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Last active April 10, 2016 07:41
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GCJ2016 QR
object QRA extends App {
val src = new java.util.Scanner(
val t = src.nextInt()
(1 to t).foreach { t =>
val n = src.nextInt()
val answer = n match {
case 0 => "INSOMNIA"
case n =>
def sheeps(s: Int, m: Set[Char]): Stream[(Int, Set[Char])] =
(s -> m) #:: sheeps(s + n, m ++ (s + n).toString)
sheeps(0, Set())
.dropWhile(_._2.size < 10)
println(s"Case #${t}: ${answer}")
object QRB extends App {
val src = new java.util.Scanner(
val t = src.nextInt()
(1 to t).foreach { t =>
val s =
val answer = s.sliding(2).map(_.toSet).filter(_.size == 2).size + (if (s.last == '-') 1 else 0)
println(s"Case #${t}: ${answer}")
object QRB extends App {
val src = new java.util.Scanner(
val t = src.nextInt()
(1 to t).foreach { t =>
val s =
val answer = (s + '+').sliding(2).map(_.distinct).filter(_.size == 2).size
println(s"Case #${t}: ${answer}")
object QRC extends App {
val src = new java.util.Scanner(
val t = src.nextInt()
(1 to t).foreach { t =>
val n = src.nextInt()
val j = src.nextInt()
val limit = 20
val answer = Stream.from(0)
// make jamcoin candidate.
.map(s"1%${n - 2}s1".format(_))
.map(_.replace(' ', '0'))
// interpretation in each base from 2 to 10.
.map(s => s -> (2 to 10).map(BigInt(s, _)))
// including a nontrivial divisor.
.map(t => t._1 -> t._2.flatMap(v => Stream.from(2).takeWhile(_ < limit).find(v.gcd(_) > 1)))
.filter(_._2.size == 9)
// produce j different jamcoins.
// output.
.map { case (jamcoin, divisors) => "%s %s".format(jamcoin, divisors.mkString(" ")) }
println(s"Case #${t}:")
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