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Last active June 22, 2016 14:31
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import zlib
import struct
import sys
# 4 byte header
# crc32 uLong
# 0 1
# +---+---+
# +---+---+
# bits 0 to 3 CM Compression method
# bits 4 to 7 CINFO Compression info
def comp_data(data, cvalue=9):
Takes in a string and computes
the comp obj.
data = string wanting compression
cvalue = 0-9 comp value (default 6)
cdata = zlib.compress(data,cvalue)
return cdata
def crc32_data(data):
Takes in a string and computes crc32 value.
data = string before compression
HEX bytes of data
crc = zlib.crc32(data) & 0xFFFFFFFF
return crc
def build_header(data, crc):
Takes comp data, org crc32 value,
and adds self header.
data = comp data
crc = crc32 value
header = struct.pack("!I",crc)
built_data = header + data
return built_data
def dec_data(data):
Custom / standard header data
data = comp data with zlib header
dict with crc32 cheack and dec data string
ex. {"crc32" : true, "dec_data" : "-SNIP-"}
comp_crc32 = struct.unpack("!I", data[:4])[0]
dec_data = zlib.decompress(data[4:])
dec_crc32 = zlib.crc32(dec_data) & 0xFFFFFFFF
if comp_crc32 == dec_crc32:
crc32 = True
crc32 = False
return { "header_crc32" : comp_crc32, "dec_crc32" : dec_crc32, "crc32_check" : crc32, "data" : dec_data }
data = "Killswitch-GUI is a sick handle"
start_crc32 = crc32_data(data)
print "-Starting str: ", data
print "-un-compressed data size: ", str(sys.getsizeof(data))
print "-Start crc32 value: " + str(start_crc32)
comp_data = comp_data(data)
print "-Compression data size: " + str(sys.getsizeof(comp_data))
final_comp_data = build_header(comp_data, start_crc32)
print "-Compression data with CRC header built size: " + str(sys.getsizeof(final_comp_data))
print "-Starting decompress of data!"
dec_data = dec_data(final_comp_data)
print "-Final return data dict: ", dec_data
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