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Last active October 24, 2017 06:32
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Angular2 + RxJS: Call refresh token api to get a new access token and then automatically retry the previous http request with the new access token
export interface RebuildRequest {
type: string;
args: {
path: string;
body?: string;
opt: RequestOptions;
// a http request method
get(): Observable<any> {
// build your headers and url here
return this.processObs(
this.http.get(path, opt),
type: 'get',
args: { path, opt }
* Post-Process on Observable object
* @private
* @param {Observable<any>} obv
* @param {object} obj
* @returns {Observable<any>}
* @memberof ApiService
private processObs(obv: Observable<any>, obj: object): Observable<any> {
return obv
.catch((err: Response) => this.errorHandler.refreshToken(err, obj)) // catch your 401 Unauthorized error
.map((res) => { // receives the original request's response
const data = res.json();
return data ? : data || {};
.catch(this.errorHandler.processApiError.bind(this.errorHandler)); // catch original or retried request's non-401 errors
* Call refresh token api to get and store the new access token,
* then return it as an observable back to the original stream
* @param {Response} err
* @param {{ type: string, args: { path: string, body?: string, opt: RequestOptions } }} obj
* @returns
* @memberof ErrorHandlerService
refreshToken(err: Response, obj: RebuildRequest) {
if (err.status === 401) {
// construct your new request here
// call refresh token api and return the new access token
return this.sessionService.renewAccessToken()
.switchMap((newToken) => { // switch to your new request observable
// set with the new access token
obj.args.opt.headers.set('Authorization', 'bearer ' + newToken)
return this.http[obj.type](...Object.values(obj.args));
} else {
// throw other kind of errors to be caught by the second
// catch method in the processObs method.
return Observable.throw(err);
// handle your non-401 errors here
processApiError(response: Response) {
if (response.status === 500) {
// do stuff
return Observable.throw(response.statusText);
} else if (response.status >= 400 && response.status < 500) {
// do stuff
return Observable.throw(response.error_message)
} else {
// do stuff
return Observable.throw('Unknown Error');
renewAccessToken(): Observable<any> {
// if no refresh token is found in session storage,
// clean up and route to login page
if (!this.refreshToken) {
return Observable.throw('No Refresh Token');
// construct the refresh token query parameter
const queries = new URLSearchParams();
queries.append('refreshToken', this.refreshToken);
const options = new RequestOptions({ params: queries });
// call the refresh token api
return this.http.get(
environment.apiUrl + OAuth.token,
).map((response) => {
// set the new access token and refresh token
this.token = response.json()['data'].access_token;
this.refreshToken = response.json()['data'].refresh_token;
return this.token;
}).catch((err) => {
// clear session and redirect to login if failed to get refresh token
return Observable.throw(err);
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