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Created January 15, 2015 23:20
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Node Program to run Postman Script via Newman and Slack Integration
// Install These packages
//sudo npm install -g newman
//sudo npm install -g node-slack
// For mac set either $NODE_PATH or use the function below
var fs = require('fs');
var newman = require('newman');
var Slack = require('node-slack');
var slack = new Slack('mydomain','mytoken'); // setup Incomin Web Hooks and token is at the end of the url
// read the collectionjson file
var collectionJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("HelloListTest.json.postman_collection", 'utf8'));
// define newman options
newmanOptions = {
envJson: JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("MyTestEnv.postman_environment", "utf-8")), // environment file (in parsed json format)
//dataFile: data.csv, // data file if required
iterationCount: 1, // define the number of times the runner should run
outputFile: "outfile.json", // the file to export to
responseHandler: "TestResponseHandler", // the response handler to use
asLibrary: true, // this makes sure the exit code is returned as an argument to the callback function
stopOnError: true
// Optional Callback function which will be executed once newman is done executing all its tasks.
newman.execute(collectionJson, newmanOptions, function(){
console.log('process has been completed. posting on slack now...');
var out = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('outfile.json','utf8'));
var body = out["collection"]["name"] + " via " + out["environment"]["name"] + "\n";
var totalP = 0;
var totalF = 0;
for (var i=0; i<out["results"].length; i++) {
var res = out["results"][i];
body += res["name"] + " - " + res["url"] + " (" + res["totalTime"] + "ms) ... Response "+res["responseCode"]["code"]+" \n";
var pc = res["totalPassFailCounts"]["pass"];
var fc = res["totalPassFailCounts"]["fail"];
totalP += pc;
totalF = fc;
body += "Pass / Fail : " + pc + " / " + fc + " ("+ (100 * pc / (pc+fc)) +"%)\n";
if (fc > 0) {
for (var key in res["allTests"]) {
body += " " + key + " : " + (res["allTests"][key])?"PASS":"FAIL\n";
body += "--------------------------------------------\n";
body += "Summary:\n";
body += "Overall Pass / Fail : " + totalP + " / " + totalF + " ("+ (100 * totalP / (totalP + totalF)) +"%)\n";
text: body,
channel: '#general',
username: 'postman',
icon_emoji: ':postbox:'
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