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Created July 7, 2011 22:10
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test capybara visibility
Then /^"([^\"]+)" should be visible$/ do |text|
assert page.has_xpath?("//*[not(descendant-or-self::script)][ancestor::*[contains(@style,'display: none;')]][contains(normalize-space(.),'#{text}')]")
Then /^"([^\"]+)" should not be visible$/ do |text|
assert page.has_xpath?("//*[not(descendant-or-self::script)][ancestor::*[contains(@style,'display: none;')]][contains(normalize-space(.),'#{text}')]")
When I follow "¥ JPY"
Then "¥ JPY" should be visible within ".header_nav"
And "€ EUR" should not be visible within ".header_nav"
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