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Created December 4, 2012 16:04
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Instapaper xAuth API for client side JS
# # Instapaper API Class
# Instapaper xAuth API for client side JS. Depends on cross-domain requests.
# Reference: <>
# xAuth documentation from Twitter: <>
# With help from <>
# - - -
class Instapaper
# Always uses HTTPS
baseUrl: ""
# Application keys for this application
consumer_key: 'SECRET'
consumer_secret: 'TOPSECRET'
# ## Class Methods
# ### Creates Nonce
# > "The oauth_nonce parameter is a unique token your application should
# generate for each unique request. Twitter will use this value to determine
# whether a request has been submitted multiple times."
# > <>
generateNonce: ->
nonce = []
length = 5 # arbitrary - looks like a good length
while length > 0
nonce.push (((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000) | 0).toString(16).substring(1)
nonce.join ""
# UTC timestamp.
getUTCtimestamp: ->
(new Date((new Date).toUTCString())).getTime() / 1000
# ### Creates 'header string' for 'Authorization' in HTTP header
# cf. <>
authTemplate: (req) ->
auth = """OAuth oauth_consumer_key="#{fixedEncodeURIComponent req.consumer_key}", """
if req.token?
auth += """oauth_token="#{fixedEncodeURIComponent req.token}", """
auth += """oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_signature="#{fixedEncodeURIComponent req.signature}", oauth_timestamp="#{fixedEncodeURIComponent req.timestamp}", oauth_nonce="#{fixedEncodeURIComponent req.nonce}", oauth_version="1.0"
return auth
# ### Creates 'Signature base string'
# cf. <>
sigBaseTemplate: (req) ->
params =
oauth_consumer_key: req.consumer_key
oauth_nonce: req.nonce
oauth_signature_method: 'HMAC-SHA1'
oauth_timestamp: req.timestamp
oauth_version: '1.0'
if req.token?
params.oauth_token = req.token
params = $.extend params,
# Params string: sort object by key, then make querystring
param_helper = []
for i in Object.keys(params).sort()
param_helper.push "#{fixedEncodeURIComponent i}=#{fixedEncodeURIComponent params[i]}"
param_string = param_helper.join '&'
sig = "POST&#{ fixedEncodeURIComponent @baseUrl+req.url }&#{ fixedEncodeURIComponent param_string }"
return sig
# ## General Methods
makeSigningKey: ->
key = @consumer_secret + '&'
key += @token_secret if @token_secret?
return key
# ### Create Signature for `authTemplate()`
# Depends on HMAC-SHA1 from <>
makeSignature: (req) ->
hmacGen = new jsSHA(@sigBaseTemplate(req), "TEXT")
hmacGen.getHMAC(@makeSigningKey(), "TEXT", "SHA-1", "B64")
# ### Creates `req`, an object with data specific for each request
makeRequestObject: (options) ->
req = $.extend {
consumer_key: @consumer_key
consumer_secret: @consumer_secret
nonce: @generateNonce()
timestamp: @getUTCtimestamp()
token: @token
token_secret: @token_secret
method: 'POST'
}, options
# Add signature, depends on req data so far
req.signature = @makeSignature(req)
# Creates new Ajax request
# Always uses POST
request: (options) ->
req = options.req ||= @makeRequestObject(url: options.url, data:
auth = @authTemplate(options.req)
url: "#{@baseUrl}#{options.url}",
dataType: do -> options.dataType || "json"
type: 'POST'
Authorization: auth
# ## Specific API Methods
# ### Gets an OAuth access token for a user.
# * Requires username and password
# * Also needs HTTPS
requestToken: (user, password) ->
unless user? and password?
throw 'Please provide username and password.'
@user = user
url = "oauth/access_token"
data =
x_auth_username: user
x_auth_password: password
x_auth_mode: "client_auth"
# Make Ajax request
tokening = @request
url: url
req: @makeRequestObject(url: url, data: data)
data: data
dataType: 'text'
# Sucessful response looks like:
# `oauth_token=aabbccdd&oauth_token_secret=efgh1234`
tokening.done (response) =>
# Uses `jline2object` (see below) to retrieve data from query string
data = qline2object(response)
# Save oauth tokens to instance variables
@token = data.oauth_token
@token_secret = data.oauth_token_secret
# Please can for a failure case yourself!
# ` (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) => ...`
return tokening
# ### Returns the currently logged in user.
# `[{"type":"user","user_id":54321,"username":"TestUserOMGLOL"}]`
verifyCredentials: ->
url: "account/verify_credentials"
# Example method
# I won't add all the API stuff here, just do something like:
# insta = new Instapaper()
# insta.requestToken(username, password)
# insta.request(url: "bookmarks/list")
bookmarkList: ->
url: "bookmarks/list"
module?.exports = Instapaper
# - - -
# Helper function to transform querystring/qline to JS object
# Insanely fast: <>
qline2object = (query="") ->
result = {}
parts = query.split("&")
for item in parts
item = item.split("=")
result[item[0]] = item[1]
# native encodeURIComponent isn't sufficient here
# from <>
fixedEncodeURIComponent = (str) ->
.replace(/!/g, '%21')
.replace(/'/g, '%27')
.replace(/\(/g, '%28')
.replace(/\)/g, '%29')
.replace(/\*/g, '%2A')
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Thanks for this. Saved a few hours of digging around to figure out the exact implementation used by I.


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