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Last active February 25, 2022 13:52
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Fix for WSL2 localhost access issue


$hostname = "wsl"

# find ip of eth0
$ifconfig = (wsl -- ip -4 addr show eth0)
$ipPattern = "((\d+\.?){4})"
$ip = ([regex]"inet $ipPattern").Match($ifconfig).Groups[1].Value
if (-not $ip) {
Write-Host $ip

$hostsPath = "$env:windir/system32/drivers/etc/hosts"

$hosts = (Get-Content -Path $hostsPath -Raw -ErrorAction Ignore)
if ($null -eq $hosts) {
    $hosts = ""
$hosts = $hosts.Trim()

# update or add wsl ip
$find = "$ipPattern\s+$hostname"
$entry = "$ip $hostname"

if ($hosts -match $find) {
    $hosts = $hosts -replace $find, $entry
else {
    $hosts = "$hosts`n$entry".Trim()

try {
    $temp = "$"
    New-Item -Path $temp -ItemType File -Force | Out-Null
    Set-Content -Path $temp $hosts

    Move-Item -Path $temp -Destination $hostsPath -Force
catch {
    Write-Error "cannot update wsl ip"
Localhost redirection often fails for some reason, such as when PC sleeps and wakes up, and localhost access to Linux services does not work anymore.
To fix this, there is a PowerShell script that gets the IP address of WSL instance, then creates or updates an entry in hosts file. This lets us access WSL by a hostname like wsl instead of localhost.
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