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Created February 24, 2016 12:51
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var HmacSHA1 = require('crypto-js/hmac-sha1')
var _ = require('lodash')
var crypto = require('crypto')
function addHMAC(data, api_secret) {
data['hmac_fields'] = ""
var hmac_fields = _.keys(data).sort()
data['hmac_fields'] = hmac_fields.join(',')
var dataString = ''
for (var i = 0; i < hmac_fields.length; i++) {
dataString += hmac_fields[i] + '=' + data[hmac_fields[i]]
if (i < hmac_fields.length - 1)
dataString += "&"
data['hmac'] = HmacSHA1(dataString, api_secret).toString()
return data
function addNonceAndTimestamp (data) {
data['nonce'] = crypto.randomBytes(8).toString('hex')
data['timestamp'] = Math.floor( / 1000).toString()
return data
function buildData() {
var api_secret = "xxx"
var data = {
api_username: "yyy",
account_id: "EUR3D1",
callback_url: "",
customer_url: "",
amount: "12.34",
order_reference: "31337",
user_ip: "",
transaction_type: "charge"
data = addNonceAndTimestamp(data)
data = addHMAC(data, api_secret)
return data
exports.buildData = buildData
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Here's a code snippet which builds data for the payment API:

It can be executed using node after installing libraries it needs:

$ node 
> require('./everypay').buildData()
{ api_username: 'yyy',
  account_id: 'EUR3D1',
  hmac: '5e2e399ea3af0900850a0306ac0d5d28a9b77280' }

The task is to implement a REST service which will receive amount and order_reference from caller and return JSON data.

Parameters needed to build data (api_username, api_secret, account_id, callback_url, customer_url, transaction_type) should be taken from a separate config.json file which the service should read at start.

Service should automatically determine user_ip as IP address of the caller.

We recommend to use Express framework but it's not a hard requirement.

Bonus points for adding CORS support so this service can be called from any browser. Bonus points for curl command to test the service.

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