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Last active July 7, 2020 16:45
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Applescript for Panic's Transmit to sync a remote directory to a local directory with the option set to delete orphaned items. Modified from original script found here:
tell application "Transmit"
with timeout of (240 * 60) seconds
tell application "Transmit"
-- Prevent interactive alerts from popping up during script execution
set SuppressAppleScriptAlerts to true
-- Set some variables to values to be used later in the script
set myFTPServer to item 1 of (favorites whose name is "YourFavoriteHere")
set pathToMainBackupDirectory to "/Volumes/Backups/Daily Backups/Tuesday"
set listOfSites to {""}
-- Start working with Transmit
-- Loop through the list of sites, change the remote and local browser path and sync
-- the remote site to the local site
repeat with a from 1 to length of listOfSites
set theCurrentSiteListItem to item a of listOfSites
tell current tab of (make new document at end)
-- Connect to the FTP Server
connect to myFTPServer
-- Change the path for the remote browser to correct path on the FTP server
change location of remote browser to path theCurrentSiteListItem
-- Change the path for the local browser to location of the backup
change location of local browser to path "/Volumes/Backups/Daily Backups/Tuesday" & theCurrentSiteListItem as string
-- Tell Transmit 5 to sychronize the remote location to the local location and delete orphans and follow symlinks
synchronize remote browser to local browser with delete orphaned items and follow symlinks
-- Close the remote browser window
close remote browser
end tell
end repeat
set SuppressAppleScriptAlerts to false
end tell
end timeout
end tell
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