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Last active June 17, 2024 19:00
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import torch
from collections import defaultdict
from .utils import *
from transformers import pipeline
class GenderFaceFilter:
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {
'required': {
'faces': ('FACE',),
'gender': (['man', 'woman'],)
RETURN_NAMES = ('filtered', 'rest')
FUNCTION = 'run'
CATEGORY = 'facetools'
def run(self, faces, gender):
filtered = []
rest = []
pipe = pipeline('image-classification', model='dima806/man_woman_face_image_detection', device=0)
for face in faces:
_, im = face.crop(224, 1.2)
im = im.permute(0,3,1,2)[0]
im = tv.transforms.functional.resize(im, (224,224))
r = pipe(tv.transforms.functional.to_pil_image(im))
idx = np.argmax([i['score'] for i in r])
if r[idx]['label'] == gender:
return (filtered, rest)
class OrderedFaceFilter:
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {
'required': {
'faces': ('FACE',),
'criteria': (['area'],),
'order': (['descending', 'ascending'],),
'take_start': ('INT', {'default': 0, 'min': 0, 'step': 1}),
'take_count': ('INT', {'default': 1, 'min': 1, 'step': 1}),
RETURN_NAMES = ('filtered', 'rest')
FUNCTION = 'run'
CATEGORY = 'facetools'
def run(self, faces, criteria, order, take_start, take_count):
filtered = []
rest = []
funs = {
'area': lambda face: face.w * face.h
sorted_faces = sorted(faces, key=funs[criteria], reverse=order == 'descending')
filtered = sorted_faces[take_start:take_start+take_count]
rest = sorted_faces[:take_start] + sorted_faces[take_start+take_count:]
return (filtered, rest)
import time
class DetectFaces:
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {
'required': {
'image': ('IMAGE',),
'threshold': ('FLOAT', {'default': 0.5, 'min': 0.0, 'max': 1.0, 'step': 0.01}),
'min_size': ('INT', {'default': 64, 'max': 512, 'step': 8}),
'max_size': ('INT', {'default': 512, 'min': 512, 'step': 8}),
'optional': {
'mask': ('MASK',),
'scale_to_max_size': ("BOOLEAN", {'default': False})
RETURN_NAMES = ('faces', "image")
FUNCTION = 'run'
CATEGORY = 'facetools'
def run(self, image, threshold, min_size, max_size, mask=None, scale_to_max_size=False):
faces = []
is_downscaled = False
# Because of rounding issues we need this for both axes
# ATM there might still be a slight issue because of the rounding.
scale = 1
dImg = image
if scale_to_max_size:
print("Image shape", image.shape, image.dtype)
max_side = max(image.shape[1], image.shape[2])
scale = max_size / max_side
if scale < 1.0:
nh = round(image.shape[1] * scale)
nw = round(image.shape[2] * scale)
print("Scaling down image from %sx%s to %sx%s (%s) for detection" % (image.shape[1], image.shape[2], nh, nw, scale))
is_downscaled = True
delta = time.time()
dImg = dImg.permute(0,3,1,2)
dImg = tv.transforms.functional.resize(dImg, (nh, nw))
dImg = dImg.permute(0,2,3,1)
delta = time.time() - delta
print("[?] Downsizing took %s secs" % delta)
# TODO: also resize masks ?
masked = image
if mask is not None:
delta = time.time()
masked = image * tv.transforms.functional.resize(1-mask, image.shape[1:3])[..., None]
delta = time.time() - delta
print("[?] Apply mask took %s secs" % delta)
delta = time.time()
masked = (masked * 255).type(torch.uint8)
maskedD = (dImg * 255).type(torch.uint8) # TODO: optimize we probably don't need to mask both.. For sure not if we are not even downsizing
for i, _x in enumerate(zip(masked, maskedD)):
img, dImg = _x
unfiltered_faces = detect_faces(img, threshold, dImg, scale)
for face in unfiltered_faces:
a, b, c, d = face.bbox
h = abs(d-b)
w = abs(c-a)
# TODO: this should be an and anyway ? ATM this only checks for the shorter axis on max check ?
if ((is_downscaled or (h <= max_size or w <= max_size))) and (min_size <= h or min_size <= w):
face.image_idx = i
face.img = image[i]
print("Skip face %i with %ix%i" % (i, w, h))
delta = time.time() - delta
print("[?] Full detect face took %s secs" % delta)
return (faces, image)
class CropFaces:
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {
'required': {
'faces': ('FACE',),
'crop_size': ('INT', {'default': 512, 'min': 512, 'max': 1024, 'step': 128}),
'crop_factor': ('FLOAT', {'default': 1.5, 'min': 1.0, 'max': 3, 'step': 0.1}),
'mask_type': (mask_types,)
RETURN_NAMES = ('crops', 'masks', 'warps')
FUNCTION = 'run'
CATEGORY = 'facetools'
def run(self, faces, crop_size, crop_factor, mask_type):
if len(faces) == 0:
empty_crop = torch.zeros((1,512,512,3))
empty_mask = torch.zeros((1,512,512))
empty_warp = np.array([
], dtype=np.float32)
return (empty_crop, empty_mask, [empty_warp])
crops = []
masks = []
warps = []
for face in faces:
M, crop = face.crop(crop_size, crop_factor)
mask = mask_crop(face, M, crop, mask_type)
crops = torch.from_numpy(np.array(crops)).type(torch.float32)
masks = torch.from_numpy(np.array(masks)).type(torch.float32)
return (crops, masks, warps)
class WarpFaceBack:
FUNCTION = 'run'
CATEGORY = 'facetools'
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {
'required': {
'images': ('IMAGE',),
'face': ('FACE',),
'crop': ('IMAGE',),
'mask': ('MASK',),
'warp': ('WARP',),
'optional': {
'multi_images': ('BOOLEAN', {'default': False}),
def run(self, images, face, crop, mask, warp, multi_images=False):
groups = defaultdict(list)
for f,c,m,w in zip(face, crop, mask, warp):
print("Faceidx: ", f.image_idx)
def _exec(image, values):
#values = groups[i]
crop, mask, warp = list(zip(*[x[1:] for x in values]))
warped_masks = [cv2.warpAffine(single_mask.numpy(),
for single_warp, single_mask in zip(warp, mask)]
full_mask = np.add.reduce(warped_masks, axis=0)[...,None]
swapped = np.add.reduce([
) * single_mask[..., None]
for single_crop, single_mask, single_warp in zip(crop, warped_masks, warp)
], axis=0) / np.maximum(1, full_mask)
full_mask = np.minimum(1, full_mask)
result = (swapped + (1 - full_mask) * image.numpy())
result = torch.from_numpy(result)
return result
results = []
print("Warp back Images: ", images.shape)
for i, image in enumerate(images):
if i not in groups:
print("No face found on", i)
result = image
values = groups[i]
# TODO: atm batches as input are wonkey in this mode.
# Will return the sum of all found faces + "empty" images for now
for v in values:
result = _exec(image, (v,))
result = _exec(image, values)
results = torch.stack(results)
return (results, )
class MergeWarps:
FUNCTION = 'run'
CATEGORY = 'facetools'
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {
'required': {
'crop0': ('IMAGE',),
'mask0': ('MASK',),
'warp0': ('WARP',),
'crop1': ('IMAGE',),
'mask1': ('MASK',),
'warp1': ('WARP',),
def run(self, crop0, mask0, warp0, crop1, mask1, warp1):
crops = torch.vstack((crop0, crop1))
masks = torch.vstack((mask0, mask1))
warps = warp0 + warp1
return (crops, masks, warps)
class BiSeNetMask:
FUNCTION = 'run'
CATEGORY = 'facetools'
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {
'required': {
'crop': ('IMAGE',),
'skin': ('BOOLEAN', {'default': True}),
'left_brow': ('BOOLEAN', {'default': True}),
'right_brow': ('BOOLEAN', {'default': True}),
'left_eye': ('BOOLEAN', {'default': True}),
'right_eye': ('BOOLEAN', {'default': True}),
'eyeglasses': ('BOOLEAN', {'default': True}),
'left_ear': ('BOOLEAN', {'default': True}),
'right_ear': ('BOOLEAN', {'default': True}),
'earring': ('BOOLEAN', {'default': True}),
'nose': ('BOOLEAN', {'default': True}),
'mouth': ('BOOLEAN', {'default': True}),
'upper_lip': ('BOOLEAN', {'default': True}),
'lower_lip': ('BOOLEAN', {'default': True}),
'neck': ('BOOLEAN', {'default': False}),
'necklace': ('BOOLEAN', {'default': False}),
'cloth': ('BOOLEAN', {'default': False}),
'hair': ('BOOLEAN', {'default': False}),
'hat': ('BOOLEAN', {'default': False}),
def run(self, crop, skin, left_brow, right_brow, left_eye, right_eye, eyeglasses,
left_ear, right_ear, earring, nose, mouth, upper_lip, lower_lip,
neck, necklace, cloth, hair, hat):
masks = mask_BiSeNet(crop, skin, left_brow, right_brow, left_eye, right_eye, eyeglasses,
left_ear, right_ear, earring, nose, mouth, upper_lip, lower_lip,
neck, necklace, cloth, hair, hat)
return (masks, )
class JonathandinuMask:
FUNCTION = 'run'
CATEGORY = 'facetools'
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {
'required': {
'crop': ('IMAGE',),
'skin': ('BOOLEAN', {'default': True}),
'nose': ('BOOLEAN', {'default': True}),
'eyeglasses': ('BOOLEAN', {'default': False}),
'left_eye': ('BOOLEAN', {'default': True}),
'right_eye': ('BOOLEAN', {'default': True}),
'left_brow': ('BOOLEAN', {'default': True}),
'right_brow': ('BOOLEAN', {'default': True}),
'left_ear': ('BOOLEAN', {'default': True}),
'right_ear': ('BOOLEAN', {'default': True}),
'mouth': ('BOOLEAN', {'default': True}),
'upper_lip': ('BOOLEAN', {'default': True}),
'lower_lip': ('BOOLEAN', {'default': True}),
'hair': ('BOOLEAN', {'default': False}),
'hat': ('BOOLEAN', {'default': False}),
'earring': ('BOOLEAN', {'default': False}),
'necklace': ('BOOLEAN', {'default': False}),
'neck': ('BOOLEAN', {'default': False}),
'cloth': ('BOOLEAN', {'default': False}),
def run(self, crop, skin, nose, eyeglasses, left_eye, right_eye, left_brow, right_brow, left_ear, right_ear,
mouth, upper_lip, lower_lip, hair, hat, earring, necklace, neck, cloth):
masks = mask_jonathandinu(crop, skin, nose, eyeglasses, left_eye, right_eye, left_brow, right_brow, left_ear, right_ear,
mouth, upper_lip, lower_lip, hair, hat, earring, necklace, neck, cloth)
return (masks, )
'DetectFaces': DetectFaces,
'CropFaces': CropFaces,
'WarpFacesBack': WarpFaceBack,
'BiSeNetMask': BiSeNetMask,
'JonathandinuMask': JonathandinuMask,
'MergeWarps': MergeWarps,
'GenderFaceFilter': GenderFaceFilter,
'OrderedFaceFilter': OrderedFaceFilter,
'DetectFaces': 'DetectFaces',
'CropFaces': 'CropFaces',
'WarpFacesBack': 'Warp Faces Back',
'BiSeNetMask': 'BiSeNet Mask',
'JonathandinuMask': 'Jonathandinu Mask',
'MergeWarps': 'Merge Warps',
'GenderFaceFilter': 'Gender Face Filter',
'OrderedFaceFilter': 'Ordered Face Filter',
import os
import torch
import torchvision as tv
import numpy as np
import cv2
import mediapipe as mp
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
from folder_paths import models_dir
from .BiSeNet import BiSeNet
from ultralytics import YOLO
from onnxruntime import InferenceSession
from transformers import SegformerImageProcessor, SegformerForSemanticSegmentation
from skimage import transform as trans
arcface_dst = np.array(
[[38.2946, 51.6963], [73.5318, 51.5014], [56.0252, 71.7366],
[41.5493, 92.3655], [70.7299, 92.2041]],
def estimate_norm(lmk, image_size=112,mode='arcface'):
assert lmk.shape == (5, 2)
assert image_size%112==0 or image_size%128==0
if image_size%112==0:
ratio = float(image_size)/112.0
diff_x = 0
ratio = float(image_size)/128.0
diff_x = 8.0*ratio
dst = arcface_dst * ratio
dst[:,0] += diff_x
tform = trans.SimilarityTransform()
tform.estimate(lmk, dst)
M = tform.params[0:2, :]
return M
def pad_to_stride(image, stride=32):
h, w, _ = image.shape
pr = (stride - w % stride) % stride
pb = (stride - h % stride) % stride
padded_image = tv.transforms.transforms.F.pad(image.permute(2,0,1), (0, 0, pr, pb)).permute(1,2,0)
return padded_image
def resize(img, size):
h, w, _ = img.shape
s = max(h, w)
scale_factor = s / size
ph, pw = (s - h) // 2, (s - w) // 2
pad = tv.transforms.Pad((pw, ph))
resize = tv.transforms.Resize(size=(size, size), antialias=True)
img = resize(pad(img.permute(2,0,1))).permute(1,2,0)
return img, scale_factor, ph, pw
import torch
class Models:
def yolo(cls, img, threshold):
if '_yolo' not in cls.__dict__:
cls._yolo = YOLO(os.path.join(models_dir,'ultralytics','bbox',''))
print("YOLO:", cls._yolo.device, cls._yolo.device.type)
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
cls._yolo =
print("YOLO:", cls._yolo.device, cls._yolo.device.type)
dets = cls._yolo(img, conf=threshold)[0]
return dets
def lmk(cls, crop):
if '_lmk' not in cls.__dict__:
cls._lmk = InferenceSession(os.path.join(models_dir, 'landmarks', 'fan2_68_landmark.onnx'))
lmk =, {'input': crop})[0]
return lmk
def get_submatrix_with_padding(img, a, b, c, d):
pl = -min(a, 0)
pt = -min(b, 0)
pr = -min(img.shape[1] - c, 0)
pb = -min(img.shape[0] - d, 0)
a, b, c, d = max(a, 0), max(b, 0), min(c, img.shape[1]), min(d, img.shape[0])
submatrix = img[b:d, a:c].permute(2,0,1)
pad = tv.transforms.Pad((pl, pt, pr, pb))
submatrix = pad(submatrix).permute(1,2,0)
return submatrix
class Face:
def __init__(self, img, a, b, c, d, scale) -> None:
self.img = img
self.scale = scale
lmk = None
best_score = 0
i = 0
crop = get_submatrix_with_padding(self.img, a, b, c, d)
for curr_i in range(4):
rcrop, s, ph, pw = resize(crop.rot90(curr_i), 256)
rcrop = (rcrop[None] / 255).permute(0,3,1,2).type(torch.float32).numpy()
curr_lmk = Models.lmk(rcrop)
score = np.mean(curr_lmk[0,:,2])
if score > best_score:
best_score = score
lmk = curr_lmk
i = curr_i
self.bbox = (a,b,c,d)
self.confidence = best_score
self.kps = np.vstack([
]) * 4 * s
self.T2 = np.array([[1, 0, -a], [0, 1, -b], [0, 0, 1]])
rot = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((128*s,128*s), 90*i, 1)
self.R = np.vstack((rot, np.array((0,0,1))))
def crop(self, size, crop_factor):
S = np.array([[1/crop_factor, 0, 0], [0, 1/crop_factor, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
M = estimate_norm(self.kps, size)
N = M @ self.R @ self.T2
cx, cy = np.array((size/2, size/2, 1)) @ cv2.invertAffineTransform(M @ self.R @ self.T2).T
T3 = np.array([[1, 0, -cx], [0, 1, -cy], [0, 0, 1]])
T4 = np.array([[1, 0, cx], [0, 1, cy], [0, 0, 1]])
N = N @ T4 @ S @ T3
crop = cv2.warpAffine(self.img.numpy(), N, (size, size))
crop = torch.from_numpy(crop)[None]
return N, crop
import time
def detect_faces(img, threshold, dImg, scale):
img = pad_to_stride(img, stride=32)
#The padding is probably fucked now.. TODO
dImg = pad_to_stride(dImg, stride=32)
delta = time.time()
dets = Models.yolo((dImg[None] / 255).permute(0,3,1,2), threshold)
delta = time.time() - delta
print("[?] YOLO ran in %s" % delta)
boxes = (dets.boxes.xyxy.reshape(-1,2,2)).reshape(-1,4)
faces = []
delta = time.time()
for (a,b,c,d), box in zip(boxes.type(, dets.boxes):
cx, cy = (a+c)/2, (b+d)/2
r = np.sqrt((c-a)**2 + (d-b)**2) / 2
a,b,c,d = [int(x * (1.0/scale)) for x in (cx - r, cy - r, cx + r, cy + r)]
#a,b,c,d = [int(x * (1.0)) for x in (cx - r, cy - r, cx + r, cy + r)]
face = Face(img, a, b, c, d, scale)
delta = time.time() - delta
print("[?] Alignment took %s" % delta)
return faces
def get_face_mesh(crop: torch.Tensor):
with as face_mesh:
mesh = face_mesh.process(crop.mul(255).type(torch.uint8)[0].numpy())
_, h, w, _ = crop.shape
if mesh.multi_face_landmarks is not None:
all_pts = np.array([np.array([(w*l.x, h*l.y) for l in lmks.landmark]) for lmks in mesh.multi_face_landmarks], dtype=np.int32)
idx = np.argmin(np.abs(all_pts - np.array([w/2,h/2])).sum(axis=(1,2)))
points = all_pts[idx]
return points
return None
def mask_simple_square(face, M, crop):
# rotated bbox and size
h,w = crop.shape[1:3]
a,b,c,d = face.bbox
rect = np.array([
]) @ M.T
lx, ly = [int(x) for x in np.min(rect, axis=0)]
hx, hy = [int(x) for x in np.max(rect, axis=0)]
mask = np.zeros((h,w), dtype=np.float32)
mask = cv2.rectangle(mask, (lx,ly), (hx,hy), 1, -1)
mask = torch.from_numpy(mask)[None]
return mask
def mask_convex_hull(face, M, crop):
h,w = crop.shape[1:3]
points = get_face_mesh(crop)
if points is None: return mask_simple_square(face, M, crop)
hull = ConvexHull(points)
mask = np.zeros((h,w), dtype=np.int32)
cv2.fillPoly(mask, [points[hull.vertices,:]], color=1)
mask = mask.astype(np.float32)
mask = torch.from_numpy(mask[None])
return mask
def mask_BiSeNet(crop,
with torch.no_grad():
bisenet = BiSeNet(n_classes=19)
model_path = os.path.join(models_dir, 'bisenet', '79999_iter.pth')
crop_t = crop.permute(0,3,1,2).cuda().float()
segms_t = bisenet(crop_t)[0].argmax(1).float()
dic = {
'skin': 1,
'l_brow': 2,
'r_brow': 3,
'l_eye': 4,
'r_eye': 5,
'eye_g': 6,
'l_ear': 7,
'r_ear': 8,
'ear_r': 9,
'nose': 10,
'mouth': 11,
'u_lip': 12,
'l_lip': 13,
'neck': 14,
'neck_l': 15,
'cloth': 16,
'hair': 17,
'hat': 18,
keep = []
for k, v in locals().items():
if k in dic and v:
face_part_ids = torch.tensor(keep).cuda()
segms_t = torch.sum(segms_t.repeat(len(face_part_ids), 1,1,1) == face_part_ids[...,None,None,None], axis=0).float()
mask = segms_t.cpu()
return mask
def mask_jonathandinu(crop, skin=True, nose=True, eye_g=True, l_eye=True, r_eye=True, l_brow=True, r_brow=True,
l_ear=True, r_ear=True, mouth=True, u_lip=True, l_lip=True,
hair=False, hat=False, ear_r=False, neck_l=False, neck=False, cloth=False):
global jonathandinu_image_processor, jonathandinu_model
device = (
# Device for NVIDIA or AMD GPUs
if torch.cuda.is_available()
else "mps"
# Device for Apple Silicon (Metal Performance Shaders)
if torch.backends.mps.is_available()
else "cpu"
if 'jonathandinu_image_processor' not in globals():
jonathandinu_image_processor = SegformerImageProcessor.from_pretrained("jonathandinu/face-parsing")
jonathandinu_model = SegformerForSemanticSegmentation.from_pretrained("jonathandinu/face-parsing")
inputs = jonathandinu_image_processor(images=crop.mul(255).type(torch.uint8), return_tensors="pt").to(device)
with torch.no_grad():
outputs = jonathandinu_model(**inputs)
logits = outputs.logits # shape (batch_size, num_labels, ~height/4, ~width/4)
# resize output to match input image dimensions
upsampled_logits = tv.transforms.functional.resize(logits, crop.shape[1:3], antialias=True)
labels = upsampled_logits.argmax(dim=1)
ids = {
'skin': 1,
'nose': 2,
'eye_g': 3,
'l_eye': 4,
'r_eye': 5,
'l_brow': 6,
'r_brow': 7,
'l_ear': 8,
'r_ear': 9,
'mouth': 10,
'u_lip': 11,
'l_lip': 12,
'hair': 13,
'hat': 14,
'ear_r': 15,
'neck_l': 16,
'neck': 17,
'cloth': 18,
keep = []
for k, v in locals().items():
if k in ids and v:
face_part_ids = torch.tensor(keep).cuda()
mask = torch.sum(labels.repeat(len(face_part_ids), 1,1,1) == face_part_ids[...,None,None,None], axis=0).float().cpu()
return mask
mask_types = [
# 'clean BiSeNet',
mask_funs = {
'simple_square': mask_simple_square,
'convex_hull': mask_convex_hull,
'BiSeNet': lambda face, M, crop: mask_BiSeNet(crop),
'jonathandinu': lambda face, M, crop: mask_jonathandinu(crop),
# 'clean BiSeNet': mask_clean_BiSeNet,
def mask_crop(face, M, crop, mask_type):
mask = mask_funs[mask_type](face, M, crop)
return mask
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