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Created January 25, 2016 18:26
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{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies #-}
module CoreTypes (
Record, Transaction, Block,
get_key, tx_dependencies, apply_tx, validate_block_header,
) where
class Ord k => Record r k | r -> k where
get_key :: r -> k
class Record rt kt => Transaction tx rt kt | tx -> rt, rt -> kt where
tx_dependencies :: Record rt kt => tx -> [kt]
apply_tx :: Record rt kt => tx -> (kt -> Maybe rt) -> Either String [rt]
class Block b cs tx | b -> tx, b -> cs where
validate_block_header :: b -> cs -> Either String cs
block_transactions :: b -> [tx]
class BlockChainState bcs bt rt cs | bcs -> bt, bcs -> rt, bt -> cs where
init_blockchain_state :: cs -> [rt] -> bcs
apply_block :: bcs -> bt -> Either String (bcs, [rt])
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