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Last active November 19, 2022 06:08
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Makefile for Exporting and Restoring VSCode Extensions
# © 2019-2021 Konstantin Gredeskoul, MIT License.
# vim: ft=make
# Place this file anywhere.
# 1. To create a backup of your vscode settings, keybindings and extensions, run
# $ make save
# This backs it all up to your ~/Documents/VSCode folder.
# 2 To restore VSCode configuration:
# $ make install
# to restore/install all the extensions, keybindings, settings and install mono-
# spaced fonts.
.PHONY: help
TIMESTAMP := $(shell date '+%F.%T.%S' | tr -d '[\:\-\.]')
ARCHIVE := $(shell (ls -1 *.tarz 2>/dev/null || ls -1 $(HOME)/Documents/VSCode/*.tarz 2>/dev/null) | tail -1)
TMPDIR := $(shell mktemp -d)
@grep -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'
@rm -f $(TMPDIR)/*.txt $(TMPDIR)/*.json
@rm -rf $(TMPDIR)
@test -z "$(ARCHIVE)" && test -f "$(ARCHIVE)" || ( echo "Can't find any *.tarz files in your ~/Documents/VSCode folder."; exit 1 ; )
install-mono-fonts: ## Install Mono-Spaced fonts for IDE
@echo && echo " 〉downloading and installing mono-fonts..."
@test -f $(TMPDIR)/ || curl -fsSL > $(TMPDIR)/
@test -f $(TMPDIR)/ || gunzip $(TMPDIR)/
@test -f $(TMPDIR)/ && chmod 755 $(TMPDIR)/
install-settings: ## Copy current user settings and keybindings to this repo.
@echo && echo " 〉installing settings and keybindings"
@test -f $(TMPDIR)/settings.json && cp -v $(TMPDIR)/settings.json $(HOME)/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User/settings.json
@test -f $(TMPDIR)/keybindings.json && cp -v $(TMPDIR)/keybindings.json $(HOME)/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User/keybindings.json
install-extensions: ## Installed previously frozen extensions
@echo && echo " 〉installing vscode extensions"
@cat $(TMPDIR)/extensions.txt | xargs -L 1 code --install-extension
install: install-setup install-extensions install-settings install-mono-fonts ## Install VSCode settings, keybindings & monofonts
@test -f $(ARCHIVE) && tar xvzf $(ARCHIVE)
save-extensions: ## save VS Code Extensions
@code --list-extensions | sort > $(TMPDIR)/extensions.txt
save-settings: ## Copy current user settings and keybindings to this repo.
@echo && echo " 〉saving your vscode settingvs..."
@cp -v $(HOME)/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User/settings.json $(TMPDIR)
@cp -v $(HOME)/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User/keybindings.json $(TMPDIR)
save: save-extensions save-settings clean ## Saves settings, keybindings and extensions
@echo && echo " 〉creating a tar with your settings..";
@bash -c "cd $(TMPDIR) || exit 1; \
tar cvzf vscode-settings-backup-$(TIMESTAMP).tarz *.json *.txt ; \
cd - >/dev/null"
@echo && echo " 〉moving archive to your ~/Documents/VSCode folder..."
@mkdir -p $(HOME)/Documents/VSCode && mv -v $(TMPDIR)/vscode*tarz $(HOME)/Documents/VSCode
@echo && echo " 〉moving archive to your ~/Documents/VSCode folder..."
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