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Created December 4, 2014 02:08
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[PHP] gooラボ( )の文字列解析系API用のクラス(やっつけ)
class gooAPI
private $app_id = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
private $api_base = '';
private function request($path = null, $data = array(), $is_json = false)
$data['app_id'] = $this->app_id;
$url = $this->api_base.trim($path, '/');
$ch = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 20);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
if ($is_json) {
$data = json_encode($data);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
'Content-Type: application/json',
'Content-Length: '.strlen($data)
} else {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($data));
$response = curl_exec($ch);
$info = curl_getinfo($ch);
if (!empty($info['http_code']) && 200 == $info['http_code']) {
return json_decode($response, true);
} else {
vd($info, $response);
// 形態素解析API
public function morph($sentence = null, $info_filter = null, $pos_filter = null)
if (empty($sentence) || !is_string($sentence)) {
return false;
$sentence = str_replace(array("\r", "\n", "\t"), '', $sentence);
$data = $this->request('morph', array(
'info_filter' => $info_filter,
'pos_filter' => $pos_filter,
'sentence' => $sentence
if (!empty($data['word_list'])) {
return $data['word_list'];
// 形態素解析APIの返り値で、主要な語句のみ抽出
public function morphSimple($sentence = null)
$data = $this->morph($sentence, null, '名詞|名詞接尾辞|動詞語幹|動詞活用語尾|動詞接尾辞|動詞活用語尾|連用詞|判定詞|Alphabet');
if (empty($data)) {
return null;
// 名詞系と動詞系は1つにまとめる
$verb_word = $verb_kana = $words = array();
$before = null;
foreach($data as $array) {
foreach($array as $key => $val) {
if (false !== mb_strpos($val[1], '動詞', 0, 'utf8')) {
$verb_word[] = $val[0];
$verb_kana[] = $val[2];
} else {
if (!empty($verb_word)) {
$word = implode('', $verb_word);
$words[$word] = array(
'word' => $word,
'kana' => implode('', $verb_kana),
'type' => '動詞'
$verb_word = $verb_kana = array();
if (!empty($before) && '名詞接尾辞' === $val[1]) {
$words[$before]['word'] .= $val[0];
$words[$before]['kana'] .= $val[2];
} elseif('判定詞' !== $val[1]) {
$words[$val[0]] = array(
'word' => $val[0],
'kana' => $val[2],
'type' => $val[1]
$before = $val[0];
if (!empty($verb_word)) {
$word = implode('', $verb_word);
$words[] = array(
'word' => $word,
'kana' => implode('', $verb_kana),
'type' => '動詞'
return array_values($words);
// ひらがな化API
public function toHiragana($sentence = null)
if (empty($sentence)) {
return false;
$data = $this->request('hiragana', array(
'output_type' => 'hiragana',
'sentence' => $sentence
if (!empty($data['converted'])) {
return $data['converted'];
// カタカナ化API
public function toKatakana($sentence = null)
if (empty($sentence)) {
return false;
$data = $this->request('hiragana', array(
'output_type' => 'katakana',
'sentence' => $sentence
if (!empty($data['converted'])) {
return $data['converted'];
// 固有表現抽出API
public function entity($sentence = null, $class_filter = null)
if (empty($sentence) || !is_string($sentence)) {
return false;
$sentence = str_replace(array("\r", "\n", "\t"), '', $sentence);
$data = $this->request('entity', array(
'class_filter' => $class_filter,
'sentence' => $sentence
if (!empty($data['ne_list'])) {
return $data['ne_list'];
// 語句類似度算出API
public function similarity($word1 = null, $word2 = null)
if (empty($word1) || !is_string($word1) || empty($word2) || !is_string($word2)) {
return false;
$word1 = str_replace(array("\r", "\n", "\t"), '', $word1);
$word2 = str_replace(array("\r", "\n", "\t"), '', $word2);
$data = $this->request('similarity', array(
'query_pair' => array($word1, $word2)
), true);
if (array_key_exists('score', $data)) {
return (int)($data['score']*100);
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