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  • Save killercup/7546703 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save killercup/7546703 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. <-- Moved to full repo! Angular Model Collection Service.
# # Model Module
# Represent data like a boss.
angular.module('EpicModel', [
.provider "Collection", ->
# # Collection Factory
# Create your own collection by injecting this service and executing it
# like your life depended on it.
# When I'm done with it, it should work like the example.
# (Currently, it works like ` 'People', {is_singleton: true}`.)
# @example
angular.module('ShittyModule', ['Model'])
.factory "ShittyAPI", (Collection) ->
People: 'People', {url: '/people/:id'},
calculateStuff: (input) -> 42
method: 'POST'
url: '/people/:id/befriend'
method: 'DELETE'
url: '/people/:id/unfriend'
.controller "ShittyCtrl", ($scope, ShittyAPI) ->
$scope.list = ShittyAPI.People.all()
# ## Global Config
# Just inject le `CollectionProvider` and set some globals.
# @example
angular.module('app', ['EpicModel'])
.config (CollectionProvider) ->
globalConfig =
baseUrl: ''
# ### Set Base URL
# @param {String} url The new base URL
# @return {String} The new base URL
# @throws {Error} When no URL is given
@setBaseUrl = (url='') ->
throw new Error "No URL given." unless url?
globalConfig.baseUrl = url
# - - -
# The service factory function
@$get = ($q, $http) ->
# ## Constructor
# Create a new Collection.
# @param {String} name The unique name of the new collection.
# @param {Object} [config] Configuration and settings
# @param {String} [config.url] Resource URL
# @param {String} [config.baseUrl] Overwrite base URL
# @param {Bool} [config.is_singleton] Whether resource returns an object
# @param {Object} [] Storage implementation, e.g.
# `CollectionLocalStorage` (see below)
# @param {Function} []
# @param {Function} []
# @param {Function} []
# @param {Function} [config.transformRequest=`_.identity`] Takes the
# _request_ `data` and a hint like 'array', 'one', 'save', 'destroy'
# and returns the transformed `data`. *NYI*
# @param {Function} [config.transformResponse=`_.identity`] Takes the
# _response_ `data` and a hint like 'array', 'one', 'save', 'destroy'
# and returns the transformed `data`.
# @param {Function} [config.matchingCriteria] Takes data object and returns
# matching criteria. Default: `(data) -> id:`
# @param {Object} [extras] Various extras or overwrites
# @return {Object} The collection
# @throws {Error} When no name is given
# @example 'User', {
url: '/user' # also set implicitly from name
is_singleton: true # Expect single object instead of array
storage: myStorage # see below
}, {
something: (id) -> 42
specials: # this is NYI
method: 'PATCH'
payout: true
constructor = (name, config={}, extras={}) ->
# This will be returned.
exports = {}
# ### Options
throw new Error "No name given!" unless name?
config.url ||= '/' + name.toLowerCase()
config.baseUrl ||= globalConfig.baseUrl
IS_SINGLETON = !!config.is_singleton
config.transformRequest ||= _.identity
config.transformResponse ||= _.identity
config.matchingCriteria ||= (data) -> id:
# #### Storage Implementation
# Use key/value store to persist data.
# Key schema: "{collection name}.{all|data}"
# Use any implementation that has these methods:
# - `setItem(String key, value)`
# - `getItem(String key)`
# - `removeItem(String key)`
# @example
myStorage =
getItem: (key) ->
value = window.localStorage.getItem(key)
value && JSON.parse(value)
setItem: (key, value) ->
window.localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value))
removeItem: (key) ->
window.localStorage.removeItem(key) 'People', {storage: myStorage} # uses localStorage now
store = do ->
exports = {}
impl = or {}
_.each ['setItem', 'getItem', 'removeItem'], (method) ->
exports[method] = if _.isFunction impl[method]
else angular.noop
# ### In Memory Data
# The Single Source of Truth
# @private
Data = {}
if IS_SINGLETON # Is single Model
_data =
data: store.getItem("#{name}.data") || {}
# @method Replace Singleton Data
# @param {Object} data New data
# @return {Object} The complete data representation
Data.replace = (data) -> = _.extend(, data)
return _data
else # is Model[]
_data =
all: store.getItem("#{name}.all") || []
# @method Replace Complete Collection Data
# @param {Array} data New data
# @return {Object} The complete data representation
Data.replace = (data) ->
_data.all.splice(0, data.length)
[].push.apply(_data.all, data)
store.setItem("#{name}.all", _data.all)
return _data
# @method Update Single Entry from Collection
# @param {Object} data New data
# @param {Object} criteria Used to find entry
# @return {Object} The complete data representation
Data.updateEntry = (data, criteria) ->
hit = _.findWhere(_data.all, criteria)
if hit?
# update existing entry
hit = _.extend(hit, data)
# add existing entry (on top of list)
store.setItem("#{name}.all", _data.all)
return _data
# @method Remove Single Entry from Collection
# @param {Object} criteria Used to find entry
# @return {Bool} Whether removal was
Data.removeEntry = (criteria) ->
hit = _.findWhere(_data.all, criteria)
if hit?
delete _data.all[_data.all.indexOf(hit)]
store.removeItem("#{name}.all", _data.all)
return hit?
# @debug = _data
# ### HTTP Requests and Stuff
# #### Retrieve List
# Gotta catch 'em all!
# @return {Object} Promise of HTTP data
exports.fetchAll = ->
.then ({status, data}) ->
unless _.isArray(data)
console.warn "#{name} Model", "API Respsonse was", data
throw new Error "#{name} Model: Expected array, got #{typeof data}"
data = config.transformResponse(data, 'array')
# replace array items with new data
return $q.when(arguments[0])
# #### Retrieve Singleton
# @return {Object} Promise of HTTP data
exports.fetch = ->
.then ({status, data}) ->
unless _.isObject(data)
console.warn "#{name} Model", "API Respsonse was", data
throw new Error "#{name} Model: Expected object, got #{typeof data}"
data = config.transformResponse(data, 'one')
return $q.when(arguments[0])
# #### Retrieve One
# This also updates the internal data collection, of course.
# @param {String} id The ID of the element to fetch.
# @return {Object} Promise of HTTP data
# @todo Customize ID query
exports.fetchOne = (query) ->
.then ({status, data}) ->
unless _.isObject(data)
console.warn "#{name} Model", "API Respsonse was", data
throw new Error "Expected object, got #{typeof data}"
data = config.transformResponse(data, 'one')
Data.updateEntry data, config.matchingCriteria(data)
return data
# #### Destroy some Entry
# Untested. (Really.)
# @param {String} id The ID of the element to fetch.
# @return {Promise} Whether destruction was successful
# @todo Customize ID query
exports.destroy = (query) ->
.then ({status, data}) ->
data = config.transformResponse(data, 'destroy')
return $q.when Data.removeEntry data, config.matchingCriteria(data)
# #### Save an Entry
# Untested. (Really.)
# @param {Object} entry The entry to be saved.
# @return {Promise} Resolved with new entry or rejected with HTTP error
# @todo Customize ID query
### = (entry) ->
if !IS_SINGLETON && !entry?.id?
return $q.reject "#{name} Model: Need ID to save entry."
_url = "#{config.baseUrl}#{config.url}"
_url += "/#{}" unless IS_SINGLETON
console.log 'saving', config.baseUrl, config.url,
$, JSON.stringify(entry))
.then ({status, data}) ->
data = config.transformResponse(data, 'save')
return $q.when Data.replace(data)
return $q.when Data.updateEntry data, config.matchingCriteria(data)
# - - -
# ### Generic Getters
# #### Get Collection
# @return {Object} With keys `all` and `$promise`
exports.all = ->
local = {}
local.$promise = exports.fetch() =
local.$promise = exports.fetchAll()
local.all = _data.all
return local
# #### Query Collection
# @param {Object} query Query the collection á la `{name: "Jim"}`
# @return {Array} Objects matching the query.
exports.where = (query) ->
_.where(_data.all, query)
# #### Get Single Collection Entry
# @param {Object} query The query that will be used in `matchingCriteria`
# @return {Object} With keys `data` and `$promise`
# @todo Customize ID query
exports.get = (query) ->
local = {} = _.findWhere _data.all, config.matchingCriteria(query)
local.$promise = exports.fetchOne(query)
.then (data) -> = data
return local
# ### Mixin Extras
_.each extras, (val, key) ->
if _.isFunction(val)
exports[key] = val.bind(config)
# NYI: {method: 'GET', url: '/extra'}
# else if _.isObject(val) then ...
# - - -
return new: constructor
.factory "CollectionLocalStorage", ->
# ## Storage Wrapper for LocalStorage
return unless window.localStorage?
return {
# ### Get Item
# @param {String} key
# @return {Any}
getItem: (key) ->
value = window.localStorage.getItem(key)
value && JSON.parse(value)
# ### Set Item
# @param {String} key
# @param {Any} value
# @return {Any}
setItem: (key, value) ->
window.localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value))
# ### Remove Item
# @param {String} key
removeItem: (key) ->
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