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Created February 8, 2013 04:12
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String Object, written in 2010
// String Object
// Copyright (c) 2010 Kijin Sung <>
// License: WTFPL <>
class String
// Some properties.
protected $value;
protected $encoding;
// Constructor.
public function __construct($value, $encoding = 'UTF-8')
// Check the encoding.
if (!in_array($encoding, mb_list_encodings()))
throw new StringEncodingException('Invalid encoding: ' . $encoding);
// Check the string against the encoding.
if (!mb_check_encoding($value, $encoding))
throw new StringEncodingException('Provided string is not valid ' . $encoding);
// Save to instance.
$this->value = (string)$value;
$this->encoding = (string)$encoding;
// Cast to string.
public function __toString()
// Return the current value.
return $this->value;
// Generic getter function.
public function __get($name)
// This function handles several simple properties.
switch ($name)
// Value.
case 'value':
return $this->value;
// Encoding.
case 'encoding':
return $this->encoding;
// Length (in characters).
case 'length':
case 'len':
return mb_strlen($this->value, $this->encoding);
// Length (in bytes).
case 'bytelength':
case 'bytelen':
return strlen($this->value);
// Nonexistent properties.
default: throw new StringException('Property does not exist: ' . $name);
// Generic setter function.
public function __set($name, $value)
// This function handles several simple properties.
switch ($name)
// Setting a new value.
case 'value':
// Check the string against the encoding.
if (!mb_check_encoding($value, $this->encoding))
throw new StringEncodingException('Provided string is not valid ' . $encoding);
// Save to instance.
$this->value = (string)$value;
// Nonexistent properties.
default: throw new StringException('Property does not exist: ' . $name);
// Set a new encoding.
public function setEncoding($encoding)
// Check the encoding.
if (!in_array($encoding, mb_list_encodings()))
throw new StringEncodingException('Invalid encoding: ' . $encoding);
// Convert and save.
$this->value = mb_convert_encoding($this->value, $encoding, $this->encoding);
$this->encoding = (string)$encoding;
// Search and match methods.
public function match($regex)
return (bool)preg_match($regex, $this->value);
public function startsWith($str, $case_sensitive = true)
if ($case_sensitive)
return strncmp($this->value, $str, strlen($str)) ? false : true;
return strncasecmp($this->value, $str, strlen($str)) ? false : true;
public function endsWith($str, $case_sensitive = true)
if ($case_sensitive)
return strncmp(strrev($this->value), strrev($str), strlen($str)) ? false : true;
return strncasecmp(strrev($this->value), strrev($str), strlen($str)) ? false : true;
public function compare($str, $case_sensitive = true)
if ($case_sensitive)
return strcmp($this->value, $str);
return strcasecmp($this->value, $str);
public function contains($str, $case_sensitive = true)
return (bool)$this->find($str, $case_sensitive);
public function findFirst($str, $case_sensitive = true)
return $this->find($str, $case_sensitive);
public function find($str, $case_sensitive = true)
if ($case_sensitive)
return mb_strpos($this->value, $str, $this->encoding);
return mb_stripos($this->value, $str, $this->encoding);
public function findLast($str, $case_sensitive = true)
if ($case_sensitive)
return mb_strrpos($this->value, $str, $this->encoding);
return mb_strripos($this->value, $str, $this->encoding);
// Substring methods.
public function getChar($position)
return new String(mb_substr($this->value, $position, 1, $this->encoding), $this->encoding);
public function substr($start, $end = false)
if ($end === false)
return new String(mb_substr($this->value, $position, mb_strlen($this->value, $this->encoding) - $position,
$this->encoding), $this->encoding);
return new String(mb_substr($this->value, $position, $end, $this->encoding), $this->encoding);
// Basic transformation methods.
public function trim($charlist = " \0\r\n\t\x0B")
return new String(trim($this->value, $charlist), $this->encoding);
public function trimLeft($charlist = " \0\r\n\t\x0B")
return new String(ltrim($this->value, $charlist), $this->encoding);
public function trimRight($charlist = " \0\r\n\t\x0B")
return new String(rtrim($this->value, $charlist), $this->encoding);
public function padLeft($length, $char = ' ')
return new String(str_pad($this->value, $length, $char, STR_PAD_LEFT), $this->encoding);
public function padRight($length, $char = ' ')
return new String(str_pad($this->value, $length, $char, STR_PAD_RIGHT), $this->encoding);
public function toLower()
return new String(mb_strtolower($this->value, $this->encoding), $this->encoding);
public function toUpper()
return new String(mb_strtoupper($this->value, $this->encoding), $this->encoding);
// Major modification methods.
public function append($str)
return new String($this->value . $str, $this->encoding);
public function prepend($str)
return new String($str . $this->value, $this->encoding);
public function insert($str, $position)
return new String(mb_substr($this->value, 0, $position, $this->encoding) . $str .
mb_substr($this->value, $position, mb_strlen($this->value, $this->encoding) - $position, $this->encoding),
public function replace($str1, $str2, $case_sensitive = true)
if ($case_sensitive)
return new String(str_replace($str1, $str2, $this->value), $this->encoding);
return new String(str_ireplace($str1, $str2, $this->value), $this->encoding);
public function remove($str, $case_sensitive = true)
if ($case_sensitive)
return new String(str_replace($str1, '', $this->value), $this->encoding);
return new String(str_ireplace($str1, '', $this->value), $this->encoding);
// Splitting methods.
public function split($delimiter = ' ', $limit = false)
$exploded = $limit ? explode($delimiter, $this->value, $limit) : explode($delimiter, $this->value);
$return = array();
foreach ($exploded as $item)
$return[] = new String($item, $this->encoding);
return $return;
// Escaping methods.
public function escape($double_encode = true)
return new String(htmlentities($this->value, ENT_COMPAT, $this->encoding, $double_encode), $this->encoding);
public function unescape()
return new String(html_entity_decode($this->value, ENT_COMPAT, $this->encoding), $this->encoding);
public function urlencode()
return new String(urlencode($this->value), $this->encoding);
public function urldecode()
return new String(urldecode($this->value), $this->encoding);
public function stripTags($allowed = '')
return new String(strip_tags($this->value, $allowed), $this->encoding);
// Hash, 7-bit encoding, and checksum methods.
public function uuencode()
return new String(convert_uuencode($this->value), $this->encoding);
public function base64()
return new String(base64_encode($this->value), $this->encoding);
public function md5($raw_output = false)
return new String(md5($this->value, $raw_output), $this->encoding);
public function sha1($raw_output = false)
return new String(sha1($this->value, $raw_output), $this->encoding);
public function hash($algorithm, $raw_output = false)
return new String(hash($algorithm, $this->value, $raw_output), $this->encoding);
public function crc32()
return crc32($this->value);
// Exceptions.
class StringException extends Exception { }
class StringEncodingException extends StringException { }
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