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Last active October 17, 2019 20:25
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This is a module (short version) for gathering timers
// full version (with functions for cluster) can be found here:
** Example of usage (more samples there -
timer.time('metrics', 'wrapper')
timer.timeEnd('metrics', 'wrapper')
timer.time('metrics', 'before-filter')
timer.timeEnd('metrics', 'before-filter')
const log = console // or other module
let starts = {}
let totals = {}
let counters = {}
function time (group, name) {
starts[group] = starts[group] || {}
starts[group][name] = process.hrtime()
function timeEnd (group, name) {
let start = starts[group][name]
let diff = process.hrtime(start)
totals[group] = totals[group] || {}
let total = totals[group][name] || [0, 0]
total[0] += diff[0]
total[1] += diff[1]
totals[group][name] = total
count(group, name)
function count (group, name) {
counters[group] = counters[group] || {}
let count = counters[group][name] || 0
count += 1
counters[group][name] = count
let formatLog = (group) => (name) => {
let count = counters[group][name]
counters[group][name] = 0
let totalS
let operationMs
if (totals[group] && totals[group][name]) {
let nano = (totals[group][name][0] * 1e9) + totals[group][name][1]
let avg = (nano / count)
totalS = nano * 1e-9
operationMs = avg * 1e-6
totals[group][name] = [0, 0]
} else {
totalS = '-'
operationMs = '-'
return `${name} | ${totalS} | ${count} | ${operationMs}`
function logGroup (group) {
if (counters[group]) {`
What | Total s | Count | Operation ms
totals[group] = undefined
counters[group] = undefined
function logAll () {
module.exports.time = time
module.exports.timeEnd = timeEnd
module.exports.count = count
module.exports.formatLog = (group, name) =>
module.exports.logGroup = logGroup
module.exports.logAll = logAll
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