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Last active August 8, 2022 12:42
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  • Save killshot13/fb97d3e6236ac4be0e6cfe632e42e63b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save killshot13/fb97d3e6236ac4be0e6cfe632e42e63b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
GitLens VSCode settings.json
// Specifies whether to copy full or abbreviated commit SHAs to the clipboard. Abbreviates to the length of `gitlens.advanced.abbreviatedShaLength`.
"gitlens.advanced.abbreviateShaOnCopy": true,
// Specifies the length of abbreviated commit SHAs
"gitlens.advanced.abbreviatedShaLength": 7,
// Specifies additional arguments to pass to the `git blame` command
"gitlens.advanced.blame.customArguments": null,
// Specifies the time (in milliseconds) to wait before re-blaming an unsaved document after an edit. Use 0 to specify an infinite wait
"gitlens.advanced.blame.delayAfterEdit": 60000,
// Specifies whether git output will be cached — changing the default is not recommended
"gitlens.advanced.caching.enabled": true,
"gitlens.advanced.commitOrdering": "date",
// Specifies an optional external diff tool to use when comparing files. Must be a configured [Git difftool](
"gitlens.advanced.externalDiffTool": null,
// Specifies an optional external diff tool to use when comparing directories. Must be a configured [Git difftool](
"gitlens.advanced.externalDirectoryDiffTool": null,
// Specifies whether file histories will follow renames — will affect how merge commits are shown in histories
"gitlens.advanced.fileHistoryFollowsRenames": false,
// Specifies whether file histories will show commits from all branches
"gitlens.advanced.fileHistoryShowAllBranches": false,
// Specifies the maximum number of items to show in a list. Use 0 to specify no maximum
"gitlens.advanced.maxListItems": 200,
// Specifies the maximum number of items to show in a search. Use 0 to specify no maximum
"gitlens.advanced.maxSearchItems": 200,
// Specifies which messages should be suppressed
"gitlens.advanced.messages": {
"suppressGitMissingWarning": true
// Specifies whether to dismiss quick pick menus when focus is lost (if not, press `ESC` to dismiss)
"gitlens.advanced.quickPick.closeOnFocusOut": true,
// Specifies how many folders deep to search for repositories
"gitlens.advanced.repositorySearchDepth": 1,
// Specifies the amount (percent) of similarity a deleted and added file pair must have to be considered a rename
"gitlens.advanced.similarityThreshold": null,
// Specifies autolinks to external resources in commit messages. Use `<num>` as the variable for the reference number
"gitlens.autolinks": null,
// Specifies whether to show avatar images in the gutter blame annotations
"gitlens.blame.avatars": true,
// Specifies whether to compact (deduplicate) matching adjacent gutter blame annotations
"gitlens.blame.compact": true,
// Specifies how to format absolute dates (e.g. using the `${date}` token) in gutter blame annotations. See the [Moment.js docs]( for valid formats
"gitlens.blame.dateFormat": null,
// Specifies the format of the gutter blame annotations. See [_Commit Tokens_]( in the GitLens docs. Date formatting is controlled by the `gitlens.blame.dateFormat` setting
"gitlens.blame.format": "${message|50?} ${agoOrDate|14-}",
// Specifies whether to provide a heatmap indicator in the gutter blame annotations
"gitlens.blame.heatmap.enabled": true,
// Specifies where the heatmap indicators will be shown in the gutter blame annotations
// - left: Adds a heatmap indicator on the left edge of the gutter blame annotations
// - right: Adds a heatmap indicator on the right edge of the gutter blame annotations
"gitlens.blame.heatmap.location": "right",
// Specifies whether to highlight lines associated with the current line
"gitlens.blame.highlight.enabled": true,
// Specifies where the associated line highlights will be shown
"gitlens.blame.highlight.locations": [
// Specifies whether to ignore whitespace when comparing revisions during blame operations
"gitlens.blame.ignoreWhitespace": false,
// Specifies whether gutter blame annotations will be separated by a small gap
"gitlens.blame.separateLines": true,
// Specifies how the gutter blame annotations will be toggled
// - file: Toggles each file individually
// - window: Toggles the window, i.e. all files at once
"gitlens.blame.toggleMode": "file",
// Specifies where the indicators of the gutter changes annotations will be shown
"gitlens.changes.locations": [
// Specifies how the gutter changes annotations will be toggled
// - file: Toggles each file individually
// - window: Toggles the window, i.e. all files at once
"gitlens.changes.toggleMode": "file",
// Specifies the command to be executed when an _authors_ code lens is clicked
"gitlens.codeLens.authors.command": "gitlens.toggleFileBlame",
// Specifies whether to provide an _authors_ code lens, showing number of authors of the file or code block and the most prominent author (if there is more than one)
"gitlens.codeLens.authors.enabled": true,
"gitlens.codeLens.enabled": true,
// Specifies whether to provide any Git code lens on symbols that span only a single line
"gitlens.codeLens.includeSingleLineSymbols": false,
// Specifies the command to be executed when a _recent change_ code lens is clicked
"gitlens.codeLens.recentChange.command": "gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails",
// Specifies whether to provide a _recent change_ code lens, showing the author and date of the most recent commit for the file or code block
"gitlens.codeLens.recentChange.enabled": true,
// Specifies where Git code lens will be shown in the document
"gitlens.codeLens.scopes": [
// Specifies a set of document symbols where Git code lens will or will not be shown in the document. Prefix with `!` to avoid providing a Git code lens for the symbol. Must be a member of `SymbolKind`
"gitlens.codeLens.symbolScopes": [],
// Specifies how to format absolute dates (e.g. using the `${date}` token) for the current line blame annotation. See the [Moment.js docs]( for valid formats
"gitlens.currentLine.dateFormat": null,
"gitlens.currentLine.enabled": true,
// Specifies the format of the current line blame annotation. See [_Commit Tokens_]( in the GitLens docs. Date formatting is controlled by the `gitlens.currentLine.dateFormat` setting
"gitlens.currentLine.format": "${author, }${agoOrDate}${' via 'pullRequest}${ • message|50?}",
// Specifies whether to provide information about the Pull Request (if any) that introduced the commit in the current line blame annotation. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub)
"gitlens.currentLine.pullRequests.enabled": true,
// Specifies whether the current line blame annotation can be scrolled into view when it is outside the viewport. **NOTE**: Setting this to `false` will inhibit the hovers from showing over the annotation; Set `gitlens.hovers.currentLine.over` to `line` to enable the hovers to show anywhere over the line.
"gitlens.currentLine.scrollable": true,
// Specifies debug mode
"gitlens.debug": false,
// Specifies how absolute dates will be formatted by default. See the [Moment.js docs]( for valid formats
"gitlens.defaultDateFormat": null,
// Specifies how short absolute dates will be formatted by default. See the [Moment.js docs]( for valid formats
"gitlens.defaultDateShortFormat": null,
// Specifies whether commit dates should use the authored or committed date
// - authored: Uses the date when the changes were authored (i.e. originally written)
// - committed: Uses the date when the changes were committed
"gitlens.defaultDateSource": "authored",
// Specifies how dates will be displayed by default
// - relative: e.g. 1 day ago
// - absolute: e.g. July 25th, 2018 7:18pm
"gitlens.defaultDateStyle": "relative",
// Specifies the style of the gravatar default (fallback) images
// - identicon: A geometric pattern
// - mp: A simple, cartoon-style silhouetted outline of a person (does not vary by email hash)
// - monsterid: A monster with different colors, faces, etc
// - retro: 8-bit arcade-style pixelated faces
// - robohash: A robot with different colors, faces, etc
// - wavatar: A face with differing features and backgrounds
"gitlens.defaultGravatarsStyle": "robohash",
// Specifies how times will be formatted by default. See the [Moment.js docs]( for valid formats
"gitlens.defaultTimeFormat": null,
// Specifies whether the file annotations button in the editor title shows a menu or immediately toggles the specified file annotations
// - null: Shows a menu to choose which file annotations to toggle
// - blame: Toggles gutter blame annotations
// - heatmap: Toggles gutter heatmap annotations
// - changes: Toggles gutter changes annotations
"gitlens.fileAnnotations.command": null,
// Specifies whether to dismiss the _Git Command Palette_ when focus is lost (if not, press `ESC` to dismiss)
"gitlens.gitCommands.closeOnFocusOut": true,
// Specifies whether to match all or any commit message search patterns
"": false,
// Specifies whether to match commit search patterns with or without regard to casing
"": false,
// Specifies whether to match commit search patterns using regular expressions
"": true,
// Specifies whether to show the commit search results directly in the quick pick menu, in the Side Bar, or will be based on the context
"": null,
"gitlens.gitCommands.skipConfirmations": [
// Specifies how Git commands are sorted in the _Git Command Palette_
// - name: Sorts commands by name
// - usage: Sorts commands by last used date
"gitlens.gitCommands.sortBy": "usage",
// Specifies the age of the most recent change (in days) after which the gutter heatmap annotations will be cold rather than hot (i.e. will use `gitlens.heatmap.coldColor#` instead of `#gitlens.heatmap.hotColor`)
"gitlens.heatmap.ageThreshold": 90,
// Specifies the base color of the gutter heatmap annotations when the most recent change is older (cold) than the `gitlens.heatmap.ageThreshold` value
"gitlens.heatmap.coldColor": "#0A60F6",
// Specifies the base color of the gutter heatmap annotations when the most recent change is newer (hot) than the `gitlens.heatmap.ageThreshold` value
"gitlens.heatmap.hotColor": "#F66A0A",
// Specifies where the indicators of the gutter heatmap annotations will be shown
"gitlens.heatmap.locations": [
// Specifies how the gutter heatmap annotations will be toggled
// - file: Toggles each file individually
// - window: Toggles the window, i.e. all files at once
"gitlens.heatmap.toggleMode": "file",
// Specifies whether to provide a _changes (diff)_ hover for all lines when showing blame annotations
"gitlens.hovers.annotations.changes": true,
// Specifies whether to provide a _commit details_ hover for all lines when showing blame annotations
"gitlens.hovers.annotations.details": true,
// Specifies whether to provide any hovers when showing blame annotations
"gitlens.hovers.annotations.enabled": true,
// Specifies when to trigger hovers when showing blame annotations
// - annotation: Only shown when hovering over the line annotation
// - line: Shown when hovering anywhere over the line
"gitlens.hovers.annotations.over": "line",
// Specifies whether to automatically link external resources in commit messages
"gitlens.hovers.autolinks.enabled": true,
// Specifies whether to lookup additional details about automatically link external resources in commit messages. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub)
"gitlens.hovers.autolinks.enhanced": true,
// Specifies the size of the avatar images in hovers
"gitlens.hovers.avatarSize": 32,
// Specifies whether to show avatar images in hovers
"gitlens.hovers.avatars": true,
// Specifies whether to show just the changes to the line or the set of related changes in the _changes (diff)_ hover
// - line: Shows only the changes to the line
// - hunk: Shows the set of related changes
"gitlens.hovers.changesDiff": "line",
// Specifies whether to provide a _changes (diff)_ hover for the current line
"gitlens.hovers.currentLine.changes": true,
// Specifies whether to provide a _commit details_ hover for the current line
"gitlens.hovers.currentLine.details": true,
// Specifies whether to provide any hovers for the current line
"gitlens.hovers.currentLine.enabled": true,
// Specifies when to trigger hovers for the current line
// - annotation: Only shown when hovering over the line annotation
// - line: Shown when hovering anywhere over the line
"gitlens.hovers.currentLine.over": "annotation",
// Specifies the format (in markdown) of the _commit details_ hover. See [_Commit Tokens_]( in the GitLens docs
"gitlens.hovers.detailsMarkdownFormat": "${avatar} &nbsp;__${author}__, ${ago}${' via 'pullRequest} &nbsp; _(${date})_ \n\n${message}\n\n${commands}",
// Specifies whether to provide any hovers
"gitlens.hovers.enabled": true,
// Specifies whether to provide information about the Pull Request (if any) that introduced the commit in the hovers. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub)
"gitlens.hovers.pullRequests.enabled": true,
// Specifies whether to enable rich integrations with any supported remote services
"gitlens.integrations.enabled": true,
// Specifies the keymap to use for GitLens shortcut keys
// - alternate: Adds an alternate set of shortcut keys that start with `Alt` (⌥ on macOS)
// - chorded: Adds a chorded set of shortcut keys that start with `Ctrl+Alt+G` (`⌥⌘G` on macOS)
// - none: No shortcut keys will be added
"gitlens.keymap": "chorded",
// Specifies whether to allow guest access to GitLens features when using Visual Studio Live Share
"gitlens.liveshare.allowGuestAccess": true,
// Specifies which commands will be added to which menus
"gitlens.menus": {
"editor": {
"blame": false,
"clipboard": true,
"compare": true,
"history": false,
"remote": false
"editorGroup": {
"blame": true,
"compare": true
"editorTab": {
"clipboard": true,
"compare": true,
"history": true,
"remote": true
"explorer": {
"clipboard": true,
"compare": true,
"history": true,
"remote": true
"scm": {
"authors": true
"scmGroup": {
"compare": true,
"openClose": true,
"stash": true
"scmGroupInline": {
"stash": true
"scmItem": {
"clipboard": true,
"compare": true,
"history": true,
"remote": false,
"stash": true
// Specifies the active GitLens mode alignment in the status bar
// - left: Aligns to the left
// - right: Aligns to the right
"gitlens.mode.statusBar.alignment": "right",
// Specifies the user-defined GitLens modes
"gitlens.modes": {
"review": {
"codeLens": true,
"currentLine": true,
"description": "for reviewing code, enables many visual features",
"hovers": true,
"name": "Review",
"statusBarItemName": "Reviewing"
"zen": {
"codeLens": false,
"currentLine": false,
"description": "for a zen-like experience, disables many visual features",
"hovers": false,
"name": "Zen",
"statusBar": false,
"statusBarItemName": "Zen"
// Specifies how much (if any) output will be sent to the GitLens output channel
// - silent: Logs nothing
// - errors: Logs only errors
// - verbose: Logs all errors, warnings, and messages
// - debug: Logs all errors, warnings, and messages with extra context useful for debugging
"gitlens.outputLevel": "errors",
// Specifies the configuration of a partner integration
"": null,
// Specifies user-defined remote (code-hosting) services or custom domains for built-in remote services
"gitlens.remotes": null,
// Specifies whether to show the Welcome (Quick Setup) experience on first install
"gitlens.showWelcomeOnInstall": true,
// Specifies whether to show the What's New notification after upgrading to new feature releases
"gitlens.showWhatsNewAfterUpgrades": true,
// Specifies how branches are sorted in quick pick menus and views
// - name:asc: Sorts branches by name in ascending order
// - name:desc: Sorts branches by name in descending order
// - date:desc: Sorts branches by the most recent commit date in descending order
// - date:asc: Sorts branches by the most recent commit date in ascending order
"gitlens.sortBranchesBy": "name:asc",
// Specifies how tags are sorted in quick pick menus and views
// - name:asc: Sorts tags by name in ascending order
// - name:desc: Sorts tags by name in descending order
// - date:desc: Sorts tags by date in descending order
// - date:asc: Sorts tags by date in ascending order
"gitlens.sortTagsBy": "date:desc",
// Specifies the blame alignment in the status bar
// - left: Aligns to the left
// - right: Aligns to the right
"gitlens.statusBar.alignment": "right",
// Specifies the command to be executed when the blame status bar item is clicked
// - gitlens.toggleFileBlame: Toggles file blame annotations
// - gitlens.diffWithPrevious: Compares the current line commit with the previous
// - gitlens.diffWithWorking: Compares the current line commit with the working tree
// - gitlens.toggleCodeLens: Toggles Git code lens
// - gitlens.revealCommitInView: Reveals the commit in the Side Bar
// - gitlens.showCommitsInView: Searches for the commit
// - gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails: Shows a commit details quick pick
// - gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails: Shows a commit file details quick pick
// - gitlens.showQuickFileHistory: Shows a file history quick pick
// - gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory: Shows a branch history quick pick
"gitlens.statusBar.command": "gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails",
// Specifies how to format absolute dates (e.g. using the `${date}` token) in the blame information in the status bar. See the [Moment.js docs]( for valid formats
"gitlens.statusBar.dateFormat": null,
// Specifies whether to provide blame information in the status bar
"gitlens.statusBar.enabled": false,
// Specifies the format of the blame information in the status bar. See [_Commit Tokens_]( in the GitLens docs. Date formatting is controlled by the `gitlens.statusBar.dateFormat` setting
"gitlens.statusBar.format": "${author}, ${agoOrDate}${' via 'pullRequest}",
// Specifies whether to provide information about the Pull Request (if any) that introduced the commit in the status bar. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub)
"gitlens.statusBar.pullRequests.enabled": true,
// Specifies whether to avoid clearing the previous blame information when changing lines to reduce status bar "flashing"
"gitlens.statusBar.reduceFlicker": true,
// Specifies the string to be shown in place of the _authors_ code lens when there are unsaved changes
"gitlens.strings.codeLens.unsavedChanges.authorsOnly": "$(ellipsis)",
// Specifies the string to be shown in place of both the _recent change_ and _authors_ code lens when there are unsaved changes
"gitlens.strings.codeLens.unsavedChanges.recentChangeAndAuthors": "$(ellipsis)",
// Specifies the string to be shown in place of the _recent change_ code lens when there are unsaved changes
"gitlens.strings.codeLens.unsavedChanges.recentChangeOnly": "$(ellipsis)",
// Specifies whether to enable terminal links &mdash; autolinks in the integrated terminal to quickly jump to more details for commits, branches, tags, and more
"gitlens.terminalLinks.enabled": true,
// Specifies whether to show avatar images instead of commit (or status) icons in the _Branches_ view
"gitlens.views.branches.avatars": true,
// Specifies whether to compact (flatten) unnecessary file nesting in the _Branches_ view. Only applies when `gitlens.views.branches.files.layout` is set to `tree` or `auto`
"gitlens.views.branches.files.compact": true,
// Specifies how the _Branches_ view will display files
// - auto: Automatically switches between displaying files as a `tree` or `list` based on the `gitlens.views.branches.files.threshold` value and the number of files at each nesting level
// - list: Displays files as a list
// - tree: Displays files as a tree
"gitlens.views.branches.files.layout": "auto",
// Specifies when to switch between displaying files as a `tree` or `list` based on the number of files in a nesting level in the _Branches_ view. Only applies when `gitlens.views.branches.files.layout` is set to `auto`
"gitlens.views.branches.files.threshold": 5,
// Specifies whether to query for pull requests associated with branches and commits in the _Branches_ view. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub)
"gitlens.views.branches.pullRequests.enabled": true,
// Specifies whether to show pull requests (if any) associated with branches in the _Branches_ view. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub)
"gitlens.views.branches.pullRequests.showForBranches": true,
// Specifies whether to show pull requests (if any) associated with commits in the _Branches_ view. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub)
"gitlens.views.branches.pullRequests.showForCommits": true,
// Specifies whether to reveal branches in the _Branches_ view, otherwise they revealed in the _Repositories_ view
"gitlens.views.branches.reveal": true,
// Specifies whether to show a comparison of the branch with a user-selected reference (branch, tag. etc) in the _Branches_ view
"gitlens.views.branches.showBranchComparison": "branch",
// Specifies whether to show avatar images instead of commit (or status) icons in the _Commits_ view
"gitlens.views.commits.avatars": true,
// Specifies whether to compact (flatten) unnecessary file nesting in the _Commits_ view. Only applies when `gitlens.views.commits.files.layout` is set to `tree` or `auto`
"gitlens.views.commits.files.compact": true,
// Specifies how the _Commits_ view will display files
// - auto: Automatically switches between displaying files as a `tree` or `list` based on the `gitlens.views.commits.files.threshold` value and the number of files at each nesting level
// - list: Displays files as a list
// - tree: Displays files as a tree
"gitlens.views.commits.files.layout": "auto",
// Specifies when to switch between displaying files as a `tree` or `list` based on the number of files in a nesting level in the _Commits_ view. Only applies when `gitlens.views.commits.files.layout` is set to `auto`
"gitlens.views.commits.files.threshold": 5,
// Specifies whether to query for pull requests associated with the current branch and commits in the _Commits_ view. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub)
"gitlens.views.commits.pullRequests.enabled": true,
// Specifies whether to show pull requests (if any) associated with the current branch in the _Commits_ view. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub)
"gitlens.views.commits.pullRequests.showForBranches": true,
// Specifies whether to show pull requests (if any) associated with commits in the _Commits_ view. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub)
"gitlens.views.commits.pullRequests.showForCommits": true,
// Specifies whether to reveal commits in the _Commits_ view, otherwise they revealed in the _Repositories_ view
"gitlens.views.commits.reveal": true,
// Specifies whether to show a comparison of the current branch or the working tree with a user-selected reference (branch, tag. etc) in the _Commits_ view
"gitlens.views.commits.showBranchComparison": "working",
// Specifies whether to show avatar images instead of commit (or status) icons in the _Contributors_ view
"gitlens.views.contributors.avatars": true,
// Specifies whether to compact (flatten) unnecessary file nesting in the _Contributors_ view. Only applies when `gitlens.views.contributors.files.layout` is set to `tree` or `auto`
"gitlens.views.contributors.files.compact": true,
// Specifies how the _Contributors_ view will display files
// - auto: Automatically switches between displaying files as a `tree` or `list` based on the `gitlens.views.contributors.files.threshold` value and the number of files at each nesting level
// - list: Displays files as a list
// - tree: Displays files as a tree
"gitlens.views.contributors.files.layout": "auto",
// Specifies when to switch between displaying files as a `tree` or `list` based on the number of files in a nesting level in the _Contributors_ view. Only applies when `gitlens.views.contributors.files.layout` is set to `auto`
"gitlens.views.contributors.files.threshold": 5,
// Specifies whether to query for pull requests associated with branches and commits in the _Contributors_ view. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub)
"gitlens.views.contributors.pullRequests.enabled": true,
// Specifies whether to show pull requests (if any) associated with commits in the _Contributors_ view. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub)
"gitlens.views.contributors.pullRequests.showForCommits": true,
// Specifies the default number of items to show in a view list. Use 0 to specify no limit
"gitlens.views.defaultItemLimit": 10,
// Specifies whether to show avatar images instead of status icons in the _File History_ view
"gitlens.views.fileHistory.avatars": true,
// Specifies the description format of commits in the views. See [_Commit Tokens_]( in the GitLens docs
"gitlens.views.formats.commits.description": "${author, }${agoOrDate}",
// Specifies the format of commits in the views. See [_Commit Tokens_]( in the GitLens docs
"gitlens.views.formats.commits.label": "${❰ tips ❱➤ }${message}",
// Specifies the description format of a file in the views. See [_File Tokens_]( in the GitLens docs
"gitlens.views.formats.files.description": "${directory}${ ← originalPath}",
// Specifies the format of a file in the views. See [_File Tokens_]( in the GitLens docs
"gitlens.views.formats.files.label": "${working }${file}",
// Specifies the description format of stashes in the views. See [_Commit Tokens_]( in the GitLens docs
"gitlens.views.formats.stashes.description": "${agoOrDate}",
// Specifies the format of stashes in the views. See [_Commit Tokens_]( in the GitLens docs
"gitlens.views.formats.stashes.label": "${message}",
// Specifies whether to show avatar images instead of status icons in the _Line History_ view
"gitlens.views.lineHistory.avatars": true,
// Specifies the number of items to show in a each page when paginating a view list. Use 0 to specify no limit
"gitlens.views.pageItemLimit": 40,
// Specifies whether to show avatar images instead of commit (or status) icons in the _Remotes_ view
"gitlens.views.remotes.avatars": true,
// Specifies how the _Remotes_ view will display branches
// - list: Displays branches as a list
// - tree: Displays branches as a tree when branch names contain slashes `/`
"gitlens.views.remotes.branches.layout": "tree",
// Specifies whether to compact (flatten) unnecessary file nesting in the _Remotes_ view. Only applies when `gitlens.views.remotes.files.layout` is set to `tree` or `auto`
"gitlens.views.remotes.files.compact": true,
// Specifies how the _Remotes_ view will display files
// - auto: Automatically switches between displaying files as a `tree` or `list` based on the `gitlens.views.remotes.files.threshold` value and the number of files at each nesting level
// - list: Displays files as a list
// - tree: Displays files as a tree
"gitlens.views.remotes.files.layout": "auto",
// Specifies when to switch between displaying files as a `tree` or `list` based on the number of files in a nesting level in the _Remotes_ view. Only applies when `gitlens.views.remotes.files.layout` is set to `auto`
"gitlens.views.remotes.files.threshold": 5,
// Specifies whether to query for pull requests associated with branches and commits in the _Remotes_ view. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub)
"gitlens.views.remotes.pullRequests.enabled": true,
// Specifies whether to show pull requests (if any) associated with branches in the _Remotes_ view. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub)
"gitlens.views.remotes.pullRequests.showForBranches": true,
// Specifies whether to show pull requests (if any) associated with commits in the _Remotes_ view. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub)
"gitlens.views.remotes.pullRequests.showForCommits": true,
// Specifies whether to reveal remotes in the _Remotes_ view, otherwise they revealed in the _Repositories_ view
"gitlens.views.remotes.reveal": true,
// Specifies whether to automatically refresh the _Repositories_ view when the repository or the file system changes
"gitlens.views.repositories.autoRefresh": true,
// Specifies whether to automatically reveal repositories in the _Repositories_ view when opening files
"gitlens.views.repositories.autoReveal": true,
// Specifies whether to show avatar images instead of commit (or status) icons in the _Repositories_ view
"gitlens.views.repositories.avatars": true,
// Specifies how the _Repositories_ view will display branches
// - list: Displays branches as a list
// - tree: Displays branches as a tree when branch names contain slashes `/`
"gitlens.views.repositories.branches.layout": "tree",
// Specifies whether to show a comparison of the branch with a user-selected reference (branch, tag. etc) under each branch in the _Repositories_ view
"gitlens.views.repositories.branches.showBranchComparison": "branch",
// Specifies whether to show the _Repositories_ view in a compact display density
"gitlens.views.repositories.compact": false,
// Specifies whether to compact (flatten) unnecessary file nesting in the _Repositories_ view. Only applies when `gitlens.views.repositories.files.layout` is set to `tree` or `auto`
"gitlens.views.repositories.files.compact": true,
// Specifies how the _Repositories_ view will display files
// - auto: Automatically switches between displaying files as a `tree` or `list` based on the `gitlens.views.repositories.files.threshold` value and the number of files at each nesting level
// - list: Displays files as a list
// - tree: Displays files as a tree
"gitlens.views.repositories.files.layout": "auto",
// Specifies when to switch between displaying files as a `tree` or `list` based on the number of files in a nesting level in the _Repositories_ view. Only applies when `gitlens.views.repositories.files.layout` is set to `auto`
"gitlens.views.repositories.files.threshold": 5,
// Specifies whether to include working tree file status for each repository in the _Repositories_ view
"gitlens.views.repositories.includeWorkingTree": false,
// Specifies whether to query for pull requests associated with branches and commits in the _Repositories_ view. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub)
"gitlens.views.repositories.pullRequests.enabled": true,
// Specifies whether to show pull requests (if any) associated with branches in the _Repositories_ view. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub)
"gitlens.views.repositories.pullRequests.showForBranches": true,
// Specifies whether to show pull requests (if any) associated with commits in the _Repositories_ view. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub)
"gitlens.views.repositories.pullRequests.showForCommits": true,
// Specifies whether to show a comparison of the current branch or the working tree with a user-selected reference (branch, tag. etc) in the _Repositories_ view
"gitlens.views.repositories.showBranchComparison": "working",
// Specifies whether to show the branches for each repository in the _Repositories_ view
"gitlens.views.repositories.showBranches": true,
// Specifies whether to show the commits on the current branch for each repository in the _Repositories_ view
"gitlens.views.repositories.showCommits": true,
// Specifies whether to show the contributors for each repository in the _Repositories_ view
"gitlens.views.repositories.showContributors": true,
// Specifies whether to show the experimental incoming activity for each repository in the _Repositories_ view
"gitlens.views.repositories.showIncomingActivity": false,
// Specifies whether to show the remotes for each repository in the _Repositories_ view
"gitlens.views.repositories.showRemotes": true,
// Specifies whether to show the stashes for each repository in the _Repositories_ view
"gitlens.views.repositories.showStashes": true,
// Specifies whether to show the tags for each repository in the _Repositories_ view
"gitlens.views.repositories.showTags": true,
// Specifies whether to show the upstream status of the current branch for each repository in the _Repositories_ view
"gitlens.views.repositories.showUpstreamStatus": true,
// Specifies whether to show avatar images instead of commit (or status) icons in the _Search & Compare_ view
"gitlens.views.searchAndCompare.avatars": true,
// Specifies whether to compact (flatten) unnecessary file nesting in the _Search & Compare_ view. Only applies when `gitlens.views.searchAndCompare.files.layout` is set to `tree` or `auto`
"gitlens.views.searchAndCompare.files.compact": true,
// Specifies how the _Search & Compare_ view will display files
// - auto: Automatically switches between displaying files as a `tree` or `list` based on the `gitlens.views.searchAndCompare.files.threshold` value and the number of files at each nesting level
// - list: Displays files as a list
// - tree: Displays files as a tree
"gitlens.views.searchAndCompare.files.layout": "auto",
// Specifies when to switch between displaying files as a `tree` or `list` based on the number of files in a nesting level in the _Search & Compare_ view. Only applies when `gitlens.views.searchAndCompare.files.layout` is set to `auto`
"gitlens.views.searchAndCompare.files.threshold": 5,
// Specifies whether to query for pull requests associated with commits in the _Search & Compare_ view. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub)
"gitlens.views.searchAndCompare.pullRequests.enabled": true,
// Specifies whether to show pull requests (if any) associated with commits in the _Search & Compare_ view. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub)
"gitlens.views.searchAndCompare.pullRequests.showForCommits": true,
// Specifies whether to show relative date markers (_Less than a week ago_, _Over a week ago_, _Over a month ago_, etc) on revision (commit) histories in the views
"gitlens.views.showRelativeDateMarkers": true,
// Specifies whether to compact (flatten) unnecessary file nesting in the _Stashes_ view. Only applies when `gitlens.views.stashes.files.layout` is set to `tree` or `auto`
"gitlens.views.stashes.files.compact": true,
// Specifies how the _Stashes_ view will display files
// - auto: Automatically switches between displaying files as a `tree` or `list` based on the `gitlens.views.stashes.files.threshold` value and the number of files at each nesting level
// - list: Displays files as a list
// - tree: Displays files as a tree
"gitlens.views.stashes.files.layout": "auto",
// Specifies when to switch between displaying files as a `tree` or `list` based on the number of files in a nesting level in the _Stashes_ view. Only applies when `gitlens.views.stashes.files.layout` is set to `auto`
"gitlens.views.stashes.files.threshold": 5,
// Specifies whether to reveal stashes in the _Stashes_ view, otherwise they revealed in the _Repositories_ view
"gitlens.views.stashes.reveal": true,
// Specifies whether to show avatar images instead of commit (or status) icons in the _Tags_ view
"gitlens.views.tags.avatars": true,
// Specifies whether to compact (flatten) unnecessary file nesting in the _Tags_ view. Only applies when `gitlens.views.tags.files.layout` is set to `tree` or `auto`
"gitlens.views.tags.files.compact": true,
// Specifies how the _Tags_ view will display files
// - auto: Automatically switches between displaying files as a `tree` or `list` based on the `gitlens.views.tags.files.threshold` value and the number of files at each nesting level
// - list: Displays files as a list
// - tree: Displays files as a tree
"gitlens.views.tags.files.layout": "auto",
// Specifies when to switch between displaying files as a `tree` or `list` based on the number of files in a nesting level in the _Tags_ view. Only applies when `gitlens.views.tags.files.layout` is set to `auto`
"gitlens.views.tags.files.threshold": 5,
// Specifies whether to reveal tags in the _Tags_ view, otherwise they revealed in the _Repositories_ view
"gitlens.views.tags.reveal": true
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