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Created May 23, 2014 07:02
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Save kijart/439e21067f47e2645a11 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fix for XBMC Youtube plugin (v4.4.6)
YouTube plugin for XBMC
Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Tobias Ussing And Henrik Mosgaard Jensen
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
import sys
import urllib
import cgi
try: import simplejson as json
except ImportError: import json
import urllib2, re
class YouTubePlayer():
fmt_value = {
5: "240p h263 flv container",
18: "360p h264 mp4 container | 270 for rtmpe?",
22: "720p h264 mp4 container",
26: "???",
33: "???",
34: "360p h264 flv container",
35: "480p h264 flv container",
37: "1080p h264 mp4 container",
38: "720p vp8 webm container",
43: "360p h264 flv container",
44: "480p vp8 webm container",
45: "720p vp8 webm container",
46: "520p vp8 webm stereo",
59: "480 for rtmpe",
78: "seems to be around 400 for rtmpe",
82: "360p h264 stereo",
83: "240p h264 stereo",
84: "720p h264 stereo",
85: "520p h264 stereo",
100: "360p vp8 webm stereo",
101: "480p vp8 webm stereo",
102: "720p vp8 webm stereo",
120: "hd720",
121: "hd1080"
# MAX RECURSION Depth for security
# YouTube Playback Feeds
urls = {}
urls['video_stream'] = ""
urls['embed_stream'] = ""
urls['video_info'] = ""
def __init__(self):
self.xbmcgui = sys.modules["__main__"].xbmcgui
self.xbmcplugin = sys.modules["__main__"].xbmcplugin
self.pluginsettings = sys.modules["__main__"].pluginsettings = sys.modules["__main__"].storage
self.settings = sys.modules["__main__"].settings
self.language = sys.modules["__main__"].language
self.dbg = sys.modules["__main__"].dbg
self.common = sys.modules["__main__"].common
self.utils = sys.modules["__main__"].utils
self.cache = sys.modules["__main__"].cache
self.core = sys.modules["__main__"].core
self.login = sys.modules["__main__"].login
self.subtitles = sys.modules["__main__"].subtitles
self.algoCache = {}
def playVideo(self, params={}):
self.common.log(repr(params), 3)
get = params.get
(video, status) = self.buildVideoObject(params)
if status != 200:
self.common.log(u"construct video url failed contents of video item " + repr(video))
self.utils.showErrorMessage(self.language(30603), video["apierror"], status)
return False
listitem = self.xbmcgui.ListItem(label=video['Title'], iconImage=video['thumbnail'], thumbnailImage=video['thumbnail'], path=video['video_url'])
listitem.setInfo(type='Video', infoLabels=video)
self.common.log(u"Playing video: " + repr(video['Title']) + " - " + repr(get('videoid')) + " - " + repr(video['video_url']))
self.xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), succeeded=True, listitem=listitem)
if self.settings.getSetting("lang_code") != "0" or self.settings.getSetting("annotations") == "true":
self.common.log("BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA: " + repr(self.settings.getSetting("lang_code")))
if (get("watch_later") == "true" and get("playlist_entry_id")):
self.common.log(u"removing video from watch later playlist")
self.core.remove_from_watch_later(params)"vidstatus-" + video['videoid'], "7")
def getInfo(self, params):
get = params.get
video = self.cache.get("videoidcache" + get("videoid"))
if len(video) > 0:
self.common.log(u"returning cache ")
return (eval(video), 200)
result = self.core._fetchPage({"link": self.urls["video_info"] % get("videoid"), "api": "true"})
if result["status"] == 200:
video = self.core.getVideoInfo(result["content"], params)
if len(video) == 0:
self.common.log(u"- Couldn't parse API output, YouTube doesn't seem to know this video id?")
video = {}
video["apierror"] = self.language(30608)
return (video, 303)
self.common.log(u"- Got API Error from YouTube!")
video = {}
video["apierror"] = result["content"]
return (video, 303)
video = video[0]
self.cache.set("videoidcache" + get("videoid"), repr(video))
return (video, result["status"])
def selectVideoQuality(self, params, links):
get = params.get
print "links: " + repr(type(links).__name__)
link = links.get
video_url = ""
if get("action") == "download":
hd_quality = int(self.settings.getSetting("hd_videos_download"))
if (hd_quality == 0):
hd_quality = int(self.settings.getSetting("hd_videos"))
if (not get("quality")):
hd_quality = int(self.settings.getSetting("hd_videos"))
if (get("quality") == "1080p"):
hd_quality = 3
elif (get("quality") == "720p"):
hd_quality = 2
hd_quality = 1
# SD videos are default, but we go for the highest res
if (link(35)):
video_url = link(35)
elif (link(59)):
video_url = link(59)
elif link(44):
video_url = link(44)
elif (link(78)):
video_url = link(78)
elif (link(34)):
video_url = link(34)
elif (link(43)):
video_url = link(43)
elif (link(26)):
video_url = link(26)
elif (link(18)):
video_url = link(18)
elif (link(33)):
video_url = link(33)
elif (link(5)):
video_url = link(5)
if hd_quality > 1: # <-- 720p
if (link(22)):
video_url = link(22)
elif (link(45)):
video_url = link(45)
elif link(120):
video_url = link(120)
if hd_quality > 2:
if (link(37)):
video_url = link(37)
elif link(121):
video_url = link(121)
if link(38) and False:
video_url = link(38)
for fmt_key in links.iterkeys():
if link(int(fmt_key)):
if self.dbg:
text = repr(fmt_key) + " - "
if fmt_key in self.fmt_value:
text += self.fmt_value[fmt_key]
text += "Unknown"
if (link(int(fmt_key)) == video_url):
text += "*"
self.common.log(u"- Missing fmt_value: " + repr(fmt_key))
if hd_quality == 0 and not get("quality"):
return self.userSelectsVideoQuality(params, links)
if not len(video_url) > 0:
self.common.log(u"- construct_video_url failed, video_url not set")
return video_url
if get("action") != "download" and video_url.find("rtmp") == -1:
video_url += '|' + urllib.urlencode({'User-Agent':self.common.USERAGENT})
return video_url
def userSelectsVideoQuality(self, params, links):
levels = [([37,121], u"1080p"),
([22,45,120], u"720p"),
([35,44], u"480p"),
([18], u"380p"),
link = links.get
quality_list = []
choices = []
for qualities, name in levels:
for quality in qualities:
if link(quality):
quality_list.append((quality, name))
for (quality, name) in quality_list:
dialog = self.xbmcgui.Dialog()
selected =, choices)
if selected > -1:
(quality, name) = quality_list[selected]
return link(quality)
return u""
def checkForErrors(self, video):
status = 200
if "video_url" not in video or video[u"video_url"] == u"":
status = 303
if u"apierror" not in video:
vget = video.get
if vget(u"live_play"):
video[u'apierror'] = self.language(30612)
elif vget(u"stream_map"):
video[u'apierror'] = self.language(30620)
video[u'apierror'] = self.language(30618)
return (video, status)
def buildVideoObject(self, params):
(video, status) = self.getInfo(params)
if status != 200:
video[u'apierror'] = self.language(30618)
return (video, 303)
video_url = self.subtitles.getLocalFileSource(params, video)
if video_url:
video[u'video_url'] = video_url
return (video, 200)
(links, video) = self.extractVideoLinksFromYoutube(video, params)
if len(links) != 0:
video[u"video_url"] = self.selectVideoQuality(params, links)
elif "hlsvp" in video:
#hls selects the quality based on available bitrate (adaptive quality), no need to select it here
video[u"video_url"] = video[u"hlsvp"]
self.common.log("Using hlsvp url %s" % video[u"video_url"])
(video, status) = self.checkForErrors(video)
return (video, status)
def removeAdditionalEndingDelimiter(self, data):
pos = data.find("};")
if pos != -1:
self.common.log(u"found extra delimiter, removing")
data = data[:pos + 1]
return data
def normalizeUrl(self, url):
if url[0:2] == "//":
url = "http:" + url
return url
def extractFlashVars(self, data, assets):
flashvars = {}
found = False
for line in data.split("\n"):
if line.strip().find(";ytplayer.config = ") > 0:
found = True
p1 = line.find(";ytplayer.config = ") + len(";ytplayer.config = ") - 1
p2 = line.rfind(";")
if p1 <= 0 or p2 <= 0:
data = line[p1 + 1:p2]
data = self.removeAdditionalEndingDelimiter(data)
if found:
data = json.loads(data)
if assets:
flashvars = data["assets"]
flashvars = data["args"]
for k in ["html", "css", "js"]:
if k in flashvars:
flashvars[k] = self.normalizeUrl(flashvars[k])
self.common.log("Step2: " + repr(data))
self.common.log(u"flashvars: " + repr(flashvars), 2)
return flashvars
def scrapeWebPageForVideoLinks(self, result, video):
links = {}
flashvars = self.extractFlashVars(result[u"content"], 0)
if not flashvars.has_key(u"url_encoded_fmt_stream_map"):
return links
if flashvars.has_key(u"ttsurl"):
video[u"ttsurl"] = flashvars[u"ttsurl"]
if flashvars.has_key(u"ttsurl"):
video[u"ttsurl"] = flashvars[u"ttsurl"]
for url_desc in flashvars[u"url_encoded_fmt_stream_map"].split(u","):
url_desc_map = cgi.parse_qs(url_desc)
self.common.log(u"url_map: " + repr(url_desc_map), 2)
if not (url_desc_map.has_key(u"url") or url_desc_map.has_key(u"stream")):
key = int(url_desc_map[u"itag"][0])
url = u""
if url_desc_map.has_key(u"url"):
url = urllib.unquote(url_desc_map[u"url"][0])
elif url_desc_map.has_key(u"conn") and url_desc_map.has_key(u"stream"):
url = urllib.unquote(url_desc_map[u"conn"][0])
if url.rfind("/") < len(url) -1:
url = url + "/"
url = url + urllib.unquote(url_desc_map[u"stream"][0])
elif url_desc_map.has_key(u"stream") and not url_desc_map.has_key(u"conn"):
url = urllib.unquote(url_desc_map[u"stream"][0])
if url_desc_map.has_key(u"sig"):
url = url + u"&signature=" + url_desc_map[u"sig"][0]
elif url_desc_map.has_key(u"s"):
sig = url_desc_map[u"s"][0]
flashvars = self.extractFlashVars(result[u"content"], 1)
js = flashvars[u"js"]
url = url + u"&signature=" + self.decrypt_signature(sig, js)
links[key] = url
return links
def printDBG(s):
def _cleanTmpVariables(self):
self.fullAlgoCode = ''
self.allLocalFunNamesTab = []
self.playerData = ''
def _jsToPy(self, jsFunBody):
pythonFunBody = re.sub(r'function (\w*)\$(\w*)', r'function \1_S_\2', jsFunBody)
pythonFunBody = pythonFunBody.replace('function', 'def').replace('{', ':\n\t').replace('}', '').replace(';', '\n\t').replace('var ', '')
pythonFunBody = pythonFunBody.replace('.reverse()', '[::-1]')
lines = pythonFunBody.split('\n')
for i in range(len(lines)):
# a.split("") -> list(a)
match ='(\w+?)\.split\(""\)', lines[i])
if match:
lines[i] = lines[i].replace(, 'list(' + + ')')
# a.length -> len(a)
match ='(\w+?)\.length', lines[i])
if match:
lines[i] = lines[i].replace(, 'len(' + + ')')
# a.slice(3) -> a[3:]
match ='(\w+?)\.slice\(([0-9]+?)\)', lines[i])
if match:
lines[i] = lines[i].replace(, + ('[%s:]' % )
# a.join("") -> "".join(a)
match ='(\w+?)\.join\(("[^"]*?")\)', lines[i])
if match:
lines[i] = lines[i].replace(, + '.join(' + + ')' )
return "\n".join(lines)
def _getLocalFunBody(self, funName):
# get function body
funName=funName.replace('$', '\\$')
match ='(function %s\([^)]+?\){[^}]+?})' % funName, self.playerData)
if match:
# return jsFunBody
return ''
def _getAllLocalSubFunNames(self, mainFunBody):
match = re.compile('[ =(,]([\w\$_]+)\([^)]*\)').findall( mainFunBody )
if len(match):
# first item is name of main function, so omit it
funNameTab = set( match[1:] )
return funNameTab
return set()
def decrypt_signature(self, s, playerUrl):
self.printDBG("decrypt_signature sign_len[%d] playerUrl[%s]" % (len(s), playerUrl) )
# clear local data
# use algoCache
if playerUrl not in self.algoCache:
# get player HTML 5 sript
request = urllib2.Request(playerUrl)
self.playerData = urllib2.urlopen(request).read()
self.playerData = self.playerData.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
except Exception as ex:
self.printDBG("Error: " + str(sys.exc_info()[0]) + " - " + str(ex))
self.printDBG('Unable to download playerUrl webpage')
return ''
# get main function name
match ="signature=(\w+?)\([^)]\)", self.playerData)
if match:
mainFunName =
self.printDBG('Main signature function name = "%s"' % mainFunName)
self.printDBG('Can not get main signature function name')
return ''
self._getfullAlgoCode( mainFunName )
# wrap all local algo function into one function extractedSignatureAlgo()
algoLines = self.fullAlgoCode.split('\n')
for i in range(len(algoLines)):
algoLines[i] = '\t' + algoLines[i]
self.fullAlgoCode = 'def extractedSignatureAlgo(param):'
self.fullAlgoCode += '\n'.join(algoLines)
self.fullAlgoCode += '\n\treturn %s(param)' % mainFunName
self.fullAlgoCode += '\noutSignature = extractedSignatureAlgo( inSignature )\n'
# after this function we should have all needed code in self.fullAlgoCode
self.printDBG( "---------------------------------------" )
self.printDBG( "---------------------------------------" )
self.printDBG( self.fullAlgoCode )
self.printDBG( "---------------------------------------" )
algoCodeObj = compile(self.fullAlgoCode, '', 'exec')
self.printDBG('decryptSignature compile algo code EXCEPTION')
return ''
# get algoCodeObj from algoCache
self.printDBG('Algo taken from cache')
algoCodeObj = self.algoCache[playerUrl]
# for security alow only flew python global function in algo code
vGlobals = {"__builtins__": None, 'len': len, 'list': list}
# local variable to pass encrypted sign and get decrypted sign
vLocals = { 'inSignature': s, 'outSignature': '' }
# execute prepared code
exec( algoCodeObj, vGlobals, vLocals )
self.printDBG('decryptSignature exec code EXCEPTION')
return ''
self.printDBG('Decrypted signature = [%s]' % vLocals['outSignature'])
# if algo seems ok and not in cache, add it to cache
if playerUrl not in self.algoCache and '' != vLocals['outSignature']:
self.printDBG('Algo from player [%s] added to cache' % playerUrl)
self.algoCache[playerUrl] = algoCodeObj
# free not needed data
return vLocals['outSignature']
# Note, this method is using a recursion
def _getfullAlgoCode( self, mainFunName, recDepth = 0 ):
if self.MAX_REC_DEPTH <= recDepth:
self.printDBG('_getfullAlgoCode: Maximum recursion depth exceeded')
funBody = self._getLocalFunBody( mainFunName )
if '' != funBody:
funNames = self._getAllLocalSubFunNames(funBody)
if len(funNames):
for funName in funNames:
if funName not in self.allLocalFunNamesTab:
self.printDBG("Add local function %s to known functions" % mainFunName)
self._getfullAlgoCode( funName, recDepth + 1 )
# conver code from javascript to python
funBody = self._jsToPy(funBody)
self.fullAlgoCode += '\n' + funBody + '\n'
def getVideoPageFromYoutube(self, get):
login = "false"
if self.pluginsettings.userHasProvidedValidCredentials():
login = "true"
page = self.core._fetchPage({u"link": self.urls[u"video_stream"] % get(u"videoid"), "login": login})
self.common.log("Step1: " + repr(page["content"].find("ytplayer")))
if not page:
page = {u"status":303}
return page
def isVideoAgeRestricted(self, result):
error = self.common.parseDOM(result['content'], "div", attrs={"id": "watch7-player-age-gate-content"})
return len(error) > 0
def extractVideoLinksFromYoutube(self, video, params):
self.common.log(u"trying website: " + repr(params))
get = params.get
result = self.getVideoPageFromYoutube(get)
if self.isVideoAgeRestricted(result):
self.common.log(u"Age restricted video")
if self.pluginsettings.userHasProvidedValidCredentials():
result = self.getVideoPageFromYoutube(get)
video[u"apierror"] = self.language(30622)
if result[u"status"] != 200:
self.common.log(u"Couldn't get video page from YouTube")
return ({}, video)
links = self.scrapeWebPageForVideoLinks(result, video)
if len(links) == 0 and not( "hlsvp" in video ):
self.common.log(u"Couldn't find video url- or stream-map.")
if not u"apierror" in video:
video[u'apierror'] = self.core._findErrors(result)
return (links, video)
--- 2013-07-17 21:12:30.000000000 +0200
+++ 2014-05-22 21:55:40.203559000 +0200
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
try: import simplejson as json
except ImportError: import json
+import urllib2, re
class YouTubePlayer():
fmt_value = {
5: "240p h263 flv container",
@@ -50,6 +52,9 @@
121: "hd1080"
+ # MAX RECURSION Depth for security
# YouTube Playback Feeds
urls = {}
urls['video_stream'] = ""
@@ -72,6 +77,9 @@
self.core = sys.modules["__main__"].core
self.login = sys.modules["__main__"].login
self.subtitles = sys.modules["__main__"].subtitles
+ self.algoCache = {}
+ self._cleanTmpVariables()
def playVideo(self, params={}):
self.common.log(repr(params), 3)
@@ -304,7 +312,12 @@
data = data[:pos + 1]
return data
- def extractFlashVars(self, data):
+ def normalizeUrl(self, url):
+ if url[0:2] == "//":
+ url = "http:" + url
+ return url
+ def extractFlashVars(self, data, assets):
flashvars = {}
found = False
@@ -321,7 +334,15 @@
if found:
data = json.loads(data)
- flashvars = data["args"]
+ if assets:
+ flashvars = data["assets"]
+ else:
+ flashvars = data["args"]
+ for k in ["html", "css", "js"]:
+ if k in flashvars:
+ flashvars[k] = self.normalizeUrl(flashvars[k])
self.common.log("Step2: " + repr(data))
self.common.log(u"flashvars: " + repr(flashvars), 2)
@@ -331,15 +352,15 @@
links = {}
- flashvars = self.extractFlashVars(result[u"content"])
+ flashvars = self.extractFlashVars(result[u"content"], 0)
if not flashvars.has_key(u"url_encoded_fmt_stream_map"):
return links
if flashvars.has_key(u"ttsurl"):
video[u"ttsurl"] = flashvars[u"ttsurl"]
- if flashvars.has_key(u"hlsvp"):
- video[u"hlsvp"] = flashvars[u"hlsvp"]
+ if flashvars.has_key(u"ttsurl"):
+ video[u"ttsurl"] = flashvars[u"ttsurl"]
for url_desc in flashvars[u"url_encoded_fmt_stream_map"].split(u","):
url_desc_map = cgi.parse_qs(url_desc)
@@ -363,34 +384,167 @@
url = url + u"&signature=" + url_desc_map[u"sig"][0]
elif url_desc_map.has_key(u"s"):
sig = url_desc_map[u"s"][0]
- url = url + u"&signature=" + self.decrypt_signature(sig)
+ flashvars = self.extractFlashVars(result[u"content"], 1)
+ js = flashvars[u"js"]
+ url = url + u"&signature=" + self.decrypt_signature(sig, js)
links[key] = url
return links
- def decrypt_signature(self, s):
- ''' use decryption solution by Youtube-DL project '''
- if len(s) == 88:
- return s[48] + s[81:67:-1] + s[82] + s[66:62:-1] + s[85] + s[61:48:-1] + s[67] + s[47:12:-1] + s[3] + s[11:3:-1] + s[2] + s[12]
- elif len(s) == 87:
- return s[62] + s[82:62:-1] + s[83] + s[61:52:-1] + s[0] + s[51:2:-1]
- elif len(s) == 86:
- return s[2:63] + s[82] + s[64:82] + s[63]
- elif len(s) == 85:
- return s[76] + s[82:76:-1] + s[83] + s[75:60:-1] + s[0] + s[59:50:-1] + s[1] + s[49:2:-1]
- elif len(s) == 84:
- return s[83:36:-1] + s[2] + s[35:26:-1] + s[3] + s[25:3:-1] + s[26]
- elif len(s) == 83:
- return s[6] + s[3:6] + s[33] + s[7:24] + s[0] + s[25:33] + s[53] + s[34:53] + s[24] + s[54:]
- elif len(s) == 82:
- return s[36] + s[79:67:-1] + s[81] + s[66:40:-1] + s[33] + s[39:36:-1] + s[40] + s[35] + s[0] + s[67] + s[32:0:-1] + s[34]
- elif len(s) == 81:
- return s[6] + s[3:6] + s[33] + s[7:24] + s[0] + s[25:33] + s[2] + s[34:53] + s[24] + s[54:81]
- elif len(s) == 92:
- return s[25] + s[3:25] + s[0] + s[26:42] + s[79] + s[43:79] + s[91] + s[80:83];
+ @staticmethod
+ def printDBG(s):
+ print(s)
+ def _cleanTmpVariables(self):
+ self.fullAlgoCode = ''
+ self.allLocalFunNamesTab = []
+ self.playerData = ''
+ def _jsToPy(self, jsFunBody):
+ pythonFunBody = re.sub(r'function (\w*)\$(\w*)', r'function \1_S_\2', jsFunBody)
+ pythonFunBody = pythonFunBody.replace('function', 'def').replace('{', ':\n\t').replace('}', '').replace(';', '\n\t').replace('var ', '')
+ pythonFunBody = pythonFunBody.replace('.reverse()', '[::-1]')
+ lines = pythonFunBody.split('\n')
+ for i in range(len(lines)):
+ # a.split("") -> list(a)
+ match ='(\w+?)\.split\(""\)', lines[i])
+ if match:
+ lines[i] = lines[i].replace(, 'list(' + + ')')
+ # a.length -> len(a)
+ match ='(\w+?)\.length', lines[i])
+ if match:
+ lines[i] = lines[i].replace(, 'len(' + + ')')
+ # a.slice(3) -> a[3:]
+ match ='(\w+?)\.slice\(([0-9]+?)\)', lines[i])
+ if match:
+ lines[i] = lines[i].replace(, + ('[%s:]' % )
+ # a.join("") -> "".join(a)
+ match ='(\w+?)\.join\(("[^"]*?")\)', lines[i])
+ if match:
+ lines[i] = lines[i].replace(, + '.join(' + + ')' )
+ return "\n".join(lines)
+ def _getLocalFunBody(self, funName):
+ # get function body
+ funName=funName.replace('$', '\\$')
+ match ='(function %s\([^)]+?\){[^}]+?})' % funName, self.playerData)
+ if match:
+ # return jsFunBody
+ return
+ return ''
+ def _getAllLocalSubFunNames(self, mainFunBody):
+ match = re.compile('[ =(,]([\w\$_]+)\([^)]*\)').findall( mainFunBody )
+ if len(match):
+ # first item is name of main function, so omit it
+ funNameTab = set( match[1:] )
+ return funNameTab
+ return set()
+ def decrypt_signature(self, s, playerUrl):
+ self.printDBG("decrypt_signature sign_len[%d] playerUrl[%s]" % (len(s), playerUrl) )
+ # clear local data
+ self._cleanTmpVariables()
+ # use algoCache
+ if playerUrl not in self.algoCache:
+ # get player HTML 5 sript
+ request = urllib2.Request(playerUrl)
+ try:
+ self.playerData = urllib2.urlopen(request).read()
+ self.playerData = self.playerData.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
+ except Exception as ex:
+ self.printDBG("Error: " + str(sys.exc_info()[0]) + " - " + str(ex))
+ self.printDBG('Unable to download playerUrl webpage')
+ return ''
+ # get main function name
+ match ="signature=(\w+?)\([^)]\)", self.playerData)
+ if match:
+ mainFunName =
+ self.printDBG('Main signature function name = "%s"' % mainFunName)
+ else:
+ self.printDBG('Can not get main signature function name')
+ return ''
+ self._getfullAlgoCode( mainFunName )
+ # wrap all local algo function into one function extractedSignatureAlgo()
+ algoLines = self.fullAlgoCode.split('\n')
+ for i in range(len(algoLines)):
+ algoLines[i] = '\t' + algoLines[i]
+ self.fullAlgoCode = 'def extractedSignatureAlgo(param):'
+ self.fullAlgoCode += '\n'.join(algoLines)
+ self.fullAlgoCode += '\n\treturn %s(param)' % mainFunName
+ self.fullAlgoCode += '\noutSignature = extractedSignatureAlgo( inSignature )\n'
+ # after this function we should have all needed code in self.fullAlgoCode
+ self.printDBG( "---------------------------------------" )
+ self.printDBG( "---------------------------------------" )
+ self.printDBG( self.fullAlgoCode )
+ self.printDBG( "---------------------------------------" )
+ try:
+ algoCodeObj = compile(self.fullAlgoCode, '', 'exec')
+ except:
+ self.printDBG('decryptSignature compile algo code EXCEPTION')
+ return ''
- self.common.log(u'Unable to decrypt signature, key length %d not supported; retrying might work' % (len(s)))
+ # get algoCodeObj from algoCache
+ self.printDBG('Algo taken from cache')
+ algoCodeObj = self.algoCache[playerUrl]
+ # for security alow only flew python global function in algo code
+ vGlobals = {"__builtins__": None, 'len': len, 'list': list}
+ # local variable to pass encrypted sign and get decrypted sign
+ vLocals = { 'inSignature': s, 'outSignature': '' }
+ # execute prepared code
+ try:
+ exec( algoCodeObj, vGlobals, vLocals )
+ except:
+ self.printDBG('decryptSignature exec code EXCEPTION')
+ return ''
+ self.printDBG('Decrypted signature = [%s]' % vLocals['outSignature'])
+ # if algo seems ok and not in cache, add it to cache
+ if playerUrl not in self.algoCache and '' != vLocals['outSignature']:
+ self.printDBG('Algo from player [%s] added to cache' % playerUrl)
+ self.algoCache[playerUrl] = algoCodeObj
+ # free not needed data
+ self._cleanTmpVariables()
+ return vLocals['outSignature']
+ # Note, this method is using a recursion
+ def _getfullAlgoCode( self, mainFunName, recDepth = 0 ):
+ if self.MAX_REC_DEPTH <= recDepth:
+ self.printDBG('_getfullAlgoCode: Maximum recursion depth exceeded')
+ return
+ funBody = self._getLocalFunBody( mainFunName )
+ if '' != funBody:
+ funNames = self._getAllLocalSubFunNames(funBody)
+ if len(funNames):
+ for funName in funNames:
+ funName_=funName.replace('$','_S_')
+ if funName not in self.allLocalFunNamesTab:
+ funBody=funBody.replace(funName,funName_)
+ self.allLocalFunNamesTab.append(funName)
+ self.printDBG("Add local function %s to known functions" % mainFunName)
+ self._getfullAlgoCode( funName, recDepth + 1 )
+ # conver code from javascript to python
+ funBody = self._jsToPy(funBody)
+ self.fullAlgoCode += '\n' + funBody + '\n'
+ return
def getVideoPageFromYoutube(self, get):
login = "false"
YouTube plugin for XBMC
Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Tobias Ussing And Henrik Mosgaard Jensen
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
import sys
import urllib
import cgi
try: import simplejson as json
except ImportError: import json
class YouTubePlayer():
fmt_value = {
5: "240p h263 flv container",
18: "360p h264 mp4 container | 270 for rtmpe?",
22: "720p h264 mp4 container",
26: "???",
33: "???",
34: "360p h264 flv container",
35: "480p h264 flv container",
37: "1080p h264 mp4 container",
38: "720p vp8 webm container",
43: "360p h264 flv container",
44: "480p vp8 webm container",
45: "720p vp8 webm container",
46: "520p vp8 webm stereo",
59: "480 for rtmpe",
78: "seems to be around 400 for rtmpe",
82: "360p h264 stereo",
83: "240p h264 stereo",
84: "720p h264 stereo",
85: "520p h264 stereo",
100: "360p vp8 webm stereo",
101: "480p vp8 webm stereo",
102: "720p vp8 webm stereo",
120: "hd720",
121: "hd1080"
# YouTube Playback Feeds
urls = {}
urls['video_stream'] = ""
urls['embed_stream'] = ""
urls['video_info'] = ""
def __init__(self):
self.xbmcgui = sys.modules["__main__"].xbmcgui
self.xbmcplugin = sys.modules["__main__"].xbmcplugin
self.pluginsettings = sys.modules["__main__"].pluginsettings = sys.modules["__main__"].storage
self.settings = sys.modules["__main__"].settings
self.language = sys.modules["__main__"].language
self.dbg = sys.modules["__main__"].dbg
self.common = sys.modules["__main__"].common
self.utils = sys.modules["__main__"].utils
self.cache = sys.modules["__main__"].cache
self.core = sys.modules["__main__"].core
self.login = sys.modules["__main__"].login
self.subtitles = sys.modules["__main__"].subtitles
def playVideo(self, params={}):
self.common.log(repr(params), 3)
get = params.get
(video, status) = self.buildVideoObject(params)
if status != 200:
self.common.log(u"construct video url failed contents of video item " + repr(video))
self.utils.showErrorMessage(self.language(30603), video["apierror"], status)
return False
listitem = self.xbmcgui.ListItem(label=video['Title'], iconImage=video['thumbnail'], thumbnailImage=video['thumbnail'], path=video['video_url'])
listitem.setInfo(type='Video', infoLabels=video)
self.common.log(u"Playing video: " + repr(video['Title']) + " - " + repr(get('videoid')) + " - " + repr(video['video_url']))
self.xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), succeeded=True, listitem=listitem)
if self.settings.getSetting("lang_code") != "0" or self.settings.getSetting("annotations") == "true":
self.common.log("BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA: " + repr(self.settings.getSetting("lang_code")))
if (get("watch_later") == "true" and get("playlist_entry_id")):
self.common.log(u"removing video from watch later playlist")
self.core.remove_from_watch_later(params)"vidstatus-" + video['videoid'], "7")
def getInfo(self, params):
get = params.get
video = self.cache.get("videoidcache" + get("videoid"))
if len(video) > 0:
self.common.log(u"returning cache ")
return (eval(video), 200)
result = self.core._fetchPage({"link": self.urls["video_info"] % get("videoid"), "api": "true"})
if result["status"] == 200:
video = self.core.getVideoInfo(result["content"], params)
if len(video) == 0:
self.common.log(u"- Couldn't parse API output, YouTube doesn't seem to know this video id?")
video = {}
video["apierror"] = self.language(30608)
return (video, 303)
self.common.log(u"- Got API Error from YouTube!")
video = {}
video["apierror"] = result["content"]
return (video, 303)
video = video[0]
self.cache.set("videoidcache" + get("videoid"), repr(video))
return (video, result["status"])
def selectVideoQuality(self, params, links):
get = params.get
print "links: " + repr(type(links).__name__)
link = links.get
video_url = ""
if get("action") == "download":
hd_quality = int(self.settings.getSetting("hd_videos_download"))
if (hd_quality == 0):
hd_quality = int(self.settings.getSetting("hd_videos"))
if (not get("quality")):
hd_quality = int(self.settings.getSetting("hd_videos"))
if (get("quality") == "1080p"):
hd_quality = 3
elif (get("quality") == "720p"):
hd_quality = 2
hd_quality = 1
# SD videos are default, but we go for the highest res
if (link(35)):
video_url = link(35)
elif (link(59)):
video_url = link(59)
elif link(44):
video_url = link(44)
elif (link(78)):
video_url = link(78)
elif (link(34)):
video_url = link(34)
elif (link(43)):
video_url = link(43)
elif (link(26)):
video_url = link(26)
elif (link(18)):
video_url = link(18)
elif (link(33)):
video_url = link(33)
elif (link(5)):
video_url = link(5)
if hd_quality > 1: # <-- 720p
if (link(22)):
video_url = link(22)
elif (link(45)):
video_url = link(45)
elif link(120):
video_url = link(120)
if hd_quality > 2:
if (link(37)):
video_url = link(37)
elif link(121):
video_url = link(121)
if link(38) and False:
video_url = link(38)
for fmt_key in links.iterkeys():
if link(int(fmt_key)):
if self.dbg:
text = repr(fmt_key) + " - "
if fmt_key in self.fmt_value:
text += self.fmt_value[fmt_key]
text += "Unknown"
if (link(int(fmt_key)) == video_url):
text += "*"
self.common.log(u"- Missing fmt_value: " + repr(fmt_key))
if hd_quality == 0 and not get("quality"):
return self.userSelectsVideoQuality(params, links)
if not len(video_url) > 0:
self.common.log(u"- construct_video_url failed, video_url not set")
return video_url
if get("action") != "download" and video_url.find("rtmp") == -1:
video_url += '|' + urllib.urlencode({'User-Agent':self.common.USERAGENT})
return video_url
def userSelectsVideoQuality(self, params, links):
levels = [([37,121], u"1080p"),
([22,45,120], u"720p"),
([35,44], u"480p"),
([18], u"380p"),
link = links.get
quality_list = []
choices = []
for qualities, name in levels:
for quality in qualities:
if link(quality):
quality_list.append((quality, name))
for (quality, name) in quality_list:
dialog = self.xbmcgui.Dialog()
selected =, choices)
if selected > -1:
(quality, name) = quality_list[selected]
return link(quality)
return u""
def checkForErrors(self, video):
status = 200
if "video_url" not in video or video[u"video_url"] == u"":
status = 303
if u"apierror" not in video:
vget = video.get
if vget(u"live_play"):
video[u'apierror'] = self.language(30612)
elif vget(u"stream_map"):
video[u'apierror'] = self.language(30620)
video[u'apierror'] = self.language(30618)
return (video, status)
def buildVideoObject(self, params):
(video, status) = self.getInfo(params)
if status != 200:
video[u'apierror'] = self.language(30618)
return (video, 303)
video_url = self.subtitles.getLocalFileSource(params, video)
if video_url:
video[u'video_url'] = video_url
return (video, 200)
(links, video) = self.extractVideoLinksFromYoutube(video, params)
if len(links) != 0:
video[u"video_url"] = self.selectVideoQuality(params, links)
elif "hlsvp" in video:
#hls selects the quality based on available bitrate (adaptive quality), no need to select it here
video[u"video_url"] = video[u"hlsvp"]
self.common.log("Using hlsvp url %s" % video[u"video_url"])
(video, status) = self.checkForErrors(video)
return (video, status)
def removeAdditionalEndingDelimiter(self, data):
pos = data.find("};")
if pos != -1:
self.common.log(u"found extra delimiter, removing")
data = data[:pos + 1]
return data
def extractFlashVars(self, data):
flashvars = {}
found = False
for line in data.split("\n"):
if line.strip().find(";ytplayer.config = ") > 0:
found = True
p1 = line.find(";ytplayer.config = ") + len(";ytplayer.config = ") - 1
p2 = line.rfind(";")
if p1 <= 0 or p2 <= 0:
data = line[p1 + 1:p2]
data = self.removeAdditionalEndingDelimiter(data)
if found:
data = json.loads(data)
flashvars = data["args"]
self.common.log("Step2: " + repr(data))
self.common.log(u"flashvars: " + repr(flashvars), 2)
return flashvars
def scrapeWebPageForVideoLinks(self, result, video):
links = {}
flashvars = self.extractFlashVars(result[u"content"])
if not flashvars.has_key(u"url_encoded_fmt_stream_map"):
return links
if flashvars.has_key(u"ttsurl"):
video[u"ttsurl"] = flashvars[u"ttsurl"]
if flashvars.has_key(u"hlsvp"):
video[u"hlsvp"] = flashvars[u"hlsvp"]
for url_desc in flashvars[u"url_encoded_fmt_stream_map"].split(u","):
url_desc_map = cgi.parse_qs(url_desc)
self.common.log(u"url_map: " + repr(url_desc_map), 2)
if not (url_desc_map.has_key(u"url") or url_desc_map.has_key(u"stream")):
key = int(url_desc_map[u"itag"][0])
url = u""
if url_desc_map.has_key(u"url"):
url = urllib.unquote(url_desc_map[u"url"][0])
elif url_desc_map.has_key(u"conn") and url_desc_map.has_key(u"stream"):
url = urllib.unquote(url_desc_map[u"conn"][0])
if url.rfind("/") < len(url) -1:
url = url + "/"
url = url + urllib.unquote(url_desc_map[u"stream"][0])
elif url_desc_map.has_key(u"stream") and not url_desc_map.has_key(u"conn"):
url = urllib.unquote(url_desc_map[u"stream"][0])
if url_desc_map.has_key(u"sig"):
url = url + u"&signature=" + url_desc_map[u"sig"][0]
elif url_desc_map.has_key(u"s"):
sig = url_desc_map[u"s"][0]
url = url + u"&signature=" + self.decrypt_signature(sig)
links[key] = url
return links
def decrypt_signature(self, s):
''' use decryption solution by Youtube-DL project '''
if len(s) == 88:
return s[48] + s[81:67:-1] + s[82] + s[66:62:-1] + s[85] + s[61:48:-1] + s[67] + s[47:12:-1] + s[3] + s[11:3:-1] + s[2] + s[12]
elif len(s) == 87:
return s[62] + s[82:62:-1] + s[83] + s[61:52:-1] + s[0] + s[51:2:-1]
elif len(s) == 86:
return s[2:63] + s[82] + s[64:82] + s[63]
elif len(s) == 85:
return s[76] + s[82:76:-1] + s[83] + s[75:60:-1] + s[0] + s[59:50:-1] + s[1] + s[49:2:-1]
elif len(s) == 84:
return s[83:36:-1] + s[2] + s[35:26:-1] + s[3] + s[25:3:-1] + s[26]
elif len(s) == 83:
return s[6] + s[3:6] + s[33] + s[7:24] + s[0] + s[25:33] + s[53] + s[34:53] + s[24] + s[54:]
elif len(s) == 82:
return s[36] + s[79:67:-1] + s[81] + s[66:40:-1] + s[33] + s[39:36:-1] + s[40] + s[35] + s[0] + s[67] + s[32:0:-1] + s[34]
elif len(s) == 81:
return s[6] + s[3:6] + s[33] + s[7:24] + s[0] + s[25:33] + s[2] + s[34:53] + s[24] + s[54:81]
elif len(s) == 92:
return s[25] + s[3:25] + s[0] + s[26:42] + s[79] + s[43:79] + s[91] + s[80:83];
self.common.log(u'Unable to decrypt signature, key length %d not supported; retrying might work' % (len(s)))
def getVideoPageFromYoutube(self, get):
login = "false"
if self.pluginsettings.userHasProvidedValidCredentials():
login = "true"
page = self.core._fetchPage({u"link": self.urls[u"video_stream"] % get(u"videoid"), "login": login})
self.common.log("Step1: " + repr(page["content"].find("ytplayer")))
if not page:
page = {u"status":303}
return page
def isVideoAgeRestricted(self, result):
error = self.common.parseDOM(result['content'], "div", attrs={"id": "watch7-player-age-gate-content"})
return len(error) > 0
def extractVideoLinksFromYoutube(self, video, params):
self.common.log(u"trying website: " + repr(params))
get = params.get
result = self.getVideoPageFromYoutube(get)
if self.isVideoAgeRestricted(result):
self.common.log(u"Age restricted video")
if self.pluginsettings.userHasProvidedValidCredentials():
result = self.getVideoPageFromYoutube(get)
video[u"apierror"] = self.language(30622)
if result[u"status"] != 200:
self.common.log(u"Couldn't get video page from YouTube")
return ({}, video)
links = self.scrapeWebPageForVideoLinks(result, video)
if len(links) == 0 and not( "hlsvp" in video ):
self.common.log(u"Couldn't find video url- or stream-map.")
if not u"apierror" in video:
video[u'apierror'] = self.core._findErrors(result)
return (links, video)
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