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Created June 28, 2010 07:50
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Left4Dead2 - training.cfg
// training.cfg
// author: kimoto
//sm plugins refresh // reload source mod plugins, for plugin debug
// sm plugins unload plugin_name
// sm plugins load plugin_name
// hud_reloadscheme // for hud debug
sm plugins unload example
sm plugins load example
// for VGUI debug
// r_drawvgui "1"
// bind z "+vgui_drawtree"
// bind m "say !material_mode; bind f mat_crosshair; bind g mat_crosshair_explorer" // show material name of crosshair
// bind p "say !prop_mode; bind f prop_crosshair; bind g prop_crosshair_explorer" // show prop name of crosshair
// base
sv_cheats 1
sv_alltalk 1
//buddha 1
//sv_infinite_ammo 1
first_aid_kit_use_duration 0
first_aid_kit_max_heal 100
survivor_revive_duration 0
vs_max_team_switches 9999
sb_all_bot_game 1
cl_crosshair_dynamic 1
//survivor_revive_health 1
//director_no_death_check 1
// infected
z_vomit_interval "0.1" //boomer
z_spit_interval "0.1" //spitter
z_charge_interval "0.1" //charger
tongue_miss_delay "0.1" //smoker miss
tongue_hit_delay "2" //smoker success
z_jockey_ride_scan_interval "0.1" //jockey miss
z_leap_interval_post_ride "2" //jockey success
z_leap_interval_post_incap "4" //jockey down
z_tank_throw_interval "0.1" //tank iwa
z_tank_throw_fail_interval "0.1" //tank iwa
tongue_allow_voluntary_release "1" //right click release
sm_cvar z_ghost_delay_max "2" //spawn wait max time(use on dedicated server)
sm_cvar z_ghost_delay_min "2" //spawn wait min time(use on dedicated server)
z_fog_spawn "1" //ghost spawn
z_frustration "0" //no frustration
z_difficulty Impossible // = default Expert
// morimori items
director_adrenaline_density "100" //6.48
director_ammo_density "100" //6.48
director_defibrillator_density "100" //6.48
director_gas_can_density "100" //6.48
director_melee_weapon_density "100" //6.48
director_molotov_density "100" //6.48
director_oxygen_tank_density "100" //6.48
director_pain_pill_density "100" //6.48
director_pipe_bomb_density "100" //6.48
director_pistol_density "100" //4
director_propane_tank_density "100" //6.48
director_super_weapon_density "100" //6.48
director_upgradepack_density "100" //6.48
director_vomitjar_density "100" //6.48
director_item_cluster_range "500" //50
director_weapon_cluster_range "500" //100
director_must_create_all_scavenge_items 1
// z_spawn_safety_range 200 // infected spawn range
// NoTank
//versus_tank_chance_intro "0"
//versus_tank_chance_finale "0"
//versus_tank_chance_finale "0"
//versus_tank_chance "0"
// bindings
bind "F1" "toggle god;sb_give health;give health;sb_give ammo; give ammo"
bind "F2" "noclip;"
bind "MOUSE4" "noclip"
bind "PgUp" "sb_takecontrol"
bind "PgDn" "sb_takecontrol"
bind "HOME" "warp_all_survivors_here"
bind "END" "sb_all_heal"
bind "5" "z_spawn charger"
bind "6" "z_spawn hunter"
bind "7" "z_spawn jockey"
bind "8" "z_spawn smoker"
bind "9" "z_spawn spitter"
bind "0" "z_spawn boomer"
bind "-" "z_spawn witch";
bind "[" "z_spawn tank";
bind "\" "jointeam 3; z_spawn tank"
bind "h" "give_confogl_items; give health; sb_give health;"
bind "f" "warp_far_survivor_here; say warp survivor here"
bind "g" "nb_move_to_cursor; say bot's move to cursor"
bind "k" "kill"
bind "DEL" "ent_remove"
//bind "z" "toggle sb_move; say toggle survivor's move mode"
//bind "x" "toggle sb_dont_shoot; say toggle survivor's shoot mode"
bind "z" "+mouse_menu Give" // need my useful_vocalize.vpk
bind "x" "+mouse_menu ZSpawn" // need my useful_vocalize.vpk
//bind "c" "toggle sb_dont_bash; say toggle survivor's push mode"
bind "v" "t_maguro"
bind "p" "warp_all_survivors_here"
bind "b" "t_director"
bind "o" "say_team reset game convars; reset_gameconvars"
bind "n" "toggle nb_blind; say toggle infected bots nb_blind"
bind "j" "t_giveitem"
bind "INS" "say toggle any show mode;toggle inferno_debug;toggle upgrade_show_explosive_ammo_radius;toggle grenadelauncher_show_radius;toggle melee_show_swing;toggle sv_debug_player_use;toggle z_show_swings;toggle z_tank_rock_debug; toggle director_debug"
bind "HOME" "toggle director_debug"
bind "RALT" "sb_takecontrol_respawn" // kore renda surudakede all respawn
bind "ENTER" "remove_all"
bind "BACKSPACE" "remove_infected"
alias remove_infected "nb_delete_all infected; say nb_delete_all infected"
alias remove_all "nb_delete_all; say nb_delete_all"
bind "`" "sv_showhitboxes_cursor"
bind "l" "toggle_life"
bind "SCROLLLOCK" "sm_restartmap"
bind "CTRL" "+tps_camera"
bind "MOUSE5" "toggle director_debug_scavenge_items"
bind "ALT" "+chapter_selector"
bind "p" "say !checkpoint; checkpoint" // save current position / angle (kz_teleport.smx)
bind "o" "teleport_to_checkpoint" // revert last saved position / angle (kz_teleport.smx)
// toggle stop/start world timer
alias "stop_world_timer" "host_timescale 0.001; alias toggle_world_timer start_world_timer"
alias "start_world_timer" "host_timescale 0; alias toggle_world_timer stop_world_timer"
alias "toggle_world_timer" "stop_world_timer"
bind "NUMLOCK" "toggle_world_timer"
// scripts
// toggle maguro/normal survivor mode
alias normal_survivor "sb_move 1; sb_dont_shoot 0; sb_dont_bash 0; say normal survivor's mode"
alias maguro_survivor "sb_move 0; sb_dont_shoot 1; sb_dont_bash 0; say maguro survivor's mode"
alias "t_maguro" "t_maguro1"
alias "t_maguro1" "maguro_survivor; alias t_maguro t_maguro2"
alias "t_maguro2" "normal_survivor; alias t_maguro t_maguro1"
alias "t_giveitem" "t_giveitem1"
alias "t_giveitem1" "give_preset1; alias t_giveitem t_giveitem2"
alias "t_giveitem2" "give_preset2; alias t_giveitem t_giveitem3"
alias "t_giveitem3" "give_preset3; alias t_giveitem t_giveitem4"
alias "t_giveitem4" "give_preset4; alias t_giveitem t_giveitem5"
// heal all survivor
alias "sb_all_heal" "sb_give health; give health; say give health"
alias "give_preset1" "give upgradepack_incendiary;give upgradepack_explosive;give pipe_bomb;give vomitjar;give molotov"
alias "give_preset2" "give first_aid_kit;give defibrillator;give pain_pills;give adrenaline"
alias "give_preset3" "give grenade_launcher;give shotgun_spas;give sniper_military;give rifle_ak47"
alias "give_preset4" "give cricket_bat;give katana;give machete"
alias "give_items" "give health; give adrenaline; give defibrillator; give chainsow; give fireaxe; give machete; give pipe_bomb; give pain_pills; give sniper_military; give gascan; give vomitjar; give molotov; give first_aid_kit; give rifle_ak47; sb_give ammo;"
alias "give_confogl_items" "give health; give fireaxe; give pain_pills; give molotov; give shotgun_chrome; give hunting_rifle; give smg_silenced"
alias "give_shotguns" "give shotgun_chrome; give shotgun_spas; give autoshotgun; give pumpshotgun;"
alias "sb_takecontrol_respawn" "sb_takecontrol; sb_add; respawn"
alias "t_director" "t_director1"
alias "t_director1" "director_stop; say director stop; alias t_director t_director2"
alias "t_director2" "director_start; say director start; alias t_director t_director1"
// toggle tps mode(cheat camera)
alias "tps_camera.reset" "c_thirdpersonshoulderoffset 20; c_thirdpersonshoulderheight 200.0; c_thirdpersonshoulderdist 40; c_thirdpersonshoulderaimdist 120; cam_idealpitch 0; cam_idealyaw 0; cam_idealdist 150"
alias "tps_camera.zoom_in" "incrementvar c_thirdpersonshoulderheight 0 20000 -50"
alias "tps_camera.zoom_out" "incrementvar c_thirdpersonshoulderheight 0 20000 50"
alias "+tps_camera" "crosshair 0; thirdpersonshoulder; bind MWHEELUP tps_camera.zoom_in; bind MWHEELDOWN tps_camera.zoom_out"
alias "-tps_camera" "thirdpersonshoulder; crosshair 1; bind MWHEELUP +attack; bind MWHEELDOWN +attack;"
// auto healing script for practice (tank bhop or infected)
alias heal "heal1"
alias heal1 "alias heal heal2; give health; wait 100; heal;"
alias heal2 "alias heal heal1; give health; wait 100; heal;"
alias heal_none "alias heal none"
alias "healing_on" "alias heal heal1; heal"
alias "healing_off" "heal_none"
alias "t_healing" "t_healing_on"
alias "t_healing_on" "alias t_healing t_healing_off; say healing_on; healing_on;"
alias "t_healing_off" "alias t_healing t_healing_on; say healing_off; healing_off;"
bind "t" "t_healing"
heal_none; // default is disable
// map changer
// ALT + 1 -> 1: c1m1
// ALT + 1 -> 2: c1m2
// ALT + 2 -> 3: c2m3
// ALT + 5 -> 5: c5m5
alias c1m1 "changelevel c1m1_hotel"
alias c1m2 "changelevel c1m2_streets"
alias c1m3 "changelevel c1m3_mall"
alias c1m4 "changelevel c1m4_atrium"
alias c2m1 "changelevel c2m1_highway"
alias c2m2 "changelevel c2m2_fairgrounds"
alias c2m3 "changelevel c2m3_coaster"
alias c2m4 "changelevel c2m4_barns"
alias c2m5 "changelevel c2m5_concert"
alias c3m1 "changelevel c3m1_plankcountry"
alias c3m2 "changelevel c3m2_swamp"
alias c3m3 "changelevel c3m3_shantytown"
alias c3m4 "changelevel c3m4_plantation"
alias c4m1 "changelevel c4m1_milltown_a"
alias c4m2 "changelevel c4m2_sugarmill_a"
alias c4m3 "changelevel c4m3_sugarmill_b"
alias c4m4 "changelevel c4m4_milltown_b"
alias c4m5 "changelevel c4m5_milltown_escape"
alias c5m1 "changelevel c5m1_waterfront"
alias c5m2 "changelevel c5m2_park"
alias c5m3 "changelevel c5m3_cemetery"
alias c5m4 "changelevel c5m4_quarter"
alias c5m5 "changelevel c5m5_bridge"
alias c1 "say c1; bind 1 c1m1; bind 2 c1m2; bind 3 c1m3; bind 4 c1m4; bind 5 c1m5"
alias c2 "say c2; bind 1 c2m1; bind 2 c2m2; bind 3 c2m3; bind 4 c2m4; bind 5 c2m5"
alias c3 "say c3; bind 1 c3m1; bind 2 c3m2; bind 3 c3m3; bind 4 c3m4; bind 5 c3m5"
alias c4 "say c4; bind 1 c4m1; bind 2 c4m2; bind 3 c4m3; bind 4 c4m4; bind 5 c4m5"
alias c5 "say c5; bind 1 c5m1; bind 2 c5m2; bind 3 c5m3; bind 4 c5m4; bind 5 c5m5"
alias "chapter_selector_bind" "bind 1 c1; bind 2 c2; bind 3 c3; bind 4 c4; bind 5 c5;"
alias "chapter_selector_unbind" "exec training"
alias +chapter_selector "say !chapter_selector; chapter_selector_bind" // enable
alias -chapter_selector "chapter_selector_unbind" // disable
alias give_10pills "give pain_pills;give pain_pills;give pain_pills;give pain_pills;give pain_pills;give pain_pills;give pain_pills;give pain_pills;give pain_pills;"
alias give_many_pills "give_10pills;give_10pills;give_10pills;give_10pills;give_10pills;give_10pills;give_10pills;give_10pills;"
echo "[ training.cfg loaded ]"
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