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Created November 25, 2022 04:04
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fast_read_optimizer is a tool to find the fastest way to read a file into memory, targeted at NVMe and page cache.

It reads the file in stripes using multiple threads, and uses a stochastic hill climb optimizer to find the best-performing combination of thread count, block size and queue depth.

This is useful if you want to write e.g. a grep implementation that runs at 20 GB/s off NVMe or 50 GB/s off page cache.


cargo build --release

# Direct I/O uncached read
$ target/release/fast_read_optimizer --direct filename
Opening file filename for reading
Reading 6442450944 bytes
Read 6443499008 bytes in 0.321657352 s, 20.0 GB/s, t=15 bs=3072, qd=1

# Use page cache
$ target/release/fast_read_optimizer filename
Opening file filename for reading
Reading 6442450944 bytes
Read 6442450944 bytes in 0.07575304 s, 85.0 GB/s, t=32 bs=424, qd=2

# Search for a pattern (basically grep -UFboa pattern filename)
$ target/release/fast_read_optimizer --direct pattern filename
Found pattern at 934539552
Found pattern at 2945568459
Read 6443289600 bytes in 0.351962814 s, 18.3 GB/s, t=17 bs=3840, qd=4

$ target/release/fast_read_optimizer pattern filename | grep GB # to keep only the performance numbers
Read 6450193920 bytes in 0.139828309 s, 46.1 GB/s, t=32 bs=416, qd=1



name = "fast_read_optimizer"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
# See more keys and their definitions at
io-uring = "0.5"
iou = "0.3.3"
libc = "0.2.137"
memmem = "0.1.1"
rand = "0.8.5"
We're using io_uring for this.
use iou::{IoUring};
use std::env;
use std::fs::{File, OpenOptions};
use std::io::{Seek, SeekFrom};
use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;
use std::os::unix::prelude::OpenOptionsExt;
use std::sync::atomic::{Ordering, AtomicU64};
use std::sync::Arc;
use rand::Rng;
use std::str;
use memmem::{Searcher, TwoWaySearcher};
// The thread reader function.
// This is the function that is run by each thread.
// It reads the file in block_size chunks, starting at thread_id*block_size offset.
// The chunks are spaced num_threads*block_size apart.
fn thread_reader(thread_id: u64, pattern: String, num_threads: u64, block_size: u64, qd: usize, file: &mut File, io_uring: &mut IoUring, read_count: Arc<AtomicU64>) {
// Allocate buffers for the data.
let mut buffers = Vec::new();
for _ in 0..qd {
let mut allocation = vec![0u8; (block_size as usize) + 8192];
let data_ptr = allocation.as_mut_ptr();
let data_ptr = data_ptr as usize;
let data_ptr = (data_ptr+4096) & !4095;
let data_ptr = data_ptr as *mut u8;
let buffer = unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(data_ptr, (block_size as usize) + if pattern.len() > 0 { 512 } else { 0 }) };
buffers.push((buffer, allocation));
// Get the file size.
let file_size =;
// Reset the file position.;
// The current offset.
let offset = thread_id*block_size;
// The current block number.
let mut block_num = 0;
let mut inflight: u64 = 0;
// Queue the first qd reads.
// After a read completes, replace it with the next read and update read_count.
// When we reach EOF, stop queuing reads and wait for remaining reads to complete, and return.
// This allows us to read the entire file in parallel.
for _ in 0..qd {
unsafe {
let mut sqe = io_uring.prepare_sqe().unwrap();
sqe.prep_read(file.as_raw_fd(), &mut buffers[block_num % qd].0[..], offset + (block_num as u64)*num_threads*block_size);
sqe.set_user_data(block_num as u64);
block_num += 1;
inflight += 1;
let search = TwoWaySearcher::new(&pattern.as_bytes());
loop {
// Wait for a read to complete.
let cq = io_uring.wait_for_cqe().unwrap();
// Get the block number for the read that completed.
let block_id = cq.user_data() as u64;
// Update the read count.
read_count.fetch_add(cq.result().unwrap() as u64, Ordering::SeqCst);
if pattern.len() > 0 {
let buf = &buffers[block_id as usize % qd].0;
let mut search_idx = 0;
while search_idx < (block_size as usize) + pattern.len() - 1 {
match search.search_in(&buf[search_idx..]) {
Some(idx) => {
println!("Found pattern at {}", offset + (block_id as u64)*num_threads*block_size + search_idx as u64 + idx as u64);
search_idx += idx + pattern.len();
None => search_idx = (block_size as usize) + pattern.len(),
// If we're not at the end of the file, queue the next read.
inflight -= 1;
if offset + (block_num as u64)*num_threads*block_size < file_size {
unsafe {
let mut sqe = io_uring.prepare_sqe().unwrap();
sqe.prep_read(file.as_raw_fd(), &mut buffers[block_num % qd].0[..], offset + (block_num as u64)*num_threads*block_size);
sqe.set_user_data(block_num as u64);
block_num += 1;
inflight += 1;
// If we're at the end of the file, and all reads have completed, return.
if offset + (block_num as u64)*num_threads*block_size >= file_size && inflight == 0 {
// Read through the entire file with num_threads threads, each
// reading block_size bytes at a time in an interleaved fashion.
// E.g.
// thread 0 reads block_size bytes at locations i*num_threads*block_size + 0*block_size
// thread 1 reads block_size bytes at locations i*num_threads*block_size + 1*block_size
// thread 2 reads block_size bytes at locations i*num_threads*block_size + 2*block_size
// etc.
// The function returns the total number of bytes read by all the threads.
fn read_file(pattern: &str, filename: &str, num_threads: u64, block_size: u64, qd: usize, direct_io: bool) -> u64 {
// Create num_threads threads and a shared read count.
// Call thread_reader on each thread.
// Join the threads after they're done and return the read count.
let mut threads = vec![];
let read_count = Arc::new(AtomicU64::new(0));
for thread_id in 0..num_threads {
let read_count = read_count.clone();
let mut file = if direct_io {
} else {
let patt = format!("{}", &pattern);
let mut io_uring = IoUring::new(1024).unwrap();
threads.push(std::thread::spawn(move || {
thread_reader(thread_id, patt, num_threads, block_size, qd, &mut file, &mut io_uring, read_count);
for thread in threads {
return read_count.load(Ordering::SeqCst);
// Use a stochastic hill climber to find the best-performing parameters for the read_file function.
// Takes in the filename and direct_io as constant arguments,
// and an array of params to optimize and an array of scaling factors to convert them to use with read_file.
// The optimizer nudges the parameters by a small integer amount (1, -1, 2, etc.), and the scaling factors are
// used to go from block_size = 3 -> block_size = 3 * 128 * 1024
fn run_optimizer(pattern: &str, filename: &str, direct_io: bool, start_params: Vec<u64>, param_scaling_factors: Vec<u64>) {
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let mut fastest_time = 1e9;
let mut fastest_time_decayed = fastest_time;
let mut optimize_params = start_params.clone();
let mut best_params = optimize_params.clone();
let mut iterations_since_last_fastest_found = 0;
for _ in 0..1000 {
let start = std::time::Instant::now();
iterations_since_last_fastest_found += 1;
fastest_time_decayed *= 1.0005;
let mut scaled_params = optimize_params.clone();
for j in 0..optimize_params.len() {
let jump_multiplier = (rng.gen::<f64>().powf(2.0) * (iterations_since_last_fastest_found as f64 / 4.0).log2() + 1.0) as u64;
let r = rng.gen::<u64>();
if r < u64::MAX / 3 {
optimize_params[j] += jump_multiplier;
} else if r < u64::MAX / 3 * 2 {
if optimize_params[j] <= jump_multiplier {
optimize_params[j] = 1;
} else {
optimize_params[j] -= jump_multiplier;
} else {
optimize_params[j] = best_params[j];
scaled_params[j] = optimize_params[j] * param_scaling_factors[j];
let read_count = read_file(pattern, filename, scaled_params[0], scaled_params[1], scaled_params[2] as usize, direct_io);
let cpu_time_used = start.elapsed().as_secs_f64();
if cpu_time_used < fastest_time_decayed {
fastest_time_decayed = cpu_time_used;
best_params = optimize_params.clone();
iterations_since_last_fastest_found = 0;
if cpu_time_used < fastest_time {
fastest_time = cpu_time_used;
println!("Read {} bytes in {} s, {:.1} GB/s, t={} bs={}, qd={}",
read_count, cpu_time_used, read_count as f64 / cpu_time_used / 1e9,
scaled_params[1] / 1024, // Nicer to report block size in kiB
fn main() {
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
if args.len() < 2 || args[1] == "--help" {
println!("USAGE: {} [--direct] PATTERN FILENAME", args[0]);
let mut num_threads = 32;
let mut block_size = 384*1024;
let mut qd = 1;
let mut direct_io = false;
let mut bsf = 4;
if args[1] == "--direct" {
direct_io = true;
num_threads = 16;
block_size = 3*1024*1024;
qd = 2;
bsf = 128;
let pattern = if args.len() < 3 { "" } else { &args[args.len()-2] };
if pattern.len() > 512 {
panic!("Patterns longer than 512 bytes are not supported.");
let filename = &args[args.len()-1];
println!("Opening file {} for reading", filename);
let mut fp = File::open(filename).unwrap();
let fsize =;
println!("Reading {} bytes", fsize);
run_optimizer(pattern, filename, direct_io, vec![num_threads, block_size / bsf / 1024, qd], vec![1, bsf * 1024, 1]);
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