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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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Save killnine/35a26264b2ead577e045 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
DialogBehavior for MahApps.Metro MessageBox
public class DialogBehavior : Behavior<MetroWindow>
public MetroWindow Window { get; set; }
protected override void OnAttached()
Window = base.AssociatedObject;
//Here you'd use Caliburn's EventBus or whatever...
Messenger.Default.Register<DialogMessageAction<string>>(this, DialogMessageToken.InputDialog, DisplayInputDialog);
Messenger.Default.Register<NotificationMessage>(this, DialogMessageToken.ErrorDialog, DisplayErrorDialog);
Messenger.Default.Register<DialogMessageAction<string>>(this, DialogMessageToken.ProgressDialog, async action => await DisplayProgressDialog(action));
private void DisplayInputDialog(DialogMessageAction<string> m)
Window.ShowInputAsync(m.DialogTitle, m.Notification, new MetroDialogSettings{ DefaultText = m.DefaultMessage }).ContinueWith(result =>
if (result.Result == null) //user cancelled
private async Task DisplayProgressDialog(DialogMessageAction<string> m)
var controller = await Window.ShowProgressAsync(m.DialogTitle, m.Notification);
await TaskEx.Delay(5000);
double i = 0.0;
while (i < 6.0)
double val = ((double)(i/100.0))*20.0;
controller.SetMessage("Completing Task..." + (val*100) + " percent complete.");
i += 1.0;
await TaskEx.Delay(2000);
await controller.CloseAsync();
private void DisplayErrorDialog(NotificationMessage m)
Window.ShowMessageAsync("Error", m.Notification).ContinueWith(result => { });
protected override void OnDetaching()
public class DialogMessageAction<T> : NotificationMessageWithCallback
public string DialogTitle { get; set; }
public string DefaultMessage { get; set; }
public DialogMessageAction(string notification, string dialogTitle, string defaultMessage, Action<T> callback) : base(notification, callback)
DialogTitle = dialogTitle;
DefaultMessage = defaultMessage;
<!-- Then just add this to your ModernWindow -->
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