:
self._board._usb_connection.send(("set servo position", self._index, position))
def discover(class_) -> Set[HardwareV4ServoBoard]:
# Psuedocode:
return set(class_(usb_device) for usb_device in list_usb_devices() if is_v4_servo_board(usb_device))
def __init__(self, usb_device):
# Psuedocode:
self._usb_connection = open_usb_connection(usb_device)
def get_servos(self) -> Mapping[int, Servo]:
return {n: HardwareServo(self, n) for n in range(12)}
# This causes hardware_environment to resolve V4ServoBoards to HardwareV4ServoBoards
hardware_environment.register(V4ServoBoard, HardwareV4ServoBoard)
class HardwareSBServoAssembly(SBServoAssembly):
class HardwareServo(Servo):
def __init__(self, board, index):
self._board = board
self._index = index
def set_position(self, position: float) -> None:
# Psuedocode:
self._board._serial_connection.send(("set servo position", self._index, position))
def discover(class_) -> Set[HardwareSBServoAssembly]:
# Psuedocode:
return set(class_(usb_device) for usb_device in list_usb_devices() if is_arduino(usb_device))
def __init__(self, usb_device):
# Psuedocode:
self._serial_connection = open_serial_connection(usb_device)
def get_servos(self) -> Mapping[int, Servo]:
return {n: HardwareServo(self, n) for n in range(16)}
hardware_environment.register(SBServoAssembly, HardwareSBServoAssembly)
class SRRobot:
servo_boards: Set[V4ServoBoard] = None
servo_board: V4ServoBoard = None
servos: Mapping[int, Servo] = None
def __init__(self, environment: Environment = hardware_environment):
self.servo_boards = environment.get_implementation(V4ServoBoard).discover()
self.servo_board = singleton(self.servo_boards)
self.servos = self.servo_board.get_servos()
class SBRobot:
servo_assemblies: Set[SBServoAssembly] = None
servo_assembly: SBServoAssembly = None
servos: Mapping[int, Servo] = None
def __init__(self, environment: Environment = hardware_environment):
self.servo_assemblies = environment.get_implementation(SBServoAssembly).discover()
self.servo_assembly = singleton(self.servo_assemblies)
self.servos = self.servo_assembly.get_servos()
# Note that both SRRobot and SBRobot have an identical 'servos' attribute despite them being backed by different hardware implementations.
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