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Created February 16, 2019 22:30
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Mazes to solve
0 = wall
1 = cleared path
2 = start point
3 = end point
// bi-dimensional maze
var maze01 = [ // solvable
var maze02 = [ // uncomplete info
var maze03 = [ // unsolvable
// tri-dimensional maze
var maze04 = [
* Goes through any-dimensional array representation of maze recursively untill finds "end point" (starting in "start point") or fails to do so ...
* @param {Array} maze - Maze to be solved
* @param {Object} definitions - currently only has one definition which is maxRunSize (= maximun number of steps given in maze)
* @returns {Array[]} Array with all available steps to complete the maze!
* @returns {null} If no maze, start point or end point given!
function solveMaze( maze, { maxRunSize = 100 } = {} ){
// check if the maze is given
if( !maze ) return null ; // this is needed !!!
// method to count start points and end points (give them according to dimension, so this can be used in unlimited dimensions)
const mazePoints = ( maze, depth = 0, index = -1 ) => {
let startPoints = [] ;
let endPoints = [] ;
if( Array.isArray( maze ) ){
for( let i=0 ; i<maze.length ; i++ ){
let curr = maze[i];
let mazePointsObj = mazePoints( curr, depth+1, i );
startPoints.push( p => {
if( index != -1 ) p[ "dim"+depth ] = index ;
return p ;
} ) );
endPoints.push( p => {
if( index != -1 ) p[ "dim"+depth ] = index ;
return p ;
} ) );
} else {
let newPoint = {};
newPoint[ "dim" + depth ] = index ;
if( maze == 2 ) startPoints.push( newPoint );
if( maze == 3 ) endPoints.push( newPoint );
return {
startPoints : startPoints ,
endPoints : endPoints
// checks if position already visited
const bIsVisited = ( arrVisited, pos ) => {
return arrVisited.filter( p => {
let bVisited = true ;
for( let currDim in pos ){
if( pos[currDim] != p[currDim] ){
bVisited = false ;
if( bVisited ) return p;
} ).length != 0 ;
// recursive implementation of maze solving
const findMazePath = ( maze, currPos, maxDepth = 100, arrVisited = [] ) => {
let arrPaths = [];
let bSuccess = false ;
if( maxDepth > 0 && !bIsVisited( arrVisited, currPos ) ){
// this point is marked as visited ...
arrVisited.push( currPos );
let currValue = maze ;
let currDimension = 0 ; // dimension count starts at one !
do {
currDimension++ ;
currValue = currValue[ currPos["dim"+currDimension] ];
} while( Array.isArray( currValue ) );
if( typeof currValue == "number" ){
switch( currValue ){
case 1 : // it's a path
case 2 : // it's a start point
// keep going ...
// goes through all dimensions possible navigations (back & forward)
for( let currDim in currPos ){
for( let currDir of [-1,1] ){ // -1 = back, 1 = forward
let nextPos = Object.assign( {}, currPos );
nextPos[ currDim ] += currDir ;
let nextPosResult = findMazePath( maze, nextPos, maxDepth-1, [].concat( arrVisited ) );
if( nextPosResult.bSuccess ){
bSuccess = true ;
for( let currPath of nextPosResult.arrPaths ){
let newDirection = {};
newDirection[ currDim ] = currDir ;
currPath.unshift( newDirection );
arrPaths.push( currPath );
break ;
case 3 : // it's a end point
bSuccess = true ;
arrPaths.push([0]); // So it can build the path array
break ;
case 0 : // it's a wall
default : // isn't valid path
// do nothing !
break ;
return {
arrPaths : arrPaths,
bSuccess : bSuccess
// check if maze has start/end points
let allMazePoints = mazePoints( maze );
if( allMazePoints.startPoints.length != 1 && allMazePoints.endPoints.length < 1 ) return null ;
let solution = findMazePath( maze, allMazePoints.startPoints[0], maxRunSize );
return solution ;
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