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Created October 8, 2010 15:01
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;;; Last Update: 2010-10-09 00:01+09:00.
;;; Project Euler - Problem-55:
;;; Kim, Yi-Chul < >
(use srfi-1)
(use srfi-13)
(print (lychrel-counter 0 (iota 10000 1)))
(define (reverse-num n)
(number->string n))))
;;; Add a given number to its reversed number.
(define (add-rev n)
(+ n (reverse-num n)))
(define (palindromic-num? n)
(eqv? n (reverse-num n)))
(define (rec-palindromic? init n)
(let ((num init))
(cond [(> num 50) #f]
[(palindromic-num? n) #t]
[else (rec-palindromic? (+ num 1) (add-rev n))])))
(define (lychrel? n)
(not (rec-palindromic? 1 (add-rev n))))
(define (lychrel-counter init lis)
(let ((count init))
(if (null? lis)
(if (lychrel? (car lis))
(lychrel-counter (+ count 1) (cdr lis))
(lychrel-counter count (cdr lis))))))
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