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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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// ==UserScript==
// @name Vote counting for C_Chat@PTT
// @namespace
// @description Counting votes.
// @match*.html
// @match*.html
// @run-at document-end
// @include *
// @require
// @version 1.4
// ==/UserScript==
//"use strict";
var debug_mode = 1;
var jquery_src = "";
/* */
var load,execute,loadAndExecute;load=function(a,b,c){var d;d=document.createElement("script"),d.setAttribute("src",a),b!=null&&d.addEventListener("load",b),c!=null&&d.addEventListener("error",c),document.body.appendChild(d);return d},execute=function(a){var b,c;typeof a=="function"?b="("+a+")();":b=a,c=document.createElement("script"),c.textContent=b,document.body.appendChild(c);return c},loadAndExecute=function(a,b){return load(a,function(){return execute(b)})};
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//console.log("script starting");
loadAndExecute(jquery_src, function() {
var $topbar = $("#topbar");
var $main_content = $("#main-content");
var $vote_count = $("<a>").addClass("right small").attr({href: "#", id: "vote_count"}).html("票數計算");
var $vote_list = $("<a>").addClass("right small").attr({href: "#", id: "vote_list"}).html("推投文章清單");
var vote_settings_is_focus = false;
// vote settings block
var $vote_window = $("<div>");
var $vote_tbar = $("<div>").html("< 投票設定 >");
var $vote_ctn = $('<div style="height:420px; width:100%;">');
var $vote_options = $('<textarea style="float:left; width:30%; height:400px; margin:5px;">');
var $vote_allow_multiple = $('<div>').html('單項複投:<input type="radio" name="revote" value="1">允許<input type="radio" name="revote" value="0" checked="checked">不允許');
var $vote_allow_renew = $('<div>').html('重投(最新N筆數):<input type="radio" name="renew" value="1">允許<input type="radio" name="renew" value="0" checked="checked">不允許');
var $maxPerID = $('<div>').html('每人最多幾票:<input type="text" name="max_per_id" value="1" style="width:80px;">');
var $date_interval = $('<div>').html('期間:');
var $date_start = $('<input>').attr({type: 'name'}).css({width: '80px'}).val('05/10 00:00');
var $date_end = $('<input>').attr({type: 'name'}).css({width: '80px'}).val('05/31 23:59');
var $vote_result = $('<div style="float:left; width:55%; height:400px; margin:5px; overflow-y:scroll;">').html("");
var $vote_submit = $('<input type="button" value="計算" style="display:block;">');
var $vote_article_list = $('<div>').css({display: 'none'});
$date_interval.append('<span> - </span>');
$ {
var results = {};
var sorted_results = [];
var set_list = $vote_options.val().split("\n");
// solve date interval
var start_from = 0;
var end_to = 9399647600000;
if($date_start.val() != '') {
try {
start_from = new Date('2014/'+$date_start.val()+':00').getTime();
} catch(e) {
if($date_end.val() != '') {
try {
end_to = new Date('2014/'+$date_end.val()+':59').getTime();
} catch(e) {
// solve vote options
for(var i in set_list) {
var keys = $.trim(set_list[i]).split('@')[0];
if(keys != "") {
results[keys] = 0;
// solve push comments
var revote = parseInt($('input[name=revote]:checked').val());
var renew = parseInt($('input[name=renew]:checked').val());
var all_pushs = $("div.push");
var voter_id = {};
var total_votes = 0;
$.each(all_pushs, function(k, v) {
var sp = $(v).text().split(':');
var push_type = sp[0].split(' ')[0];
var push_id = sp[0].split(' ')[1];
var vote_to = [];
var vote_time = '';
var spChar = '@';
var maxPerID = parseInt($('input[name=max_per_id]').val()) || 1;
var splitWithSpChar = sp[1].split(spChar);
if(splitWithSpChar.length >= 2) {
for(var n=0; n<splitWithSpChar.length-1; n++) {
// if comments has ':' char
if(sp.length > 3) {
vote_time = sp[sp.length-2].split(' ').slice(-2).join(' ') + ':' + sp.slice(-1).join('');
} else {
vote_time = splitWithSpChar.slice(-1)[0].split(' ').slice(-2).join(' ') + ':' + sp.slice(-1).join('');
vote_time = $.trim(vote_time);
vote_time = new Date('2014/'+vote_time+':00').getTime();
$.each(vote_to, function(key, val) {
if(revote === 1) {
if(typeof results[val] != "undefined") {
if(typeof voter_id[push_id] == "undefined")
voter_id[push_id] = {"counter": 0, "history": []};
if(typeof voter_id[push_id][val] == "undefined")
voter_id[push_id][val] = 0;
if(vote_time > start_from && vote_time < end_to) {
if(voter_id[push_id]["counter"] < maxPerID) {
results[val] += 1;
voter_id[push_id][val] += 1;
voter_id[push_id]["counter"] += 1;
total_votes += 1;
} else {
// vote count is over limit...
if(renew === 1) {
// if renew enabled, overwrite oldest data...
var old_val = voter_id[push_id]["history"].pop();
voter_id[push_id][old_val] -= 1;
results[old_val] -= 1;
results[val] += 1;
} else {
if(typeof results[val] != "undefined") {
if(typeof voter_id[push_id] == "undefined" || (voter_id[push_id] && typeof voter_id[push_id][val] == "undefined") ) {
if(typeof voter_id[push_id] == "undefined")
voter_id[push_id] = {"counter": 0, "history": []};
if(typeof voter_id[push_id][val] == "undefined")
voter_id[push_id][val] = 0;
if(vote_time > start_from && vote_time < end_to) {
if(voter_id[push_id]["counter"] < maxPerID) {
results[val] += 1;
voter_id[push_id][val] += 1;
voter_id[push_id]["counter"] += 1;
total_votes += 1;
} else {
if(renew === 1) {
var old_val = voter_id[push_id]["history"].pop();
voter_id[push_id][old_val] -= 1;
results[old_val] -= 1;
results[val] += 1;
//console.log(revote, voter_id);
//console.log(total_votes, push_type, push_id, vote_to, vote_time, end_to);
//console.log(results, voter_id);
// sort results
for (var key in results)
sorted_results.push([key, results[key]]);
sorted_results.sort(function(a, b) {
a = a[1];
b = b[1];
return a > b ? -1 : (a < b ? 1 : 0);
var rhtml = $('<div>');
$vote_result.html(''); // cleanup
$vote_result.append($('<div>').html('總票數: ' + total_votes));
for (var i = 0; i < sorted_results.length; i++) {
var key = sorted_results[i][0];
var value = sorted_results[i][1];
$vote_result.append( $('<div>').html(key + ' : ' + value + ' (' + parseFloat(value/total_votes*100).toFixed(2) + '%)') );
$ {
if(vote_settings_is_focus) {
vote_settings_is_focus = false;
} else {
vote_settings_is_focus = true;
// query vote lists
var vl_has_queried = false;
var init_query_url = '';
var max_action = 100;
var current_action = 0;
var sleep_t = 3000;
var now_quering = false;
var recursive_func = function(url) {
if(current_action > max_action) {
$vote_article_list.append( $('<div>Done!</div>') );
vl_has_queried = true;
return ;
} else {
$.get(url, function(data) {
var $data = $(data);
var p_btns = $data.find('a.btn.wide');
var prev_page_url = $(p_btns[1]).attr('href');
var title_list = $data.find('div.r-ent > div.title > a');
var first_date = $data.find('div.r-ent > div.meta >');
if( $.trim(first_date.html()) == "5/08" ) {
// no more articles...
$vote_article_list.append( $('<div>Done!</div>') );
vl_has_queried = true;
return ;
} else {
//console.log(prev_page_url, title_list);
$.each(title_list, function(k, v) {
var title = $(v).html();
var split_with_re = title.split('Re:');
if(split_with_re.length == 1) {
// not Re:
var title_tag = '';
try {
title_tag = title.split('[')[1].split(']')[0];
} catch(e) {
if(title_tag == "推投") {
$vote_article_list.append( $('<div>').append($(v).attr('target', '_blank')) );
window.setTimeout(function() { recursive_func(prev_page_url); }, sleep_t);
$ {
if(vl_has_queried || now_quering) {
return ;
} else {
now_quering = true;
window.setTimeout(function() { recursive_func(init_query_url); }, sleep_t);
})(window, document);
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