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Last active March 25, 2024 16:12
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Automatically rsync local folder to server's folder behind http proxy on Linux
LOCAL=$1 # /home/user/test/
REMOTE=$2 # /home/remoteuser/test/
if [[ -z "$LOCAL" || -z "$REMOTE" ]]; then
echo 'No src/dst folder'
while inotifywait -r -e modify,create,delete $LOCAL; do
rsync -avuz --delete -e "ssh -o \"ProxyCommand=connect-proxy -H YOUR_PROXY_HOST:YOUR_PROXY_PORT %h %p\"" $LOCAL YOUR_USERNAME@YOUR_SERVER_IP:$REMOTE
# -avuz means archive mode, verbose output, skip newer files on server, compress
# --delete means if local folder does not have a file "a.txt", then remote folder's file "a.txt" will be deleted if it exists
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